The division of fields of knowledge into innumerable disciplines and subdisciplines has resulted in an extreme fragmentation of knowledge that prevents formulation of common underlying principles and processes. It has also fostered a growing abstraction and separation between knowledge and human beings. In 2007, MSS launched a new collaborative project entitled Human Science wiki in an attempt to identify common underlying processes and principles unifying the various fields of social sciences and humanities. Human Science is based on the premise that there is one fundamental science of humanity that transcends and unifies all the fields of social science and humanities. The same universal principles, processes and patterns govern and underlie human activity in different fields. The same principles and processes govern behavior and events at the level of the individual, family, organization, community, nation and the global community. It conceives of political, economic, social and historical phenomena as expressions of individual and social psychology, rather than self-existent fields governed by impersonal laws independent of human beings.

Papers | Human Science Portals | Human Science Projects
- Introduction to Human Science
- Methodology for Human Science
- Principles of Human Science
- Human Science and the Role of Sri Aurobindo
- Questions & Answers about Human Science
Human Science Portals
- Development – Social Evolution & Economy
- Personality – Psychology of Growth
- Prosperity – Personal Accomplishment
- Literature – Literature and Life
- Life – Character of Life in History & Literature
- Spirituality – Psychology of Evolution
- Management – Process of Growth in Business
Human Science Projects
- Pride and Prejudice – Reveals truths of life
- Living Values – Discover the power of values
- Life in Movies – Insights from cinema
- Jobs for All – An achievable goal
- The Secret – Truths the movie didn’t reveal
- Internet – First global organization
- Theory of Money – How to create it