Development Theory Homepage
The financial crisis in East Asia, the threatened collapse of the Russian economy and the extreme difficulties faced in accelerating growth in East Germany after reunification are all expressions of the inadequacy of current development theory to generate effective strategies in the post-Cold War world. Since 1975, the Society has been engaged in a major research project to formulate a comprehensive framework for understanding the process of development as it has occurred in different part of the world over the past few centuries.
Principles and Process of Development
In the mid-1970s, MSS began work on the formulation of an original theory of social development based on principles derived from the writings of Sri Aurobindo. The Society staff have made an extensive study of the development process as it has unfolded in India, USA, Europe and other countries. Since then, MSS has identified 32 basic laws and more than 1000 corollary principles of social development. It has described the various stages of the development process and applied this theoretical framework to analyze contemporary and historical events in different parts of the world.
The Society continued research on the process of social development, examining the historical process of development as expressed in technology, patterns of social organization, human settlements, political and commercial institutions from the advent of agriculture up to the modern age. The Society is in the process of compiling and publishing 1000 principles of social development. The Society has established an on-going collaboration with the World Academy of Art & Science
Theory of Social Development – Full Outline of the Theory in Brief by Ashok Natarajan

Great scientists dream of a final theory but grope about with facts that can only lead them away from any theory. No social scientist is able to dream of such a theory for the social sciences. Though it is a theory of social development as we present it, in truth this theory contains the whole basis of a final theory, not only for science, but for all knowledge. Science is knowledge.
Knowledge compartmentalized as knowledge of science and knowledge of economics is no knowledge. Knowledge knows no bounds. And this theory presents to the world that KNOWLEDGE.
The Society’s original work on Development Theory was endorsed by the International Commission on Peace and Food in its report entitled Uncommon Opportunities: Agenda for Peace and Equitable Development. In that report it acknowledged the need for formulation of a comprehensive theory of social development applicable to all fields of social life in all countries.
In July 1997, the research team conducted a meeting in Chennai with leading development experts including Sri C. Subramaniam, former union minister; Dr. Rajachelliah, Chairman of the Madras School of Economics; and Dr. M. Anantakrishnan, Vice Chancellor of Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education.
In January 1998, the Society presented a paper summarizing the theory at an international conference sponsored by the Western Economics Association of USA in Bangkok, Thailand.
In November 1998, the World Academy of Art & Science held a quinquennial General Assembly of its worldwide members in Vancouver, Canada. A special half day session chaired by WAAS President Harlan Cleveland was held at the assembly in which the Society presented an outline of the development theory and conducted an open discussion with more than fifty Fellows of the Academy. During the Assembly, MSS conducted three workshops on global economic development applying the development theory to examine the potentials for global development in the 21st Century.
In March 1999, MSS participated in a special meeting in Mexico organized and personally chaired by the Mexican Minister of Social Development, Mr. Esteban Moctezuma. At that meeting, MSS presented its framework for development theory and discussed various ways that it could be applied to accelerate development in Mexico.
In May 1999, the Society, WAAS and ICPD co-sponsored a three day seminar on Development Theory in Washington DC. Participants included delegates from Canada, Chile, Mexico, Netherlands and USA. Harlan Cleveland, the President of WAAS, chaired the seminar. MSS presented four papers outlining the principles and process of development.
In August 1999, the Society co-authored a paper on Development Theory with Harlan Cleveland. The paper was circulated to a range of international experts and served as the basic discussion paper for the conference in September 1999. In September 1999, a booklet entitled Human Choice: The Genetic Code for Social Development, co-authored by Harlan Cleveland and four staff members of the Society, was published by WAAS. In December 1999, the main article in this booklet was published by Futures Research Quarterly of UK.
Human Choice – The Genetic Code for Social Development, by Harlan Cleveland, Garry Jacobs, Robert Macfarlane, Robert van Harten and Ashok Natarajan

Social development is the product of the application of the powers of mind to organize the physical materials, social activities and mental ideas of humanity to achieve greater material, social, mental and spiritual experience. Whether we look backward or forward, we face the same puzzling questions: What is the essential nature of human development? By what process does it occur? What factors speed it up and slow it down? What conditions are essential or detrimental to it? Through what stages or phases does it pass? What are the sources of its problems and its failures? And, probably most importantly, what is the role of the individual human being in human development?
The approach outlined in this book gives central importance to the role of organization in development, organization as defined in the widest sense as the orderly arrangement of human activities to achieve greater productivity, efficiency, innovation and creativity.
In September 1999, MSS, WAAS, ICPD and the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation co-sponsored a four day international conference on Development Theory in Chennai. Harlan Cleveland and Dr. M. S. Swaminathan co-chaired the conference. Participants included the former Vice-President and new President of WAAS, Walter Anderson, as well as delegates from Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Mexico, Netherlands, Romania, and USA. The late Sri C. Subramaniam, former Union Minister, delivered the inaugural address. The Society presented several papers at the conference applying the development theory to India, business and growth of human personality.
In 2001, the Society began research for three books presenting the principles of development and illustrating application of the theory to explain the role of money as an organization in the development process and the development of the Internet as a social organization. At the same time, MSS broadened and intensified its research on development theory by examining the historical process of development as expressed in technology, patterns of social organization, human settlements, political and commercial institutions from the advent of agriculture up to the modern age.
During 2003, the Society reduced its theoretical approach to 500 essential principles of development. Research continued on applications of the theory to understand the origins and future of liberalism and democracy and examine the basis for political decision-making with regard to conflicts and leadership succession. In addition, work continued on examining the process by which money is created in society and the evolution of the Internet as a social organization.
Democracy & Development
The Society is in the midst of a major research project to determine the social origins of democracy in Western society and document the complex interrelationship between political, economic and social factors. The study focuses on the complex interrelationships between agricultural development, feudalism, religious reformation, industrialization, education and the rise of modern democratic institutions. In recognition of the importance of this project, the World Academy of Art and Science in USA awarded a Society researcher the position of Junior Fellow. This historical study is documenting many of the development principles identified in the Society’s theoretical study of the development process, especially the essential preconditions for development, the role of surplus energy and social organizations in the development process, and the growing recognition of the importance of human beings. The central thesis of the study is that the movement toward democracy has been driven by the rising social value attributed to human beings. It confirms a hierarchy of development needs, with physical security from external threats as the essential precondition for the breakdown of feudal social structures and the liberation of economic initiative in society. It further confirms that in the past, political freedom has resulted from the transfer of power from a landed aristocracy to a mercantile class.
In 2004-05, the focus of research traced the origins and rise of democratic principles from ancient Greece and medieval Europe to modern America and examined the impact of democracy on the emergence of individualism in USA and its role in raising America to a position of world leadership. In September 2005, MSS published a study applying development theory to understanding the phenomenal rise of USA to world leadership.
MSS continued its major research project on the role of Individuality in Human Accomplishment and Social Development. MSS organised a two-hour e-seminar on Individuality in collaboration with the World Academy on February 17th, 2012. Garry Jacobs presented on the theme ‘Individuality and Social Development’ and Janani Harish presented her paper “Individuality and Social Evolution in Literature”. Ashok Natarajan contributed background papers for the conference on the themes of ‘the Evolution of Individuality’ and ‘the role of Individuality in Social Development’. A special session on Individuality was conducted during the major international conference on “Humanities and the contemporary world” in collaboration with the World Academy of Art & Science and the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts at Podgorica, Montenegro in June 2012. MSS Staff Garry Jacobs, Ashok Natarajan and Janani Harish attended the conference and presented papers on the subject.

A Study of American History
A Study of American History by Ashok Natarajan is a theoretical exposition of American History in which he has endeavoured to express certain principles through various historical events of the USA. It is done in the hope that the abstract is thus made concrete as the event speaks for itself.
The USA has demonstrated on a national scale that the slum dwellers move into middle class in about a year and ALL the millionaires are invariably men who made it in the first generation starting with zero. This clearly illustrates the process of the finite becoming the infinite.
Not only does the USA demonstrate the result but the process also is there laid bare for anyone to see. Hence, we say the USA is the evolutionary vanguard. This book is a preliminary attempt to explain the Theory of Social Evolution as it unfolds in the history of the USA.
New Paradigm in Human Development
In 2013 the Society joined in collaboration World Academy of Art & Science on a project to examine the root causes of the multiple challenges facing humanity today in order to formulate an integrated perspective, a comprehensive strategy and detailed policy framework attuned to the realities, needs and emerging opportunities of the 21st century. The project seeks to explore the linkages and interdependencies between issues related to economy, employment, ecology, education, global governance, rule of law, international security, social stability and human welfare. The project was launched at an international conference on “Impact of Science & Technology on Society & Economy” in Trieste, Italy in March 2013, followed by a major international conference on “Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century: Search for New Paradigm” held at the United Nations in Geneva on June 3, 2013 and a seminar at the Library of Alexandria on June 5 & 6, 2013, a roundtable in Bucharest in July, two workshops in Washington DC and Ottawa in September 2013, an international conference on “Transition to a New Society” held in Montenegro in March 2014, a preparatory meeting on a “New Paradigm for Human Development” of 30 leaders of 10 international organizations in Baku, Azerbaijan on April 30, 2014, and an international conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan on November 5-7, 2014. MSS staff conducted research and made presentations in all these conferences. A series of articles authored/co-authored by MSS staff were also published in Cadmus Journal entitled “In Search of a New Paradigm for Global Development” in May 2013; “A Revolution and a New Paradigm in Education” and “New Paradigm in Human Development: A Progress Report” in October 2013; and “New Paradigm: The Necessity and the Opportunity”, “The Coming Revolution in Education” and “Towards a New Paradigm in Education” in May 2014.
Individuality, Accomplishment and Social Evolution
MSS is engaged in a multi-year research project on the nature and role of Individuality In recent years, Individuality has emerged as a pre-eminent social value and driving force for change. Human rights, democratic participation, universal education, economic opportunity, social tolerance, freedom of thought and expression, individual innovation and inventiveness are the dominant levers for human progress. The leader, innovator, entrepreneur and the pioneer are social expressions of this phenomenon. The original thinker, inventor and creative artist are mental expressions. Current trends indicate that individuality will play an even greater role in the future. MSS organised an e-seminar on Individuality in collaboration with the World Academy in Feb 2012. A special session on Individuality was conducted in June 2012 at the major international conference on “Humanities and the contemporary world” in collaboration with WAAS at Podgorica. In August 2014, MSS collaborated with WAAS to conduct a post-graduate level certificate course on “Individuality and Accomplishment” at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik which was also broadcast live over the web. A course on leadership is also under development.
Post Graduate Course on Individuality & Accomplishment
MSS continued its major research project on the role of Individuality in Human Accomplishment and Social Development. Research focused on examples of outstanding individuals in history, literature and biography. It also included preparation of lectures for a post-graduate course on individuality and accomplishment for presentation in Europe in August 2014. The course, organized by the World Academy of Art and Science and World University Consortium and conducted at IUC Dubrovnik from 25 August 2014-30 August 2014, included two MSS staff as lecturers. It explored the role of the individual in the development of society, elucidated the characteristics of true individuals, the source of their power for accomplishment and the process by which they act as catalysts of social. The course also attracted online participation from students across the globe.A paper by Ashok Natarajan titled “Conscious Individual” was published in the October 2014 issue of Cadmus Journal. WAAS and WUC conducted a post-graduate level certificate level course on “Future Education” from September 21-23, 2015 at the InterUniversity Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Post Graduate Course on Transdisciplinary Social Science
MSS continued its major research project on developing transdisciplinary science of society. MSS staff presented lectures for a post-graduate course on transdisciplinary social science at IUC in Dubrovnik from 1 September 2014-6 September 2014. The course, organized by the World Academy of Art and Science and World University Consortium, was intended to examine the prospects and requirements for evolving a trans-disciplinary science of society. Papers by Janani Harish and Garry Jacobs et al. titled “Society and Social Power” and “Unification in the Social Sciences: Search for a Science of Society” were published in Cadmus Journal in the October 2014 issue.
Social Anthropology
In 2015-2016. MSS collaborated on a new project of the Academy that involved studying human societies, their culture, the social structure and the theory to maximize social and individual potential. MSS Research Fellow Marta Neskovic’s paper “Knowing Beyond the Structure: Maximizing Social Power through a Synergistic, Values-based Approach on Diversity” has been accepted for publication in the May 2016 issue of Cadmus Journal
Social Power
MSS has been collaborating with WAAS-WUC to explore the sources, expressions, determinants and consequences of the creation, distribution and exercise of social power in politics, economy, society and individual psychology. The project will examine the different forms in which power develops and acts, including military, government and political parties, law, commerce, communication, transportation, media, religion, technology, science, education and other social expressions. It will also examine the process by which social potential develops, gets organized and channeled for social progress, as well as the process by which power is usurped or diverted for the benefits of smaller elites. A 3 day PG level course was held on Social Power at IUC Dubrovnik from October 31-November 2, 2016 in which MSS staff presented and provided admin support.
Social Power and The Role of The Individual In Social Evolution
MSS continued its major research project on social power and the role of Individuality in Human Accomplishment and Social Development. The research consisted of three main dimensions. First, it examined the different forms in which power develops and acts, including military, government and political parties, law, commerce, communication, transportation, media, religion, technology, science, education and other social expressions. Second, it examined the process by which social potential develops, gets organized and channelled for social progress, as well as the process by which power is usurped or diverted for the benefits of smaller elites. Third, it explored the sources, expressions, determinants and consequences of the creation, distribution and exercise of social power in its various expressions in politics, economy, society and culture and its consequences for the evolution of society as a whole. The working hypothesis of this research is that the greater the empowerment of the individual in society, the greater is the overall effective power of the society to accomplish its social objectives.
Publications: The findings of this research were incorporated in two research papers published during the year: “Quest for a New Paradigm in Economics”, (Cadmus Vol 3.2, May 2017) and “The Political Economy of Neoliberalism and Illiberal Democracy” (Cadmus Vol 3.3 Oct 2017).
Psychological History of The World
This major research project will trace the underlying movement of ideas, values, aspirations and social forces that propelled various movements and events in history based on the social evolutionary perspective developed by Sri Aurobindo. Events will be looked into with a telescopic view of the advance of human civilization and culture from its origins in the distant past to the emergence of city-states, regional kingdoms, empires, nations and the global community. The project is expected to provide insights into the progressive evolution of human consciousness expressing through different stages of transition from physicality to mentality.
Weekly web meetings are being held regularly to trace the evolution of the Indian Independence Movement to its social, cultural and psychological origins.