Instruments of Development

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  1. Any activity has a structure supported by several infrastructures.
    • Action is structured.
  2. Infrastructure has a way of becoming an activity sometimes.
    • Past becomes the whole.
  3. It exists at the physical, vital, mental, psychological levels.
    • Structures are omnipresent.
  4. An activity emerges using the infrastructure in the society.
    • Infrastructure makes activity possible. Indispensable infrastructure.
  5. Infrastructures are created as demanded by an activity.
    • Activity creates structure.
  6. Infrastructures have a way of being essential or inessential.
    • Essential inessential.
  7. Infrastructures determine the efficiency of an activity.
    • Index of efficiency.
  8. Infrastructures sometimes can, in their sum, be all the structures.
    • The whole can become the part.
    • The part can be the whole.
  9. Activity, structure, infrastructure is the general composition of a field.
    • Parts and whole interchangeable.
  10. Infrastructures suffer only functional definition and not theoretical precision.
    • Non-definable entity.


  1. Discovery of fresh resources is a civilising influence.
  2. One expression of the infinity emerging out of the infinitesimal is the formation of a resource.
  3. While resources emerge out of the immediate environment now, we must not forget anything is a resource for any activity.
  4. Presently every resource emerges out of mind. But body, vital, mind, Spirit can be resourceful in their own plane.
  5. One plane impacting on another, a greater resource issues.
  6. Resources can emerge out of anything. For example, one can create a vast resource out of punctuality.
  7. It is the mind that makes an object into a resource.
    • Resource is mind in matter.
  8. As mind is infinite, so resources can be infinite.
    • Resources can only be infinite.
    • A finite resource is an oxymoron (a paradox).
    • Source can be finite, not resource.
    • An infinite mind cannot create finite resources.
  9. In the limited human context, the greatest known resource is a human relationship that issues harmonious joy.
    • Man is a source, relationship is a resource.
    • Joy is the sensation of relationship. Joy senses the relationship.
    • Relationship creates an infinite resource.
  10. A resource emerges when the mind evaluates a material in the context of an end use.
    • Resource is mental evaluation of matter in use.
  11. Less formed persons as well as those who do not bind themselves to their present forms create the greatest resources.
    • Form creates resource; formlessness greater resource.
  12. Resources are the result of resourcefulness.
    • Resourcefulness creates resource. Resource is mind in matter.
  13. On earth the greatest existing RESOURCES are human resources.
    • Human resource is infinite resource.
  14. The mind that loses its finite fixity, better still that acquires infinite flexibility can turn any finite resource into an infinite resource.
    • Mind converts the finite resource into infinite resource.
  15. As you go up the scale of physical Þ spiritual, resources multiply manifold.
    • Resources increase as you go up. Higher up resource has a higher source.
  16. The subtler the thought, the subtler the use, the more delicate or sophisticated the instrument, the greater is the resource that is generated.
    • Subtlety and delicacy increase resourcefulness.


  1. The components of technology are energy, design, descent of the mind on matter, structure, coordination, ability of the part to fit into the whole.
  2. Technology derives its higher technical advantage from the subtle, causal planes.
  3. What technology is to production, attitude is to harmony.
  4. The first aim of technology is to raise the quality and quantity of the result. Technology does this by conquering space and Time.
  5. Higher technology uses less energy.
  6. Creative technology creates fresh energy in vast quantities.
  7. Technology is a symbolic index of man’s civilisation.
  8. In a higher technology energy comes out of the subtle plane, the accomplishment from the causal plane.
  9. Capacity moving from one of the nine planes (physical, vital, mental in subtle, causal planes) to the next higher plane creates a new technology.
  10. Technologies of the same level of several planes coming together for work creates a complex technology.
  11. Technologies of various levels coming together gives birth to creative technologies.
  12. An idea based on a scientific law yielding higher results is technology.
    • Material expression of science is technology.
    • Technology is science in matter.
  13. A new mental idea and the devising of an appropriate machinery make technology possible.
    • Idea in material form (is technology).
  14. Technology is mental idea expressed in material devices.
    • Matter expressing idea becomes machine.
  15. Matter in expressing an idea releases greater vital energy.
    • Energy is matter moved by mind.
  16. To release higher volumes of energy the higher plane must express itself concretely in the lower plane.
    • Higher principle in lower plane is copious energy.
  17. Technology that is the result of human mental resources, releases further human resources, vital as well as mental.
    • Releasing greater energy for greater result is technology. – Energy releasing mechanism.
    • Technology can release energy at all levels. – Technology creates energy.
  18. Design is the medium through which mental idea unleashes material properties.
    • Material property is mental design.
  19. The mind in man evokes a response from the mind in metal through technology.
    • Technology is mind in matter in action.
  20. Ideas are technologies of spirit.
    • Concept is mental technology.
  21. Technology restructures the existing productive organisation.
    • Higher technology needs higher organisation.


  1. Even distant contacts to centres of authority accomplish in a vast measure.
  2. In an organisation, there are innumerable pockets of authority equal in weight to the total investment.
  3. Positively authority achieves, negatively it destroys. Human choice decides the direction.
  4. Between two levels of social, organisational existence, authority lies hidden.
  5. Authority transforms into loyal submission.
  6. Age carries enormous authority in India.
  7. Authority of attachment is more powerful than authority of power.
  8. Spiritual authority refuses to exercise itself.
  9. Authority is the ultimate determinant of accomplishment.
    • Authority accomplishes; authority alone accomplishes.
  10. Spiritual authority silently achieves, perhaps unseen.
    • Higher the authority, the less it is seen.
  11. Mental authority accomplishes by direction.
    • Mind directs.
  12. Vital authority energises to accomplish.
    • Vital energises.
  13. Physical authority offers security and thus achieves.
    • Physical accomplishes.
  14. Authority moves inside when freedom enters the field of action.
    • Freedom and authority combine inside.
  15. Self-discipline is the inner authority.
    • The self when disciplined, inner authority is born.
    • The inner rules when the self submits.
  16. Self-discipline itself can disappear when consciousness acquires the necessary poise.
    • Poise of consciousness relieves self from discipline.
  17. Authority exercised in utter freedom is that of the emerging Godhead.
    • God exercises authority in freedom.


  1. Symbolism, transaction, organisation, and trust increase efficiency.
  2. The higher the culture, the higher the efficiency.
  3. Dynamism raises efficiency by higher energy. Being quiet is capable of a higher energy than dynamism.
  4. Technology raises the efficiency of the collective.
  5. Efficiency is physical, vital, mental and spiritual.
  6. Culture that raises the efficiency of the entire society, not only those who employ the technology, can be called the technology of the society.
  7. Children brought up in Freedom are of higher efficiency.
  8. Military raises the normal efficiency even four hundred times.
  9. Determination to achieve creates new efficiency.
  10. The efficiency of the soul is called rasi.
  11. To accomplish the result with the minimum of resources is efficiency.
    • Maximum result for minimum effort. (is efficiency)
    • Expression of organisation (is efficiency).
    • That which absorbs all energy into action. Efficiency absorbs all energy into action.
    • Energy becomes result through efficiency. Efficiency converts energy into result.
  12. Skill, capacity, interest, systems, innovation raise efficiency.
    • Efficiency is the index of organisation. Organisation is the efficiency.
    • Organisation is the index of efficiency. As is the organisation, so is the efficiency.
  13. Saving of time, space, energy, material and money contribute to efficiency.
    • Efficiency serves.
    • Savings makes for efficiency.
  14. Systems save time and space.
    • Accounting saves money, especially costing.
    • Interest saves energy.
    • Innovation saves material.
  15. Using all socially available methods raises efficiency above the social level.
    • Social status determines social efficiency.
  16. Exhausting your interested thought on improvement raises that level of efficiency to the maximum possible level in your own context.
    • Exhaust and rise. – Exhaustion raises.
  17. To analyse each function of your work in terms of the whole with a view to improving efficiency will raise it to a maximum level.
    • Part viewed from the whole achieves the maximum.
  18. The construction of one’s factory, the constitution of the company and the social milieu set limits to the level of efficiency attainable.
    • Form limits the contents.
  19. Setting up measurements for each activity enhances efficiency.
    • Measurement develops.
    • Measurement is a development tool.
    • Measurement enlightens.
  20. Creating an index of efficiency for the composite whole can raise that efficiency to the possible maximum.
    • Wider the measurement, the greater is the progress.

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