Law and Theory

Development Theory Homepage


  1. Law, Principle, Theory,
  2. Rule
    • Law is the essence of consciousness expressing in the plane of Force.
    • One expression of that Law in one aspect of that plane is principle.
    • Theory is a comprehensive description of Law, Principle and Rule.
    • Rule is the Law of the particular.
  3. The laws of growth of the Pioneer and the collectivity are the same.
  4. The laws of change in all planes are the same. In their expression they are modified by the
  5. conditions of each plane.
  6. Even the laws of death, decay, destruction and dissolution are the same but are in the reverse
  7. direction.
  8. These laws are the same for the Individual, Organisation and Society.


  1. No resource can equal the resource a theory is.
  2. Theorising is the mental stage.
  3. Theory of accomplishment and theory of dissolution are the same.
  4. The best of theories leads to wider theories.
  5. A theory is a mental construction of concepts.
  6. A theory is non-sensational.
  7. In purely creative areas, a theory can be a hindrance.
  8. Theories are productive, as well as constructive.
  9. Efficiency gives birth to theories which raise the level of efficiency.
  10. As energy is the material for a skill to be organised, mental energy is organised into a theory.
  11. No. 1 is the seat of theoretical conception.
  12. Theory follows practice, does not precede it.
    • Essence of experience codified.
    • Knowledge of experience.
    • Practice first, theory next (knowledge next).
    • Body is the slowest learner.
  13. A theory reveals human potential more clearly to the comprehension.
    • Practice teaches one thing; theory many more, (maybe all).
    • Practice is finite; theory infinite.
    • Practice is physical, theory is mental.
    • Theory is a revealer of potential.
  14. Society reaching the stage of theorizing would have saturated its practical experience.
  15. Theory arises out of saturated experience.
    • Saturate the experience, before theorising.
  16. Theory enables the development process to acquire more than double speed.
    • Practice more, theory flies.
  17. Theory enables errors to be weeded out before practice reveals them.
    • Ever-present errors of practice.
    • Eliminated errors of theory.
  18. Theoretical knowledge
  19. enables us to locate missing links.
    • Knowledge is a whole.
    • Practice is a part.
    • The whole reveals the
    • holes of the part.
  20. Theory explains the theory of obstacles and helps to remove them.
    • Obstacles too have their theory.
    • Theorise and be free.
  21. Theory helps to discover a rare resource.
    • Theory enlightened the dark corners.
    • Theory creates resources.
  22. The best strategies can be arrived at by theoretical knowledge.
    • Practice gives practical strategies.
    • Theory gives the best ones.
  23. Theory helps to avoid pollution.
    • Polluting practice; pollution-free theory.


  1. The best strategy avoids ANY waste.
  2. A better strategy produces more than planned.
  3. Strategies within a plane accomplish. A strategy that relates two planes creates.
  4. Strategy acquiring a value raise it to the spirit.
  5. Anachronistic strategies do not stall, but destroy.
  6. It is possible to skip one plane by a strategy.
  7. Strategy by itself can accomplish in the absence of even a goal.
  8. Strategies that accomplish in spite of the resistance of the beneficiary are ones that excel all the other strategies.
  9. Strategies of transformation are evolutionary.
  10. Right strategy makes the impossible possible.
    • Opens fresh possibilities.
    • Link between possibility and impossibility.
    • Strategy is shortcut.
    • Link between beginning and end.
  11. Strategy is the method to reach the goal quicker and surer.
    • Mind in life.
    • The highest in the lowest plane.
  12. Knowledge of the whole programme, and its theoretical explanation will help fashion the right strategy.
    • Experience and knowledge made into a method.
  13. Strategies can be physical, vital or mental.
    • Strategy, development, theory are of the same type.
  14. Strategy is a device to save time, money, material, space, and energy.
    • The wireless of planning.
    • It is the satellite in the process.
  15. Strategies and systems are correlatives.
    • Correlations reduced to systems.
    • Systematised correlations.
  16. Strategies sometimes enable us to accomplish even when an essential is missing.
    • Replaces the irreplaceable.
  17. It can degenerate into a trick or ploy in a mean character.
    • Strategy above, trick below.
  18. In extreme circumstances great strategies will assume the appearance of stupid folly.
    • Makes a fool of oneself.
  19. Nature is the greatest of strategists.
    • Nature-the greatest strategist.