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Mental, Vital, Physical
- Mind
- The Self acts in freedom, hence Self-conception.
- Mind is ever active.
- Mind dwells on what is, does not think. It thinks of what is not.
- Rationality is mental, liking is vital. They reconcile in the determination to be pleasant.
- Man conceives more than he utters.
- Ideas slowly adjust themselves in the mind before they are uttered.
- Sarcasm is mean intelligence.
- Education by (movement) exercise is skill. Intelligence enlightens by revelation.
- Disgust is lack of comprehension.
- Opportunity moves too fast to the dull witted.
- Humour of undeveloped minds resorts to practical jokes.
- Mind knows only its own view. To it, it is the only view.
- Cultivation of mind can create fine ladies.
- Vital
- Nervousness is the disturbance of the nervous system by the birth of Mind.
- The human vital is in constant contact.
- Desire is imaginatively resourceful.
- Senses honour the sensible, unable to think of the ideal. Man evinces interest in the immediate small thing, forgetting the distant great ideal.
- The heart chooses in a trice.
- Interest alerts.
- No detail escapes an interested mind. Interest takes one to the subtle plane. In a crowd if the beloved is there, the lover knows for certain even before seeing her.
- Excited interest and bitter resentment are the same.
- Enthusiasm is the energy of dullness.
- Excess of vital energy is good humour in positive individuals.
- Pliable vital characters move from one extreme to another.
- Passionate attachment is shameless.
- Vital dislike is physical detachment.
- Violence is the reverse of attraction.
- Intense feelings always find excuses.
- Physical
- Physical acts originate in the subtle plane.
- The physical is blind; the subtle is all awareness.
- The moment the body learns, it acts.
- The possessive physical claims all the credit to itself.
- Level 1
- Concept and Real-Idea belong to the consciousness and substance of No. 1.
- The self-conception of Mind is seated in No. 1.
- Level 1, Level 4 and Level 7 are in direct touch.
- Level 1, as every other part, extends horizontally and vertically.
- Level 1 splits into positive conception and negative destruction of conception.
- Silence of Level 1 is mental Silence.
- Level 1, as every other part, can have an indirect effect on all others between Level 2 and Level 9.
- Level 1 makes the sentiment of Level 2 material fit for poetry.
- Level 1’s direct effect on Level 3 is organised better so that the decision can become determination.
- Level 1’s effect on any other part helps move one level as Level 5 will move to Level 4.
- We have subdivided the mental, vital, physical planes into three subdivisions each representing mental, vital and physical parts of that plane.
- Three parts of the being.
- Properly speaking, the study should start at Level 9 and proceed to Level 1. We take it from Level 1 to Level 9 as this is development and not evolution.
- Evolution from below, development from above.
- Number One is the pure mind, the mental part of mind, the pure thinker.
- One, the thinker.
- It is here concepts are formed and understanding rises to its purity.
- Pure understanding is concept .
- Conceptual understanding is pure.
- Concept is organised understanding.
- Mother refers to it as speculative mind, the seat of mental light.
- Speculative mind – seat of light.
- One represents the philosopher.
- Philosopher’s pedestal.
- One becomes most powerful when detached from the sentiment of two and the decision of three of the same plane.
- One is powerful by itself.
- The essential faculty of One is organisation, the organisation of ideas.
- Mother calls One speculative mind.
- One coordinates thinking.
- Ideas need non-sensational facts.
- One is pure mind.
- One is pure thinking.
- One can go to the Absolute.
- One is the example of consciousness rising by organisation.
- This is the seat of mental ego deriving its strength from the organisation.
- Root of mental ego.
- ‘Ideas arise from the body’, says HE. The body’s motion that becomes skill energised by the vital attitudes, having decided in one fashion and developing sentiments for it, finally let go the essence of these exercises as Ideas which find their proper seat in One.
- In the process of development, One conceives and Level 2 to Level 9 execute.
- Conceptual One.
- The knowledge of the process of external social development being really the knowledge of the process that moves from Level 9 to Level 1, One is capable of acquiring that knowledge.
- One of essential experience.
- One of creative thought.
- One has light, but no energy or power, even mental energy or mental power.
- One, the Light.
- Mind itself has no power of concrete accomplishment, except the mental power of decision in the consciousness and determination in the substance.
- Powerful decision.
- Decisive power.
- Powerless light.
- One has the power in the measure other parts willingly accept One.
- Intrinsically, One has the power over all the parts of Level 2 to Level 9 if its clarity, organisation and strength of idea attain to the required perfection.
- Power of clarity.
- As One is connected with Level 4 and Level 7, One can dominate seven since, in truth, Level 1 is the extracted essence of Level 7.
- Level 1, Level 4, Level 7; Level 2, Level 5, Level 8; Level 3, Level 6, Level 9 are the triple trios.
- One moving seven is Mind dominating Matter whereas in practice it is Matter that dominates Mind.
- Ideal Mind, practical Matter.
- The subconscious substance of seven can be moved by One if the spirit in One is awake and reaches the spirit in seven.
- Mind over Matter, of One reaches seven.
- All conscious social development is One directing and dominating the parts of Level 2 to Level 9.
- One’s mastery is social development.
- Concept
- Concept and Real-Idea belong to the consciousness and substance of Level 1.
- The self-conception of Mind is seated in Level 1.
- Level 1, Level 4 and Level 7 are in direct touch.
Level 2
- At Level 2, not only emotion organises, but values are born.
- Authority is power organised in action.
- Values are positive as well as negative.
- Values form themselves in consciousness as well as substance. Behavioural values are in consciousness. Values of character are in substance.
- For instance, chastity that belongs to Level 5 gets its ideal direction as well as inspiration from Level 2
- Athos’s value of honour is one of Level 5 fully organised by Level 2
- The value of Level 2 includes in its constitution the full organised capacity of Level 3.
- Wherever a value of idealism is formed, we are sure it is at Level 2. They are the Truth of Harichandra, Gandhiji, Churchill’s value of courageous honour.
- In India, corruption started clandestinely. Now people find it a ‘value’ of modern life with a stigma of the days of poverty.
- Asoka’s mission of Buddhism to other countries is from Level 2.
- Level Two is the vital of the mental plane.
- Mental vital.
- As concept and Idea belong to the consciousness and substance of One, feeling and sentiment belong to Two.
- Two, the poet.
- Two is that which generates the poet.
- Poetry belongs to the sphere of ideas that are idolised and it is Two that does it.
- As One deprives the idea of sentiment to become a pure idea, Three refuses to mature into sentiment which will prevent its decision from being effective.
- Sentiment prevents concept formation.
- Sentiment is inimical to decision.
- But Two overcomes the practicality of decision and before maturing into pure idea, creates poetry.
- Two is in direct relation with 5 and 7.
- Seven produces the rustic folklore.
- Five produces the hero, the artist and the vital poetry whose thought content is not rich. Maybe the bard of ballads comes out of 5.
- Ballads and lyrics of 5.
- Idea before becoming the action matures into sentiment.
- Energising sentiment.
- Decisive action before becoming essential idea acquires the feeling and sentiment.
- Purifying sentiment.
- The language of decision and determination is matter of fact.
- Matter of fact decision.
- The language of concept is precise, well-defined, leaving no room for sentiment.
- Precise concept.
- Physical action before becoming mental idea stops at the destination of poetry.
- Poetry stops short of action.
- Not only poetry, but idealism belongs to this seat of Two.
- Idealistic sentiment.
- An idea becomes an ideal when the emotions espouse it.
- Emotional ideal.
- Philosophers are doctrinaire; men of action act and do not speak. Idealists who exhort the population cannot resort to doctrines nor will mere action inspire the people. Emotion of patriotism, metaphor of poetry, inspiration of music, and passion for a goal belong to Two.
- Idealistic Two.
- Passion without ideas or energy is that of a worker who prides himself on his servility to the master.
- Passion can be servile. Servile passion.
- Passion with energy is unidealistic ambition for wealth or status.
- Greed, the energetic passion.
- Passion informed of an ideal or led by an ideal is no longer passion but can become devotion to an ideal or dedication to a cause.
- Idealistic passion is dedication.
Level 3
- All men in America who became multimillionaires in one generation belong to Level 3.
- Level 7 learns skills. Skills when matured into capacity, Level 3 is born.
- Skills of Level 7 mature into capacity of Level 3 if the energy of personality increases by aspiration for work.
- Level 3 forms by shedding its vital sensation, leaning to empiricism which is seen in its emphasis on the result.
- All those who devised new productive systems like the assembly line belong to Level 3
- The Secret speaks of Canfield who rose from $8000 income to $1 million. His essential work was done in Level 3.
- Blending of ideas of the mind with the capacity of the physical and energising it with vitality is Level 3.
- Sakuni, the uncle of Duryodhana is the symbol of negative Level 3.
- Level 3 is seen personally in men. In organisations and systems we see it impersonally.
- One who successfully executes a project such as a university or production of a film is in Level 3. All army generals are there.
- This is the physical mind, seated in the brain, centre of intellectuality, decision and determination above and below.
- Being physical, it is in direct relation with 6 & 9; being mind, it is in direct relation with 7. Juxtaposed between 2 & 4, both influence it.
- This — No. 3 — is the organiser in Man. All the civilised ways have been built up only by 3.
- No. 7 organises physical movements, No. 1 organises pure ideas and No. 3 organises thought, the sensational facts that interpret themselves in the brain as thoughts.
- Its organisation consists in creating systems for action by coordination. The facts fed by the 5 senses are converted here into thought and then are coordinated. That coordination is thinking. To create a system out of those thoughts is intellectuality.
- For this reason, it rarely fails as its facts are empirical, not hypothetical. For the same reason, it cannot be creative as 1.
- No. 4 offers emotionally energised ‘facts’ to No. 3. No. 3 accepts the facts and rejects the emotional colouring. Action — decision for action — is born when emotion is shed. At a further stage, emotion can energise action.
- No. 7 organises physical movements while No. 3 organises sensational movements.
- No. 9 is physical existence or awareness. Similarly No. 3 is the existence of thought or mental awareness.
- No. 3 offers the physical basis for the poet and the philosopher.
- No. 3 is unemotional.
- As No. 7 generates skill out of movements, 3 creates thought out of sensational facts.
- Great administrators belong to 3.
- HE says Ford had pragmatic intelligence. 3 is its seat.
- Executives of all types are those who have a developed No. 3.
- It loses its effectivity when sentiment colours it.
- Thought is the product of sensation in the physical part of the mind.
- It is said mind is the function of brain. The function of brain produces not mind but thought.
- No. 4 is cunning. No. 3 takes its feed without that cunning.
- It is the seat of action because it moves No. 7 which acts.
Level 4
- The world needs leaders of Level 1. It has not yet outgrown Level 3 or Level 4.
- Level 4 is the first real emergence of Mind in man.
- If Level 4 supplements Level 3, the leader will be invulnerable.
- Level 4 is like the cat that sets out at night for its prey while it fully protects itself from its predator.
- Vital skills are fashioned by Level 4.
- Combat tactics of allowing the enemy to come near so that he may be more surely destroyed is the capacity of Level 4.
- As the whole life can be viewed from any of the faculties from 1 to 9, we can view life entirely from Level 4.
- As men are usually of Level 3, women are largely of Level 4.
- It is Level 4 that creates the woman’s intuition.
- The woman who waits for man to take the initiative first sets the trap. This is the acme of Level 4.
- Alexander, Napoleon and Churchill are rare combinations of 5 and 3.
- When the plane of the Mind becomes the centre of Man, all aspects of the vital (Nos. 4,5,6) can survive only positively.
- Man transcends the vital when he outgrows vitality.
- Indians imitated Britain, Europe imitated Greece and Rome, America imitated Europe so far. Now the whole world imitates America because the Americans exercised Level 3 in full force not allowing Level 4 to play tricks.
- A positive Level 4 man marrying a positive Level 4 woman can make their life an earthly paradise.
- Lydia is Level 4.
- People of Level 4 will change parties any number of times without compunction.
- In the market, the Level 4 men will be the first to perceive the changes.
- Lawyers of Level 4 can easily penetrate the opponent’s design.
- Level 4 is a great endowment for a singer or a cook.
- The mind of the vital plane often referred to as Vital mind by HIM is No. 4.
- If organisation is not considered at all, vital mind is the most efficient in man.
- Vital mind often penetrates the organiser No. 3 and claims success occasionally. This is so because the organisation takes a long time to perfect itself. Vital mind can spot the chinks and attacks with its subtle knowledge. Perfect organisation is always invulnerable, especially an established one.
- Vital mind accepts nothing less than victory and seeks it at all costs. Therefore it is not moral.
- Famous generals who came under the civilian authority before the advent of democracy, were of No. 4. Their courage issued from No. 5 even as their strategies emanated from No. 4.
- Shivaji was a vibhuti but had no compunction to kill his opponent by a fraternal embrace, a heinous crime for a leader of that stature in a country where Rama had set standards.
- The enormous courage of No. 5 refines itself into enormous cunning that is cleverness at No. 4.
- It is No. 4 which despises the organiser No. 3 and his systems of action because 4 knows 3’s systems can have chinks while its own insight is flawless.
- It is again No. 4 that ridicules No. 1 the philosopher and his ethereal conceptions.
- But No. 4 is in direct relationship with 1 above and 7 below as they too are mental parts.
- Sandwiched between 3 and 5, it is the prerogative of 4 to process the emotions of 5 into emotional thought of 4 and feed it to 3.
- Foresters, rustic community leaders, mafia chieftains, are of this cut or cult.
- 4 is the seat of superstitions when the person lacks courage.
- In the ascent 4 receives the emotions of 5 to process it into thought. In the descent 4 receives the decision of 3 and infuses it with emotion to charge the decision with emotional ideas. By itself, 4 is the preserver of social security, fashions social norms, lays down public conduct and plays the role of the social conscience.
- In times of social degeneration the strength of 4 determines the length of psychological social survival.
- In times of social upward movement one does not approve of the changes if 4 sulks.
- Shrewdness, insight, penetration, alertness, resourcefulness are its endowments.
- Athletes, film artists, public figures, commercial executives, if endowed with a strong 4, will move from success to greater success successively.
- Public speakers with linguistic ability can be made into public leaders if 4 is strong.
- Strong 4 makes fiction writers popular in the beginning because of a penchant for sensationalism. They degenerate into obscene writers as fiction does not thrive on sensationalism.
- Strong 4 in the head of a family will make the family a victim of tyranny, but the family will become a success, though a success shrouded in fear and tension.
- A weak 4 will make the person a victim of all circumstances. The victimization will be intensified by his own imagined fears without number.
- It is not for 4 to be ethical. In case it espouses any ethic, that will be followed religiously like Gandhiji’s goat’s milk.
- 4 is the monitor of attitudes and motives in consciousness and substance.
- Gita advocated the surrender of motives to reach Satchidananda and the Supreme as those were days of the vital man.
Level 5
- Leaders of the 19th and 20th century were essentially men of Level 5 inspired by patriotism, courage or domination.
- Level 5 allows man to rise to the peaks of perfection in art or courage, as it is unfettered by MIND.
- Good will of women of Level 5 will enable the husband to seek greater heights purely on her support.
- It is in Level 5 that leadership transforms into submission seeking the glory of slavery.
- Level 5 men are capable of attacking an army of far superior numbers and winning on the strength of their courage.
- Level 5 men and women are easily possessed by nonexistent fears.
- Level 5 charges Level 6 with energy. Level 6 is of passion Level 5 energises the passion. Such people are victims of self-immolation.
- Porthos belongs to Level 5 of physical strength.
- A general of Level 4 endowed with captains of Level 4 and sergeants of Level 5 is extremely lucky.
- Level 5s are usually local mass leaders.
- is the pure vital, the vital of the vital plane.
- Pristine pure vital.
- Being vital, it is in touch with 2 and 8.
- Naturally it is between 4 and 6 and therefore in powerful touch with both.
- 5 is the seat of the courage of the heroic warrior, the artists, the poet of the second level or the middle level, the pure emotion untouched by the minds of either the vital plane or of the mental plane.
- 5 energises the physical vital of 6 and gives it the greatest force of the person.
- Energiser of devotion.
- Level 5 is sensation in consciousness and sensitivity in substance.
- Sensation, sensitivity.
- Sensation is an organisation of responses of the five senses co-ordinated.
- Coordinated senses.
- Sensation has energy but no power. Sensitivity has power of substance.
- Six vitalises the physical energy of the person while 5 vitalises that energy of 6.
- Its force and power come from its being pure energy.
- As it is untouched by mind, so it is untouched by the faculties of mind such as memory or judgement or even imagination.
- One is oblivious of the entire surroundings while at 5, because the surroundings come to one through observation or its memory.
- Senses do not think through memory or observe through mind; they only sense.
- When 5 was the highest height man had ever reached, he was in complete tune with Nature.
- His faculties at that time were the faculties of senses, i.e. pugnacity, gregariousness, survival, self-preservation, etc.
- The movement from the physical plane to the vital plane is vastly expansive in energy. A further movement of greater expansiveness is that of 5 over 6. Hence the greatest power of man is at 5, made possible by expansiveness of two levels.
- Music is the form of sound; painting is the form of lines; courage is the force of form of pure energy in action. Hence 5 is their seat.
- Level 8 energises 5 from below; 2 elevates it from above. From below it gets force, from above it gets direction.
- Negatively 5 is the seat of fear, phobia, possession, especially obsessive possession, total lack of understanding, energy of superstition.
- Sensation of 5 energises the natural physiological functions with energy, such as running in fear.
Level 6
- When the body saves itself the energy that saves beings to issue at Level 6.
- Animal evolution ends in Level 6.
- A child becomes an invalid when in the womb of the mother its growth refuses to go beyond Level 6.
- Settlers in America in the 16th and 17th century belonged to Level 6.
- Efficient workmen with energy are there who just rose out of Level 7 to Level 6
- A freedom movement packed at the bottom with leaders of Level 6 will succeed without much fight.
- Russia is a nation of Level 6.
- A very intelligent woman with a Level #husband can give birth to a child of Level 6.
- Physical passion is Level 6.
- Men of Level 6 will be fit for security guards.
- Six is the physical part of the vital.
- Vital Physical.
- 3 is the physical part of the mental plane, seated in the brain.
- Physical mind. Mental physical.
- 9 is the physical part of the physical seated in the body, the pure physical.
- Pure physicality.
- 3, 6, and 9 are in direct touch with each other being the physical parts of various planes.
- Also, 6 is in touch with 5 above and 7 below.
- Six is the nerves, the central nervous system even as 3 is brain and 9 is body.
- Physical seat of nerves.
- Six is the point at which the physical plane emerges into the vital plane.
- That we know releases enormous energy but is still of the physical character.
- Door to the vital.
- Ideas, opinions lodged here in 6 cannot be removed by a mental effort. It may succeed to some extent even at 4 since 4 is a mental part. It rarely passes on to 5, never to 6, as there is nothing of mind to receive or respond.
- At times of riots, flood havoc, etc. man puts aside his mind for all intents and purposes. At such times he acts mostly from 7 or 6.
- The subconscious person.
- Emotion and devotion are seated here in the consciousness and substance.
- Emotion and devotion.
- Devotion is strongest vitally at 5, but physically devotion reaches its maximum power only here.
- Saturated devotion.
- Emotion at 4 will be coloured by emotional knowledge but here will be pure untouched by mind of any description.
- Physical emotion.
- The Tamil saint Kannappan dug out his eyes to replace the bleeding eyes of Siva lingam because he is one who belongs to six.
- In Les Miserables, Jean Valjean with his emotional sense of duty to his sister’s kids lived centred in 6.
- As 6 is the point where physical plane enters the vital plane and the only mental touch it so far has seen is the mental ability of 7 to learn the primary skills for existence, 6 remains pristine pure unspoiled by the crooked mind.
- In the descent, 6 is to offer physical stability to the vital power of 5.
- Physical foundation for the vital.
- The warrior who is thus supported feels like a rock as it is the support of the physical.
- Pedestal for the fighter.
- All the power of organisation of 3, in spite of its relationship with six does not reach 6 essentially as it knows not what organisation is.
- It is open to the raw physical influence of 9 as it is of its type.
- It is here vital sensation and physical sensation interchange in the descent and ascent.
Level 7
- India with respect to technology and America with respect to spirituality are at Level 7 as a nation.
- In learning any new skill, Level 7 is at work.
- The fumblings of politicians accepting posts in administration are Level 7 in exercise.
- At any time in one work or another, we will be at Level 7.
- What Level 7 does with physical energy, Level 1 does with mental energy.
- It takes thousands of repetitions for energy to be organised into skill.
- Level 8 like Mrs. Bennet cannot learn, but Level 7 is willing to learn like Darcy and Elizabeth.
- Level 7 organises energy into skill and collects the essence of skill into capacity.
- To know where we are in Level 7 is a measure of self-awareness.
- In refugee camps we quickly move to Level 7 in many activities.
- The mental part of the physical is seven. This is the very first appearance of Mind in Man.
- 7 is the conscious mental part even though it is seated in the subconscious physical.
- The subconscious has its mental part in what Mother calls Material mind which is the mental part of 9 when it is subdivided into mental, vital and physical parts. It is this mind that controls our involuntary organs and the reflex action.
- That Material mind emerges into conscious existence in 7.
- Thus, 7 is the seat of all conscious learning of our physical such as walking, talking, eating, etc.
- It is about this Mother says it starts doing the moment it understands.
- Its efficiency is thus total and for the very same reason it does not respond till it fully learns.
- Mind means turning sensations into ideas and organising them.
- 7 turns the physical sensations of eight into physical ideas of skills of acting.
- The mere undirected movements of 9 become skilled movements in 7 through the sensations of 8.
- 7 is vitally reinforced by 4 and conceptually educated by 1.
- 7 is in touch with 3 and gets the benefits of its organisation, decision and determination.
- There is no emotion of any kind in 7 nor any thought of any description since it is incapable of both.
- 7 is the foundation for 3 directly.
- Skill and capacity are seated here in the consciousness and substance.
- This is the raw human individual which rises in times of utter crisis to act as beast even as the sailors in the stranded ship started eating human flesh before they perished.
- Its greatest function is the formation of skills and extraction of their essence into capacity to be stored in its substance.
- Skill formation is a process where each unit is to be originally fashioned and co-ordinated by an original process of trial and error. As bricks are to be moulded one by one and laid one by one to erect a wall, skills need their psychological bricks of movements brought under an order. The writer writes each letter not each word separately to form a word which forms a sentence. Skill formation is a basic fundamental biological process.
- The trials and errors have given a resultant knowledge to 7 which it has arrived at on its own. That is its mental functioning. The physical memory of acts repeats those skills ad infinitum.
- What 7 does with primary physical movements, 3 does with primary thought movements.
- We can say 7 is the mind emerging from the physical while 3 is the physical base that helps the thought mind to emerge.
- In 7 the thought emerges from the physical sensation which the mind there organises.
- In 3 the physical organises itself as a suitable right basis for thought mind to emerge.
- In the relationship of 7 with 3, one supports the other from below and from above in this fashion.
- Thought in 3 becomes coarse by the physicality of 7 while the physical in 7 becomes bright with the light of 3.
- Thought in 7 is a physical movement which the scientist is trying to measure and track.
- Function of brain, the physical movement in 3 is a thought in 3.
- 7 does not respond to a vital sensation and rejects it.
- A concept of 1 does not reach 7 and when it does reach it has no faculty to respond with and therefore ignores it.
- 7 is the seat of the physical psychic as it is the mental part of the physical.
Level 8
- Level 8 is physical emotion, incapable of physical thinking.
- Level 8 born into educated or cultured or rich families will have to take evolutionary effort to fit in.
- Even at Level 8, one can become locally famous or even outside it, if the personality is great. Early emperors were of that type.
- Grandmothers are popular with grandchildren as they excite Level 8 in them mutually.
- Even in Level 8 there are a million directions where perfection can be sought.
- Apart from all his famous faculties, I believe, it is the energy of Level 8 in Churchill that gave him the eloquence of a leader.
- Mr. Collins is an educated version of Level 8.
- Deeply entrenched conservative emotions of the type of Lady Catherine belong to Level 8.
- Any idealistic organisation degenerates over time and they do not die till they reach Level 9. Most of our religious mutts are in Level 8.
- If one can know where he is in Level 8 and move to Level 7, enormous energy will be released.
- For a marriage to be successful for a woman of Level 8, she must marry a man of Level 7.
- 8 is the vital of the physical plane, the very first point where vitality is born in Man.
- This is the first stage where there is a part absolutely untouched by mind.
- 8 is vital but is the vitality of the physical, not having any resemblance to vital energy, even as the wedding function in the poorest circumstances has the characteristic of the wedding without resembling any function.
- The vitality here is energy, not fully converted into sensation. If any sensation is there, it is the physical sensation.
- The sensations of 8 will have the newness to the individual which the neo-literate feels in the excitement of literacy.
- This is also the first seat that converts physicality into vital energy. The sense of wonder of the first recipient will characterise this conversion.
- What it receives from 5 and from 2 are of great interest to us. It is on a parallel to the effect on the bottom of the population by what the cream receives. It may be negligible but is significant.
- A study of these patterns is of great importance but we do not enter into these branches of expression here.
- Poetry even at this level is appealing to the population of that level. An old man composed a song on the spot and sang it at the thanksgiving function at Ramapuram.
- In the life of the warrior and the poet, either in his early life or in the previous generations, one can witness the presence of 8 without fail.
- 8 is in indirect touch with 2 and 5, in direct touch with 7 and 9.
- Man at 8 is the unskilled, energetic, physical worker.
- The only endowment he has is the primitive physical energy which does not condemn him as a bulk of dead flesh.
- Superstition will be his religion.
- He may not have evolved to the extent of either questioning his superstition or fearing to lose it. What he has is his possession.
- To him, emotions are objects, concepts are invisible.
- Even to be mercenary, he may not have faculties.
- Skills, emotions, ideas pass him as objects without his noticing them.
- Their sleep is unconscious, their dreams are of the subconscious.
- Even tree climbing is a skill that defies him.
Level 9
- Level 9 is live matter holding in potential all can give – 1 to 8.
- The Vedic seers sought enlightenment from Level 9 and for Level 9.
- There are today people in Nilgiris who make dosai of mud and eat it. They belong to Level 9.
- Level 9 can easily be cheated once,but when it awakes and takes revenge, it will be a lion against a gladiator.
- Gratitude thrills in Level 9.
- Level 9 is the point where the Inconscient turns into the subconscient.
- Creativity of Level 9 is pottery.
- Even Level 9 has its own perfection, as we see in Chinese pottery.
- Man begins his existence as physical existence at 9.
- This part is exclusively and purely physical, even as 1 is exclusively and purely mental.
- 9 is untouched by vitality or mentality in the least.
- It is in direct touch only with 8 and in indirect touch with 3 and 6.
- Movement and sleep are its statuses in consciousness and substance.
- What appears to us as a clod from the point of view of developed man is really the culmination of Man’s evolution from the animal. The animal vitality having evolved to human mentality is born as Man whom we find at 9.
- This man is only capable of movement, and emotion or thought has not yet been born in him. Mentality is only in potential while Man is at 9.
- Sri Aurobindo says the intelligence of the primitive man who fashioned the tools out of stones is the same as the modern scientist. When the species is born its highest intelligence is also born with it. Only that it is in potential while he is at 9.
- For that intelligence to flower and reach either 3 or even 1, it has to evolve emotions and sensations.
- Man at 9 is one who is in a dazed mental condition, if it could be called ‘mental’ by any stretch of the imagination or linguistic usage.
- The only thing he is really capable of is movement.
- In the absence of those inherent movements, he lapses into sleep.
- As the new born baby, he is representing the nascent conditions of the newly evolved member of the species.
- 9 can be compared to 1 with respect to the Higher mental Silence. The conditions of 9 with respect to Man is the same as 1 with respect to the faculty of the Higher Mind that understands through Silence.
- 9 is to the physical as 6 is to the vital and 3 is to the mental.
- 3 is empirical and organises its facts into system that is decision, but is at sea faced with the concepts of 1. So does 9 feel with respect to 7.
- 6 which is the first member of the vital is placed in a similar position with 4.
- The one asset of 9 is movement and that is all the source of its energy and later intelligence.
- The purity of 9 as pure physical is so complete that it permits evolution of vitality by its movements.
- The Supramental Being will be born if 9 is supramentalised in consciousness and substance.
- As its freshness permits it to evolve vitality, so too its pristine purity when deconditioned to its original status permits supramentalisation.
- By the time it is ready to be mentalised, the very flesh turns into the grey matter of brain.
- The influence of 1 penetrates to 9, to its substance.
Ascent & Descent
- Social development can be unconscious from the physical experience or conscious from mental knowledge.
- One is called the ascent.
- The other is called the descent.
- Ascent and Descent;
- Man moving from the physical to the mental is ascent.
- His mind working on the body and vital is descent.
- The ascent is in the gross plane.
- The descent is in the subtle plane.
- They are two different compartments of action.
- Time in the ascent becomes Timeless in the descent which the ascent meeting the descent is in the Simultaneous integrality.
- Ascent is from the physical to the Supermind via vital, mental, spiritual.
- Ascent and descent meet in Simultaneous Integrality.
- Individual descent can be collective ascent.
- Planning is conscious development.
- Planning makes development conscious.
- Descending planning, ascending growth.
- All development till man comes to planning is unconscious development.
- Conscious planning, unconscious growth.
- Ascent is unconscious.
- Unconscious ascent.
- Descent is conscious.
- Conscious descent.
- The order of superiority reverses when the ascent changes into descent.
- Ascent changing into descent, order of value reverses.
- Mind that is higher than body in the ascent becomes lower in the descent.
- Superior mind (in the ascent).
- Superlative body (in the descent.)
- The Descent that follows the Ascent touches the highest levels of development.
- Ascent first, descent next.
- In creation, descent begins; development begins with the ascent.
- God from above, man from below.
- In creation the descent that follows the ascent touches the highest levels.
- Descent completes the ascent.
- Development also has the third phase as in creation where social organisations begin to mature into social institutions.
- Neither ascent, nor descent is final. There is a third phase.
- There is a beyond. There is always a beyond.
- Culture takes over civilised organisations in the descent.
- Growth, planning and culture.
- Growth ends in culture.
- Culture begins as growth.
- Planning is between growth and culture.
For more detailed discussion please See here