Proposal for Computerised Business Parks

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Proposal for Establishment of Computerized Business Parks

Computers and software have caught the imagination of the Indian public, but the real contribution that computers can make to accelerating national development has barely been glimpsed. Attention is focused on the high earning capacity of software professionals, the high export potentials of the software industry and the high prices for software company stocks. When intelligently applied, computers can elevate and transform every field of India’s social life. The speed and quality of education can increase four-fold or more. Agricultural productivity, communications, financial services, manufacturing efficiency, government administration and general business management can be improved by a similar magnitude by appropriate application of computer technology. Computers are a catalyst and engine for national development.

The purpose of this proposal is to stimulate and accelerate the defusion of computers in all walks of life by establishing small, decentralized centres where all types of computer related businesses can be established and function in a well-equipped technology environment.

Already we have the successful model of Technology and Software Development Parks that have been established in all the major metros of the country. However, these parks are meant primarily to attract large domestic and foreign computer companies catering to the overseas market. The facilities are too large, elegant and costly for most small businesses.

As the Technology Parks have aided to spread of the software export industry, the Computerized Business Parks (CBPs) described in this proposal are intended to aid the spread the application of computers in many other fields.

The CBPs should also act as business incubators, providing not only space and technology but also proven business models for entrepreneurs to follow.

Each CBP will consist of a building equipped with various size office space for lease along with access to high speed data links, back up power supply and central air conditioning. Computers, printers, scanners and other electronic equipment should be available on a lease basis to occupants.

During the initial phase, 100 CBPs can be established by the State Government and this number can later be extended to several thousand.

Types of Businesses

The following is an indicative list of the types of businesses that could be established in each CBP. Since the demand for these services is very great and rapidly growing, Hundreds of CBPs providing these services can be established in metros, cities, and even rural towns.