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The Theory and Practice of Integration in Business Management
Integration is the final stage of coming together of parts into which a whole is divided.
Integration is the joint functioning of all the parts of a whole for the highest possible efficiency.
Existence is the concentrated unitarian consciousness.
Integration is at the end of a chain that begins with contradictions.
o contradiction Fight (physical)
o conflict Quarrel (vital)
o difference Argument (discussions)
o cooperation Teamwork (mental)
o coordination Intelligent teamwork (mind that knows the other)
o Integration Harmony (Supermind)
Existence is static and blissful. Creation is made possible by integration generating movement that is delightful.
Confining ourselves to Business Management, our theme is the corporation is a miniature child of the society and in its existence is integrated with it.
A relationship of parts exists in contradiction, conflict, difference, cooperation, coordination and integration. Only that its quality differs.
The theme of this note is for the highest corporate productivity it must forge an integrated relationship with the society so that the functioning of the company in the society becomes social creativity.
Presently, we find all the six types of relationship.
1. between the company and the society,
2. inside the company between its departments,
3. the conflicts, etc. of the society reflected inside the company.
This work can proceed along several lines.
A mere comprehension of these factors will have an ameliorating effect.
Simple common sense methods that can be implemented at once can lead to a burst of uncoordinated activities creating a condition of unorganised functioning expanding the company anywhere from 5 to 50-fold.
Coordinating the uncoordinated, organising the unorganised, the five will rise to fifty and the fifty will reveal the infinite potential that tells the proprietor the sky is the limit. He can take from the market as much as he wants determined by his capacity.
[The American who was asked to earn a monthly salary of $125 and a bank balance of $1000 to marry a girl, at the age of 40 had ten projects totalling $190 million.]
Not only in America is this potential there. Society always has this potential. Our culture creates strangulating structures which prevent us from availing of them.
Each man, each section, each department becomes a close preserve and the company is prevented
from using it fully.
In international gatherings, we see what a barrier the different languages serve. Imagine UN functioning without the difference of languages, national procedures, or differing cultures. About 60% of present UN problems would not be there.
It is a very common experience that as the competition rises and increases in number, the market expands and everyone has a greater share in it. As the ill-organised weak companies refuse the truth of the market creation, the strong man grows stronger and in the end a few giants share the newly created expanded market. Who can convince the fledgling companies that competition is not merely healthy but is creative of the market?
If you are part of an organisation and preside over a part of it within your jurisdiction, an experiment can be made. If 25 people are working, there will be at least 250 differences of approach to work. We put up with all of that now. Of the 250, half will be healthy differences that promote the work. The other half will be negative. As you are the presiding deity there, most of those conflicts can be removed by authority. Production will burst into unmanageable size. More than that, the ease of production will rise ten levels. It is best to educate and wait for them to accept on their own. As an experiment, one can use his authority and see the results.
Punctuality is a value of Time. It saves the time of the entire company. Those who have made punctuality an article of faith know the measure of effort others have to take to rise to that level when they live in a culture unused to punctuality. Even here, it is easy to see the vast difference in productivity between the culture of punctuality and punctuality enforced.
An organisation having a plan for the year, endorsed by all the participants through understanding and the one that is struggling to bring the people together is an exact example. The plan of consensus removes the conflicts of bristling individual egos created in ignorance. The multiple is a hundred or over. Here the conflict is created by the egos whose understanding is organised in ignorance. In social parlance, these go by opinions. To reconcile the opinions of a team can, at the lowest, multiply the productivity ten times.
That ignorance subdivides itself into professional will, personal preference issuing from religious bent, family training, ethnic predilections, lack of work culture, etc. The list must be exhausted even if the items are forty or fifty.
Once the vision of the mind sees the truth behind integration, even initial efforts will yield vast results. The results are secondary or even beside the point. The knowledge that accrues is of value.
It is desirable to acquire the widest possible theoretical knowledge on integration and go about applying oneself practically at the minutest possible level.
Some practical compromise will reveal that an enormous potential up to this work is preliminary.
Real work of exploration begins hereafter. To devise a practical organisation to reconcile conflicting interests is the initial key.
The strength of Integration is its principle. Its power rises in the measure it understands and loves to integrate with its opposite. Cooperation is between equals. Coordination is between those work needs to be related, irrespective of strength.
─ Integration brings the weak and the strong together.
─ Each is aware of his strength; knowledge of the whole rises in knowing the strength of the other, as the candidate seeks the voter, the rival, the enemy. Every strength is accompanied with a corresponding weakness which is complemented by the other man’s strength, not out of charity but out of functional NEED.
─ The fuller appreciation of this complementary need is the strength of integration. The candidate with the voter is political. The candidate does not get from the voter ONE vote; what he gets is the support of one type of voter who brings in all the voters of his type or caste. The voter is a potential candidate. If one sachet of shampoo sells, it does not mean sale of Rs. 1/-. It means sachet with shampoo is accepted by the market. Pushed to the extreme, it is Brahman accepting it. In accepting a vote, he who sees what is behind becomes humble while others will be humiliated. Determination of this humility is what Collins saw empirically. Go to another extreme, consider your arch enemy voting for you or buying your product. It means
o for the unconscious ONE vote or one rupee sale.
o for the conscious observer it is your entire rivalry or enmity giving way as a token; in the market what responds is the whole market as the rivalry gives way.
o To be able to see in such acts the complement of your Brahman responding from its corresponding level in the other is to fully appreciate integration.
o When the USA was provoked into joining the Allies in WWI, we now know that it is Germany’s service to the cause. In WWII, USA offering to sell arms to the Allies was not trade, but cooperation in the war for selfish reasons. Pearl Harbour is Japan’s services for the cause. Gandhiji in 1942 opposed the war. It means the vital falsehood withdraws, as Pandit refused my car in 1974. Refusing to bless Deborah’s car is refusing to destroy the work.
o Integration brings to the surface the principle that every ACT in this world at any time is a SERVICE done to the cause. All such acts happen on their own. Hence the importance of NOT taking initiative. Taking initiative is to move to destroy one’s darkness through a circuitous route, laying a stronger foundation from below. In works of the past where we have a great set of facts to consider, these things are better seen. To see them is to see oneself. It is self-awareness.
o One visibly sees the value of cooperation. To see the value of opposition, non-cooperation, resistance requires deeper insight. Suppose those who have left me have remained as they were, I won’t be able to move an inch, weighed down by their social, vital consciousness.
o Cooperation given or refused is cooperation ultimately. In 1947, Churchill gave word to Mountbatten to support transfer of power. This was possible as some years ago he had spoken that he, as the First Minister of the King was not there to preside over the liquidation of the empire. The pent up energy was spent in that speaking and when the occasion arose to grant freedom, there was no energy to resist. USA which vastly benefited by the war effort, had the NECESSITY to help the war ravaged nations. To see this social process thus and fully appreciate that the Role of the Part, in any direction, is so designed to readily fulfil the Role of the Whole in the end, is to have knowledge of integration.
o This is best done in the work on hand. It reaches its climax of perfection when ANY move of anyone releases the cheerful JOY inside in the depths. It is divine living, beyond the creature mind, qualifying one to enjoy the delight of spiritual evolution in the work on hand.
o Analysis of even a few significant landmarks in our life, in the life around us, in literature and in history lays the foundation for the outline of this life to be created. The closest friend giving the objectionable response, the bitterest enemy offering to move in ANY direction, when analysed, will reveal this secret. It is not so difficult to analyse and understand. It is difficult to accept the findings of such analysis.
Integration is there in the society and some leaders do understand it. He who understands it will be able to act effectively from that centre.
FDR in 1929, JP Morgan in 1907, Rajaji with Kennedy on nuclear test, Salt Satyagraha of Gandhiji are some examples.
Charlotte’s invitation to Elizabeth to Hunsford is an unconscious act of that type. She acted from that context.[1]
He who understands integration rightly will be able to move the greatest work by the smallest move.
Sending Spiritual Force by a yogi as Sri Aurobindo did in WWII or prayer by devotees are of this character.
When a process of economic development can be set in motion, indirectly it can release political consequences. This too is of that character at a lower level.
Any work that accomplishes a result indirectly can be said to be of this character.
Some are not conscious and planned and others are unconscious and unplanned.
Occult science gets things done by moving occult forces by occult methods.
Marriages between royal houses avoided war in Europe.
Nixon’s deal with China.
Indian Freedom was granted as a bargain for India to remain in the Commonwealth.
USA using economic pressure to stifle anti-nuclear campaign is of that type.
For that very reason, we can use a SIMILAR force to counteract that move.
Gandhiji could not be released from jail by a nationwide agitation. Then he got malaria when he announced he would not take medicine. The British government did not want to see India roused by his death in jail. Therefore he was released. The joke was, the mosquitoes did what the nation failed. Jokes apart, there is such a solution to such an insoluble problem. Whether HE sent His Force through the mosquitoes, I do not know.
Taking a known situation where, for the best part forces are under our control, studying integration we are free to try such solutions to some serious problems before we bring our knowledge to bear upon management. Opportunities are plenty.
Lady Mason forged the signature of her husband in his will to give her son Lucius which was fraudulent. Orley Farm that should have gone to Joseph, the son of the first wife, thus came to Lucius, the son of the second wife. As soon as the Lord died, the will was contested but the court declared in favour of Lady Mason. Twenty years later, evidence emerged that on that day other documents were witnessed which in the first trial had helped to gloss over the crime. Again the court acquitted her, 8 to 4 in the jury.
o The Lady asked her husband for Orley Farm and he refused. He said her soul would be damned if she forged the documents which she threatened and executed.
o To her, it was a case of self-righteousness.
o In the intervening twenty years, her external conduct and inner ‘turbulence’ were so excellent that everyone including her son implicitly believed in her goodness, not merely in the freedom from guilt.
o Dockwrath, a low attorney, raised the new evidence in hot vengeance because her son deprived him of his farm so that he could do some modern agriculture experiments.
o The sympathies of Dockwrath’s wife were fully with Lady Mason and she kept the Lady informed of her husband’s doings.
o Trollope has a beautiful ‘definition’ of how public opinion is formed and acts on page 310 of the book, that after believing in her guilt, the crowd in the court was all admiration for her.
He says each of them would give half a crown to touch her garment and a guinea to shake hands with her. (An excellent evidence to Jonathan). On page 331, Trollope expresses his wish as the representative wish of the elite of England that it was the duty of an English barrister and an English gentleman to defend her.
o In an integrated life, at the point where integration is defective, an event occurs to expose the whole thing. Here it is the documents Dockwrath discovered. That was occasioned by Lucius Mason taking the farms from Dockwrath. His purpose was not mean, but noble modern agriculture experiments. The new, its advent, exposes the old.
o At the level of social life, there is integration. So Lady Mason is acquitted. Life is incapable of integrating itself with such falsehood. So it emerges out in the public.
As you look at life and appreciate its integration at some level, especially when life moves to higher levels of integration, there occur such acts either to puncture the old bubble or to create a new integration. Knowledge of this principle is a great weapon in business for taking a company to raise it to giant levels. In the life of the world, it can solve any problem and create any opportunity.
Study of history at points of transition will reveal such creative ACTS. OM is such a sound. Sri Aurobindo’s declaration of full independence in 1904 is another. FDR in 1929, Churchill in 1940, Gandhi in 1942, Rajaji with Kennedy are such acts. Initiatives can be positive or negative, but the act will retain its character.
To the four great Acts of history HE refers to, His own advent must be added as the FIFTH great landmark. Love plays its dominant role in each of them. In Kurukshetra, love is inverted. In His advent, Love becomes Grace as His birth announced the Hour of God.
To bring education into a family devoid of educational atmosphere has resulted in bringing dark prosperity to India. There is scope for that to become resplendent prosperity yet. In the translation of the idea into an act, prolonged pain in the neck, splitting headaches insistently appear. Fever, dysentery, diarrhoea are the responses of the body to a higher idea. The physical body grows heavy, as in a coma, till the weight is fully absorbed and made its own natural state when the body really weighs more. §
Principles of integration, their symptoms mastered will help a business consultant to handle less weighty problems in a company, as he would see in a trice the problem as well as the solution. Integration goes with harmony of existence. Organisation goes with harmony of functioning. It is worthwhile giving full consideration to harmony at all levels. Physical harmony is by complete authority complemented by total submission.
Punjab Chief Justice Ramasamy, a judge from Tamilnadu was known to be the most corrupt judge in all of India some fifteen years ago. An impeachment was brought against him in the Parliament. His counsel defended him for over seven hours. The Lok Sabha was silent in voting. There was NO vote to impeach him. He said, “God is great”. What is strange to the world is not strange to those who know what Life is. ‘Each society gets the justice it deserves,’ said Nehru when Hungary was overrun by the USSR.
In a society that is used to a certain amount of honesty, untruth offends. Equally so, in a society that thrives on a certain amount of dishonesty, Truth offends.
Jayalalitha’s tyranny of domination is not only not resented, but is admired. It is a political Reality.
In countries where corruption is high, the growth rate too is high. Inflation, in my view, is an instrument of development. Corruption, again, reveals itself as an instrument of development. The 70 year police Raj in USSR, then, was ‘right’ and has done good to that population.
High strung emotions, in the absence of a well developed mind, perhaps demand a severe rather tyrannical handling.
One who takes up work in Russia can use this knowledge of integration to devise such an ACT that will open a political opportunity for them. Chernobyl was an event that paved the way for the demise of the Cold War. The Cold War was vital. Chernobyl was in the plane of physicality.
Jalianwalla Bagh was such an incident in 1919 that warned the nation of the foolish venture of ahimsa.
What made Atlee announce Cripp’s Mission was the rising of the Royal Indian Navy in 1946 Feb. The announcement in the House of Commons was on the next day.
Never to ask of a miser a penny, even when it rightfully is due, is one such MASTER CLUE to open the heavens wide for us in this present context. The moment the MISER knows no money will ever be asked of him, the gates will open wide.
According to Sri Aurobindo, knowledge is integrated.
Life and existence too are integrated.
Everything is integrated.
The birth of ego brought in separation. Hence there are problems.
Dissolution of ego makes for disintegration of problems.
WWII is a major step of Nature to unite the world and resistance to it for whatever reason is met with equal vehemence.
We see the Model T as a point of transition because of the assembly line.
It is a right narrow view.
Ford himself was a worker.
We explain his move as one which satisfies the worker in him.
The final refusal of Brahmin, the caste system, and the aristocratic exclusiveness are moves to perpetuate separation.
To raise the worker to the middle class is a great step to integrate the society. Model T, and the assembly line are RIGHT instruments. Hence the miraculous expansion of life through greater productivity.
It was done by technology.
Credit card operating through Internet is Money doing a similar work.
The response of the market is phenomenal.
On August 15, 1947, Indian orthodoxy adjusted the clock by a few minutes so that Indian Freedom would dawn on August 14th and not 15th. It was a final attempt of the dark orthodoxy to resist Freedom. The vital falsehood of Indian backwardness has gleefully responded to Muslim fundamentalism since the 1920s. Hence, the tragedy of the exodus almost instantaneously. Russian Revolution, Churchill’s fighting Hitler, the French Revolution, Nixon’s opening the Chinese market, the curse of population turning into an economic boon all can be reduced to one distant echo of integration. It will look far-fetched and a forced labour of imposition.
In the period of 1950 to 2000 the process of integration initiating itself in every walk of life was self-evident.
As such a picture is a greater whole, as EU compared with Europe of 1940, issues will speak the language of integration with greater felicity.
Nuclear arms are the greatest deterrent to political, economic integration now.
Social integration heralded by economic prosperity of USA, intercaste weddings of India will have the effect of tsunami as against economic integration seen in the EU.
The USSR for the past fifteen years is struggling in various ways.
It is easy to make Gorbachev see that if the forced union of 1917 is replaced by an educated response of 2007 for a reunion of USSR with the ultimate aim of political integration with the world, there will be a revolution unprecedented. It can make way for economic as well as social integration with humanity.
Market is under our control, the other man’s point of view, Small is Beautiful, Good to Great, Reward the error of Tom Peters, e-money, e-commerce, are all partial expressions of a wider self-initiated movement by humanity, not society.
Some nations have distinguished themselves for the sensitivity of stinginess.
NOT to respond to it negatively – ask him to pay a Euro – is the greatest strategy for the present to usher in the vibration of integration in the world.
The Brahmin who gave up Jnana kanda five thousand years ego lapsed into organised, intelligent laziness as an ideal.
Brahmins are the most dynamic selfish workers.
Their working to express knowledge is a reversal of the final refusal of the Brahmin just as the corrupt politicians and businessmen voluntarily giving up black money. Those who intensely aspire for upward social movement ignorantly insist on their values instead of accepting the higher values of the higher social hierarchies.
Integration will emerge thus.
The movement of woman’s freedom has rocked the earth.
It is replacing male chauvinism by female chauvinism as the tyranny of the mother-in-law shifts to the daughter-in-law and the proud intransigence of the employer is changing into labour intransigence.
Chauvinism, tyranny, intransigence should be transformed into their opposites.
The shift in education from degree to knowledge, from examination to expertise is the right mental lever to bring about all the other transformations.
It is possible to see that:
o One who fits into society is lost for evolution.
o One who has joined the school is lost forever.
o One opinion closes one door, often many doors.
o Thinking is a bar to knowledge.
o Marriage cancels Romance.
o Attachment detaches you from romantic ability.
o Any provision for security is to strike at the root of evolutionary growth.
o Having money prevents wealth.
o Organisation stifles expansion.
o As ambition lowers aspiration, aspiration of a part prevents the whole being from rising on its own.
o Memory makes one useless for any memorable achievement.
o Work done outside is dissipation.
o Austerity is ossification.
o Miserliness stifles and crushes the Spirit.
o Freedom must offer freedom to lose that cherished freedom.
o Surrender is great strength.
o Dissipation is a door on Non-Being.
o Integration makes the small instrument of great accomplishment.
o Revolution is retrograde.
o Evolution is education of the entire consciousness.
o The more subtle, the more powerful.
o Money is not a thing, but a Force.
o Perfection releases the Infinite from the Finite.
o Results do not depend upon capacity, but on attitudes.
o Emphasise work, not endowment.
o Not the wife, but the Divine in the wife.
o Can’t rise without falling.
o Akalya and Tara are chaste women.
o Great is greater than Good.
o Humility does not humiliate but raises one’s status.
o Humility is the determination of the whole.
There are two pieces of information from WWII:
o Hostilities ceased during Christmas. Soldiers from both sides mixed and made merry.
o The British Navy welcomed the wounded German soldiers and treated them with care.
War is a serious business.
During war periods, foreign nationals are put under arrest.
Even their innocent kin are not spared.
A Madras lawyer was put in prison when the Chinese attack came, as his wife was in Singapore and her brother had married a Chinese.
In spite of it, Christmas not only stops the hostilities but soldiers from opposing nations mix and make merry.
This means religious culture is more deeply integrated with the population than the animosities of war have penetrated.
The humanitarian attitude to the wounded across the field is also so deeply integrated with the human sentiments of the population.
These are not stray incidents; they are significant ones indicative of the depth where the social power is accumulated.
After Independence, the pressure of linguistic tendencies was great. India was reorganised into linguistic states. Nehru was opposed to it. At Poona he was shown a black flag, perhaps the only time he was so treated by the Indian population. Demanding Andhra, a tall patriot went on hunger strike and died. Beyond that, the government of India could not postpone the states reorganisation. Freedom is of paramount value, but it is political. Language and culture are deeper still. The political fabric cannot withstand the pressure of cultural aspirations. Caste is more deep-seated. Population is more integrated with language than the freedom of the nation.
A famous Vice-Chancellor handled a turbulent student audience stirred into action by an inadvertent colloquial phrase by appealing to their sentiment for Tamil. In about three or four minutes, the turbulence dissipated and dissolved. This is a minor example. The principle will hold good at any level of life.
Even JP Morgan’s miracle in 1907 can be explained as his own life’s integration with the financial life of the nation or the world.
When a girl really is in love, the very atmosphere tells her of his presence in a crowd. – Trollope.
There is a natural integration in the subtle atmosphere.
Love of a girl for a boy is biological and hence part of this subtle atmosphere.
Development of Mind means Mind detaches itself from this natural atmosphere and its innate integration to develop its own faculties – thinking, observation, decision, etc.
Mind is developed in Europe more than in America.
The Americans have not developed their mind to the level of Europeans.
America has neither produced an original thinker nor made headway in original scientific thinking.
It is still the prerogative of Europe.
Europe has not produced an Aristotle or Socrates. This is natural.
The original eminence belongs to the original country.
Those who follow rarely reach that eminence.
The Upanishadic Rishis developed Mind.
But they scarcely touched the weight and fullness of the Vedic Rishis.
Shankara who conquered India over Buddha is still a mightier intellect than Buddha, while Buddha retains the trophy of a greater soul.
The rule does not prevent the birth of a greater Mind, but it is not usual.
Sri Aurobindo excelled and exceeded Krishna, Vedanta, and the Vedic giants.
It is a broadening of the base for the purpose of rising higher.
Whether the USA will do this and retain her hegemony is to be seen.
One possible sequence is Europe, Rome, Greece, and India can overtake USA in this respect, if their earlier achievements are not fully dead.
Evolution has a set course in some lines.
In other areas, it can permit fresh possibilities.
Lesser lights can vary their forms, as the dress of a nation varies.
From a still higher point of view, even that too is fixed.
One great statement of value for the Infinite in the finite is “The infinity of the finite is very Finite in its own infinite plane.”
“The Free will of the finite is a rigid, inflexible, predetermined fixity in the Infinite.” Is it possible for us to see that in this fashion, the finite integrates with infinity in the realm of FORMS?
The innate revulsion of one woman for another woman is natural. — Trollope
When Sri Aurobindo said Ego is a help and Ego is a bar and the period of Ego is over, HE refers to the fact that to further the evolution, ego was fashioned and its formation was made perfect at the physical level. Formation of ego essentially starts with the Mind, when a separate mental point of view is taken and is perfected by its identification with the body. Such an identification is completed and perfected in the bodily substance in the woman for the reason she fashions a child out of her own flesh. The biological evolutionary value of Trollope’s saying springs from here. Two statements can be made out of this:
1. Should a woman be effective, she will be effective through her unencumbered ego expressing all the power available.
2. Democracy, if it is to serve as an evolutionary social instrument, will be consummated when women recognise and respect the rights of every other woman. §
This fact or phenomenon is of value for one who is attempting to release a woman’s power or the organisational power through ONE woman. Should that goal ever be reached through this medium, it is best to fully recognise this feminine sensitivity in its own spirit. There are occasions in history and in the life of man where such a contingency or exigency arises, as the victory of DMK at the polls in 1967. It may be for good or bad, but it is inevitable. For another reason, Rajaji recognised this strategy and valued it, but lent his own personality to its support for about a decade. He later prematurely tried to reverse it not comprehending the duration the social impulse needed for its exhaustion. What is true of woman is also generally true, especially of vital falsehood. It can also assume the garb of spirituality. Falsehood, HE said, can reach immensity, not infinity. Vital falsehood, even in the garb of Spirit, in spite of miraculous success along the way, can never serve the cause of Truth or Freedom ultimately. If it ever does so, it does so negatively by exhausting itself. Even corruption serves prosperity and education, though corruption is falsehood in the vital substance, often reaching material substance. That is how Man discovers the Divine in the Undivine. Transformation in such a situation – against vital falsehood issuing through a woman in the position of a wife – demands a SURRENDER that is beyond the limits of social, psychological domains.
The most integrated organism is a living body.
The Calcutta doctor who gave vitamin tablets to PV Shankar cured him of a malady not diagnosed for months. It is a subtle sense-perception.
Art Buchwald’s kidney stone doctor illustrates the same principle He was ale to detect the stone from his shrill voice. Dr. B.C. Roy smelt the disease. Dr. Guruswamy Mudaliar SAW the disease. It is high time that this phenomenon becomes a tool of diagnosis.
It is total mastery to use this knowledge for solving problems. To move from there to create opportunities is no mean effort. Astrology predicts precisely. It is a science of Force. To offer what astrology does not predict or alter the horoscope, one has to move to the Being. Suppose medicine does it, doctors must act from the psychic centre.
The small significant events are vastly used by perceptive men. § My own effort is to use such events to create opportunities to the world. Doing that successfully, one moves to the psychic being. Suppose the Kashmir problem is so solved, he who solves it would have a touch of the Psychic Being of India at the physical level.
He who is faithful to an unfaithful wife acts from the Psychic Being of the human race. Women like Nalayini who served the husband’s seeking another woman perfected the art of obedience. There is no psychic element in it. The psychic sees from above what the Force analyses and discovers from below. At its perfection, the analysis can open to the psychic if the physical folly’s insistence is not there. Pride and Prejudice again comes to the market because of Darcy’s effort at transformation.
When the question arises of acting in Kashmir from the psychic, there is one more question. Whether that psychic being should be of humanity or whether it can shape itself at the level of India. The work on money, theory, management, nuclear disarmament, Kashmir, and world prosperity is at the level of the psychic being.
A nation’s character, says a paper, does not so much belong to the soil, climate, natural resources, etc. as the suffering she has undergone. It is that suffering that determines the character. Oppressed sections of humanity like untouchables and illegitimate children, having suffered enormously, have accumulated character of capacity. The future, in all countries, belongs to them. America is the symbol and the forerunner. The DMK showed the capacity at integration – giving up anti-Brahminism and Dravidanadu – and therefore ruled for 39 years. The Jews were annihilated as they refused to integrate with the population.
The concept of integration can be explained only through living organisms.
The human body is the best example.
Its integrating or cenralising point is the brain.
That being the highest quality of Matter so far developed, it is the best as an example.
Our purpose is company profits.
Nearest to the company is the society.
The society is far more integrated than a company.
Integration in the society is essentially subconscious and conscious on the surface.
The conscious integration of the society is seen in her organisations.
The subconscious integration of the society is best seen at times of threat or catastrophe.
Social organisations mature into social institutions, customs, usage and settle down as social culture of which the physical is the deepest layer.
To appreciate the aspect of social integration one should study her festivals and funerals.
Festivals are not so deep as funeral rituals.
Still, even those rituals are only on the surface of the social existence.
Funeral rituals are still made by man, not evolved from below subconsciously out of his existence on earth.
The instincts of animals are thus formed.
At that level life is integrated on earth.
We may try to understand issues at that level, but act at the level it is possible for us to act.
That level of possibility is the point where profit can be enhanced by increasing that integration 1) outside with the society, and 2) within the company.
This is best done by subtle perceptions and their gradations if one can be constructed.
Till such a scale can be evolved, to fashion scales of material measurements of the components or aspects of integration can be made use of.
Should this movement be initiated, it will spread like wildfire.
A scope in that scale as an amendment can be provided to honour the subtle indications. That is the best for the present.
It is possible to give an idea of subtle indications.
— Churchill’s statement about the empire is a negative indication of Indian Freedom, while
— RIN ratings going on strike on Feb. 19, 1946 is a positive indication.
— Pearl Harbour was a negative indication that war would be won.
— Indian guaranteed employment bill is a positive one for Indian prosperity.
— Fred Harmon coming to the World Management Congress is a distant positive one.
— Swaminathan’s response to ICPF and his fever were positive and negative symptoms.
— These symptoms are in grades. To grade them till they touch us where we are in a work one can undertake. As these are subtle symptoms, we can think of causal symptoms too.
— It is important to know that moving ONE point on this scale is like the species moving to the next species.
— Such a move cannot be anything less than the move of Bill Gates.
— To take two points – say 31 and 32 – and subdivide the interval into ten or a hundred parts is something readily usable by present companies.
Siddharth did NOT do anything substantial.
He only attended the class for six hours on one of the ten points and he rose from 40 lakhs to 4 crores.
Certainly this is not one point or one of the hundred points between two points on the scale.
What happens is by a slight willingness one comes into the atmosphere.
— Imagine what can be done to Indian companies or Indian prosperity. Suppose the Academy substantially responds much can be accomplished.
One thing that can be of interest at present is a scale of public opinion.
Jonathan will be able to see the power of such opinion if a scale is constructed.
It will tell him what to do to move up and show him money cannot do it.
It will tell him what to do to attract money for his work.
(Of course, the scale for that is different).
The key lies in not allowing the thought to expand in all directions but to concentrate on one point to create the UNIT of accomplishment.
All the scales must be developed in the context of this UNIT.
The world listens to what works.
Tom Peters was real to his generation as he felt his freedom in his nerves to the point of refusing to answer the custom official about his married status.
He lives his knowledge. Hence the appeal – NOT his knowledge.
The world is integrated at all levels. We do not perceive that.
That integration is represented by authority, power, money, knowledge, etc.
The world that responded to Power later respected authority. The shift from there to Money was seen for centuries. The next base is knowledge.
Still, the older bases necessarily serve as the foundation without which the superstructure will not come into existence.
Gathered knowledge is used to serve one’s own convictions, not for the achievement of the goal.
It is in the animal instinct that the previous knowledge is integrated.
Man is trying hard to reach that level of integration unsuccessfully.
India gave it up when Jnana kandam was given up.
Greece passed it on to Rome.
Europe took centuries to pick it up from Rome as science.
Her culture was a bar, as the whole population could not be reached.
The USA offered it to all at the level of practical organisation.
Now Singapore, a meeting point of India, China, and Japan has practised the value of knowledge in work.
The next step if hit upon will be of practical value.
To know their value from their own point of view is wisdom in practice.
Infosys is the best possible candidate for the present.
In the physical plane, acts decide, in the subtle plane attitudes determine, in the causal plane it is consciousness that rules.
Each higher plane includes all in the lower plane.
After a fashion, we can assign Time, Timelessness and Simultaneous time to the physical, subtle, causal planes.
Accomplishment in the lower planes is that in creation, in the higher plane in evolution.
For our purposes, the best of accomplishments is the one in the causal plane which by virtue of its integrated strength completes itself in the gross substance.
Darcy’s idealistic flight to the zones of transformation MAKES Elizabeth come to Pemberley and change her wishes to accept him.
Darcy took upon himself as if some non-existent, invisible guru had insisted on that advice which he was thrusting on him.
Elizabeth abuses him – Darcy writes to her explaining he does not fully deserve it. He says that his behaviour somewhere was beneath him.
It makes her speak to her father that he had no improper pride.
Jane tells her that it was wrong of Darcy to have assumed that he would be accepted. He should have courted her and lay in wait.
Mr. Bennet was outraged that she could accept a man like Darcy.
Later, Darcy says, “I respect your family, but I did it to please you. My aim was to make you change your attitude towards me and love me.”
He overlooks the abominable behaviour of Mrs. Bennet and Lydia. He teaches himself to love them, their behaviour, not in spite of it but FOR that cultured behaviour. It is inconceivable today but Darcy did it. He could do it as he got a glimpse of the vibration of social evolution. Are we to do more or less than Darcy?
To us, SHE is the determinant, we decide the outside world.
Personality, universality – Finishing Touch
We can understand at several levels.
An idea can be received as an information or a datum.
Data are irrelevant.
Information and organised data are useful, but are simply useful facts.
Received as an idea, it develops the mind; received as information, it is stored in the memory.
It is intelligence that makes an idea intelligible.
An idea represents the general character of a set of information forming a pattern.
One can receive an idea as personally relevant or meaningful to his personality.
At that level, so received, it is personally valid – a personal idea.
Converting a personal idea into an impersonal one, one’s personality breaks out from the borders of personal limitations.
As an individual stray act differs from a rule or law, the personal differs from the impersonal.
The impersonal in the context of cosmos is universal.
Once an idea becomes universal, its impact is all over the universe.
“I don’t like Hindi” is a personal whim.
Hunger is a universal vibration.
To convert a personal idea into a universal idea, one’s personality must be universalised. It means his idea will powerfully impact on the universe.
Nuclear disarmament can move to being a universally valid idea from being a personal conviction.
Suppose a universal idea seeps down into the mental substance, it becomes most powerful and can act powerfully on men’s minds.
For one w ho practises yoga, an idea needs to soak down to the physical substance.
To move men on earth to action, it is not necessary.
Any ideal reaching that depth is capable of realising itself.
In the case of Mother’s consciousness, an idea reaching that depth can fully influence those who are important in implementing this idea.
Then the work is accomplished in substance, as the thesis for Ph.D. is completed in writing.
In every work when all the essentials are completed, there remain many apparently insignificant items to be completed.
In a case like that, it may be to launch an outside activity and wait for it to mature. That is the normal course.
Such an activity fulfils the requirement of the external FORM.
It can also be done in the original fashion of inner work.
With an intimate friend whom you like, there will be areas where opinions will vastly differ because of varied upbringing.
They may be marked.
One may value money, the other may value men.
One may emphasise hierarchy, the other equality.
One may be dynamic, the other a patient achiever.
These things may even be much simpler.
One believes in sleeping on a mattress; the other knows sleeping on mattresses renders the body shapeless and flabby.
It may be a factual difference, cultural difference or difference of opinion.
However small the difference is, it will serve our purpose.
Having generated Power enough to achieve nuclear disarmament, if it does not show outward signs of progress, he may sit with such a friend and try to remove that one significant difference until his mind changes and he acts on that basis.
When such an act is accomplished, the ideal will be accomplished.
ICPF moving the ideal was an unconscious act.
The act of giving the FORM of an international body that embodied that ideal moved matters and the Berlin wall fell a couple of weeks earlier.
The first part generates the power; the second part converts that power into results making it pass through the necessary skills.
This can be used by men as a yogic method in life.
One’s life itself can be organised on this basis.
This may be called a method of accomplishing in the physical plane by the virtue and strength of an idea, taking root in the very substance of the mind.
It is mind accomplishing in Matter.
Matter itself is a creation of Mind.
Therefore we can call it integrating Mind and Matter.
In a company or in a person there are sensitive points.
Theoretically, all points are sensitive.
We may choose ONE or many, say ten important points.
In a company they will be organisation, technology, money, ideal, etc.
In a person, they will be sensitivity, temperament, belief, values, etc.
Making that ONE chosen point perfect and sensitive, taking it to the depth of the mental substance, the company will become GREAT in every sense of the word.
Please note that this principle is valid either for a right ideal or a wrong ideal as Rockefeller upheld.
J.P. Morgan did so with money by his own personal value of integrity.
Man, as he is constituted, does not have the energy to so develop more than one such point.
Should he move to his Being, he can move from one point to two or several or all points.
Caesar, Alexander, Aristotle, Socrates, Napoleon etc. have all blossomed through one point of power or knowledge.
At the highest level he will be a Socrates who is also a Caesar.
At the lowest level he will attain infinite fame in his trade and the world.
Incidentally, such fame can be genuine devoid of content.
It can also be fake and rise to such dimensions.
It may function in physical, vital, mental, spiritual planes.
In each such plane, there are more than a hundred levels and a hundred variations to suit the variations of human personality and its creative requirement.
Such endowments can be acquired by an Asura or a Deva.
Should this happen to human life as a phenomenon, the population will be filled with personalities of history or literature.
The disciple of Saint Simon forecast such a thing from what point of view I do not know. But, he did glimpse the truth.
In the life of very ordinary people, this effort will result in making them very extraordinary people.
Examining the lives of famous people of the world, you will find ONLY a slight strand of this phenomenon, not of the being, but of force.
What made them so is not the force but the aspiration in that force to give an opening to the Force.
The Infinite Game
The approach to this topic reveals a theoretical resourcefulness. This touches upon the eternal resourcefulness of Life through the theme of Management.
Whoever landed upon this theme has an evolutionary perspective.
Today the USA dominates the world, not because she is more efficient, but because she carries the vibration of Social Evolution.
What is unearthed in this book Mastering the Infinite Game is enormous.
But, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
The discovery of the importance of the customer, the employment of instalment purchase, the value of electricity, assembly line, etc. have each revolutionised the society.
The customer is an individual, money and electricity are inanimate, but cultures are of the social collective and are alive. Hence the release of its own energy will be many times greater than before.
Charles, you say, is inquiring into the philosophy of India.
It is a pity the Indians are unaware of this infinite resource.
Indian philosophy sees objects as animate, even as godly or divine.
Such a view is not a pious wish.
It is a reality in their daily lives.
Should that view be integrated into management studies, the field will explode.
Since 1800 or even 1900, world trade has enormously increased, i.e. the market has expanded not only by the increasing population but even otherwise by the rising consumption of the individual.
Reconciliation of cultures in Business will expand that expanding market, not by a percentage, but by a factor.
Civilisation will be further advanced on the strength of this discovery.
Indian philosophy and its life beliefs are a far greater source of energy than culture, as they activate the spiritual energy of life.
The Indian views the company as a child of the society is another.
Maybe the highest discovery in India will be that the part that is alive is greater than the whole.
Its social version is the emerging Individual will rule the 21st century.
Each of these themes needs an elaborate explanation.
When drawn upon, the present Infinite Game will be seen as Finite.
Considering an exhaustive list of Indian themes for Management will be more than revolutionary. It will be evolutionary in the sense that companies will evolve into the next species, presently unknown. Apart from those already mentioned, a few cannot ever be missed.
1. It emphasises harmony beyond cooperation and coordination to be more than productive, i.e. creative.
2. All is in each and each is in all.
3. Mind is a dividing instrument. It is an instrument of ignorance. It is Supermind that unites and is an instrument of knowledge.
4. Life loses its limited nature when Force and Consciousness unite.
5. Consciousness raises life and organisation raises consciousness.
6. The more subtle, the more powerful.
7. Survival, growth, development and evolution each have in them all these four phases.
8. Matter is Spirit.
9. They reconcile in the cosmic and transcendent consciousness.
10. All problems are problems of harmony.
11. Shifting from outside to inside, ages compress into an instant. Hence the phenomenon known as instantaneous miraculousness.
12. Force is conscious.
13. There is no waste in Nature.
14. It is Matter that gives the celestial bliss that is fleeting permanence.
15. As the ego outgrows its separateness, so the Evil dissolves.
16. Neither God nor the Individual is the ultimate, but that which includes both is the ultimate.
17. Life is not excusive, but is all-inclusive and must express the Ultimate.
18. The subconscious and the superconscious unite in Man.
19. Not only does life evolve, but the very Spirit evolves.
20. To go up, one needs to go down.
21. Evolution simultaneously moves up and down and meets at the end.
22. God did not crate the world; God became the world.
23. The Finite is the Infinite’s external appearance.
Another twenty themes can be listed and each directly applies to management.
The Principle of a wider proposal and its social prospects
The shift from the Finite proposal to Infinite creativity is more than revolutionary.
The advent of electricity has revolutionised our life, but as energy, the change it brought about is only quantitative, though enormous.
Of the numerous great changes in the world, we know many of them are quantitative, but some of them are qualitative.
Democracy, in that sense, brought about a qualitative change as it replaced slavery of mind by mental freedom.
Shift from Catholicism to Protestantism is essentially a shift from superstition to free thinking.
The shift proposed by Charles is basically revolutionary in conception and evolutionary in its effect.
Woman employing herself is not only higher income for the family but emancipates her from economic social thraldom releasing her own infinite human potential.
What changes is not the extent but the dimension.
The shift to the Infinite game contains most of the revolutionary attitudes.
In a wider proposal, we widen the application and touch upon the widening ultimate dimension of the results.
The gradation of life can be put on a scale of conflicts of various degrees ending in harmony, a strategy of infinite creativity according to Indian cosmology.
In each of these grades, there are several levels, E.g. compromise can be split into 1) compromise for survival, 2) for functioning, 3) for cooperation, 4) for coordination, 5) compromise that can permit a little harmony, 6) that can coexist with a little conflict, 7) which keeps some conflicts behind, etc.
For the initial exercise the six major divisions will do.
Let us enumerate the areas of conflict that can change to generate complementary functioning.
1) The most inhibiting of factors is the residue of the earlier systems that permit new systems to operate. A worse aspect of it is the past mental attitude Aldous Huxley refers to (p. 331 One World or None) §
2) With every passing generation, one more inflexible crust of rigid attitudes arises;
3) Differences between departments are a great obstacle that is insurmountable.
4) Differences between the goal of the company and individual motivation.
5) Between machine and men handling it.
procedure and personnel
work and people
duty and inclination
(The list is endless. Let us consider only the major items).
Every man is a bundle of several contradictions which when resolved enable each man to perform equal to the company. For the present let us not consider it.
Now that the cultural conflicts are thoroughly handled, all the principal gains will be fully understood. The aim should be to avail of them to exhaustion.
Indian philosophy speaks of each in all and all in each which means each aspect in one is complementary to every aspect in every other person and thing. The magnitude of the expansion is indicated by this principle.
Quantitatively what progress trade and manufacture made in the last few centuries will now be made when the finite game turns into an infinite game at least in one aspect the world over. Once the potentials are practically demonstrated, the world will readily take to it without serious resistance.
Organisation is used copiously in the West, but is confined to the physical material plane. It is also used unconsciously, in the sense that it is used for its power only. It is not used with a conscious awareness of its constitution, nor is it used mentally. Used consciously, all the presently unused potentials will become actualities. In the human body any act of a part is readily and fully supported by every other part subconsciously. In a company such a support is not presently available. Organisation, when consciously employed, will secure such fullness of support in all ranges subconsciously as in the body and go beyond to offer it consciously as no present company is aware.
Organisation is a collection of systems which are themselves made up of a chain of activities arranged in a particular way to produce efficient results saving energy, Time and Space.
In a company of five components, organisation occupies a critical centre.
A famous quote of Sri Aurobindo is life progresses by consciousness and consciousness progresses by organisation.
The aim of this Thesis is to study organisation from its origin and contribute to the creation of conscious organisation.
Existence – Sensation – aspiration – physical energy – physical organisation – skill – accumulation of skills – capacity – vital energy – vital thought – vital faculties such as courage – vital organisation – will – mental organisation – thought – concept can be offered as a chain of graded progress.
Skill is physical energy organised.
Vital energy organised is alert observation.
Mental energy organised is thought.
Instinct is collectively organised sensation for survival of life.
Intellect is organisation of thought.
Insight is subtle observation organised.
Intuition is subtle perception organised.
Life unconsciously, maybe subconsciously organises existence, survival, growth, development and evolution.
Organised consciously they will become their divine counterparts.
We know of innumerable social organisations – agriculture, trade, transport, money, barter, communication, etc. – all of which are created by either enabling circumstances or the compelling ones. None of them is fully consciously created by MAN.
In the West life is fully pervaded and permeated by organisation as work is consciously planned and executed.
In Asia similar organisation is vital and less conscious.
What we call conscious organisation is not conscious in the best sense of the word. At best, organisation is consciously used.
Products like car, telephone, TV, pen, spectacles are discovered by a thinker, produced by a manufacturer and we use them.
We do not produce them or create them.
Organisation is a social product which is universally used by one and all who do not produce it or know how it is produced originally.
In that sense, the population is not conscious of organisation.
Should they be conscious of organisation, they must be able to create organisation.
As said earlier, organisations come into existence by themselves by circumstances. In other words, they are presently subconscious creations.
Are we in a position to create an instinct, a biological organisation?
Can we create in Asia an organisation that can abolish poverty?
Or is there a psychological organisation in anyone’s view that can create joy?
Conscious awareness endows us with a creative capacity.
Act – Activities – systems – organisation – institution – culture is a chain.
It is preceded by another chain of energy that ends in an Act.
To study these origins and chains of progress in such a way that one becomes conscious of organisation is our aim.
That knowledge will enable us to create organisation for any future social purpose.
Such a knowledge will be social technology that by creating organisation of the future can bring the future in the present.
Knowledge of physiological organisation can be used to eliminate disease, prolong life, help man enjoy a health which is immune from disease.
Psychological organisation that generates cheerful joy and physiological organisation are complex and intricate while social organisations lend themselves to be studied and later created.
Restricting thus our scope, we shall concentrate on all aspects of social organisation. Let us also explore how far the creation of social organisation makes the finite game infinite.
Life Response
Life response is an organisation in the subtle physical.
Now we see it occurs all the time.
We can grow conscious of life response.
In such a case, we will be able to create life response.
We know the opposite of it.
We take initiative.
It cancels life response.
Not to take initiative is silent will which instantaneously creates a life response.
There are grades in life response. They exist in the vital, subtle vital, mental, subtle mental, spiritual and Supramental.
His bringing the Supramental force down and Her knowing it would descend in the playground is conscious creation of Supramental Life Response and receiving it.
Theoretically, intuition, insight, intellect, can be created.
To create an original thought is to create an organisation in the mind. Organisation of mind is creation of a new thought.
Conan Doyle in his stories creates all circumstances that can create an insight. It is a one-time occasion, not a permanent organisation. The insight is created in him, not in others.
Organisation exists at all levels from the physical to the Supramental.
The world knows physical organisation.
He has been working to create Supramental organisation.
He has brought down the Force and created the conducive conditions.
The Supramental time vision can be created in all if the force he has brought down is organised in the plane of mind.
That will be the ascent to the Supramental Plane.
Creation of an organisation requires knowledge.
Of course, the knowledge must be converted into will.
Knowledge and even will are only two of several conditions required.
The creation of anything, which we call accomplishment is surrounded by a host of things.
They are:
1) a necessary foundation in the vital,
2) sanction in the subtle vital,
3) a deeper foundation in the physical substance and consciousness,
4) the corresponding sanction in the subtle planes,
5) consent of the intraconscient world,
6) support from the circumconscient,
7) sanctioning endorsement from the super conscient,
8) Touching negative sensitivity means cancelling the support from below,
9) Opening the positive sensitivity means working for the descent from above.
All these may be parts of the whole or even the sum, not the real whole.
The whole emerges when the Absolute in the relative emerges.
Even this can be from outside or inside.
Neither is enough. What is needed is the sanction from inside that includes the outside.
That is the sanctioning touch.
It is The Sanction.
To know the sanction is to be capable of accomplishment.
That is what He did in bringing the Supramental Force.
As devotees, we can receive it.
As sadhaks, we can be conscious of it and create it.
Decision are automatically made and instantaneously executed where there is experience — subconscious saturation — which is readiness for action.
Man is called upon to decide and act where he has no experience.
Politicians, by virtue of leadership, are to take minute decisions in details in fields where they are totally ignorant.
This phenomenon exists everywhere in everyone’s experience.
To decide where there is experience is easy and natural.
To arrive at a decision in the absence of experience is an occasion to draw upon the essence of experience from another field.
Leadership is the ability to act not from experience but from the essence of experience.
Nature moves from subconscious existence to conscious action in many fields and leadership is one such.
Strategic results can be achieved by those who are around leaders and are able to close the gap, positively showing the leader how to act. A leader is one who can see the value of experience in a trice. Anyone can see it. A leader, acting in fresh fields, rises to the occasion seeing the essential subconscious link with the conscious action.
It is the experience in history that when the right time comes, a leader receives such an information. An occasion for such an information indicates the ripeness of the time. Such an information comes in various ways.
o A good angel brings it – Human agency is well shaped.
o Circumstances present it – atmosphere is ripe.
o It strikes one in a dream or otherwise – subtle atmosphere is ready.
o An inner voice speaks – it is God’s direct guidance.
JP Morgan in 1907, FDR in 1932, Gandhijji in 1947 (fasting in Calcutta), Gorbachev in 1990, British public in 1940 (to recall Churchill) are instances already quoted several times. Darcy’s desire to reverse himself is an urge for self-transformation unheard of in life or literature. Such a phenomenon is always there in the atmosphere. Only that it is in different depths. For the present Jonathan coming to us is the external circumstance for us to act. Materials are there in plenty. Jonathan may know exactly what we need. He is in a position to press the right button now.
The dimension of Time.
In Time, work needs a duration and it moves in successive steps.
In Timelessness, work needs no duration. It precipitates at once.
In simultaneous Time, work is done instantaneously but universally.
How to move from one dimension to another dimension?
A work splits into several parts.
Each part of the work can be done in a minimum time but we do it as it is convenient to us. Let us say they are five hours and seven hours, which means a work that needs only five hours is now being done in seven hours.
To reduce seven hours into five hours is to increase efficiency.
Suppose there are ten parts of a work.
We manage to do them all in the minimum time it needs.
It means with respect to Time, we exhaust all our energies.
Exhausting the energy is to lose the capacity to further movement.
Arriving at all parts at that level of efficiency we are no longer in the plane of Time.
The work is precipitated instantaneously.
We walk into the plane of Timelessness.
That being a strenuous effort, the moment the result is arrived at, the effort slackens. It becomes a one time achievement for the one who does it.
The result is striking, miraculous. It is impossible not to appropriate the result.
Instead of appropriating the result and reverting to the plane of Time, let us seek the process, concentrate on learning the process, which means NOT slackening the result. Therefore, one is capable of producing similar instantaneous results all the time.
The temptation of the result is to move into the plane of Timelessness, in which case one moves away from the plane of Time.
Desiring to be in Time until every act becomes instantaneous, one keeps the plane of Timelessness all the time.
Succeeding in it, one moves into Simultaneous Time.
Thus the plane of Time and the plane of Timelessness together rise above to Simultaneous Time.
Surface, mind, ego, finite
As we have seen moving from Time to Simultaneous Time, we have to trace the steps through which we move from 1) surface to subliminal, 2) mind to Supermind, 3) ego to the psychic, and 4) the finite to the infinite.
o From the surface to the psychic in the subliminal we have seen 8 reversals described in “Life-Moksha-Sri Aravindam”. To be able to understand each of these reversals and accept them will take us step by step to the subliminal.
o Between Mind and Supermind, He posits divine mind that can see both sides alternately.
Mind refuses to see the other side.
The Mind that can see both sides is the divine Mind.
The easiest way one can start is to see the issue from the other man’s point of view.
That should at the end make one see both sides alternately.
The next step is to see both sides as parts of a single whole at which moment the divine Mind changes into Supermind.
Selfishness, Selflessness, Self-giving are the three steps to outgrow ego.
The finite comes into existence because the whole being is withheld behind focussing on ONE point.
By implication, the ONE point is complementary to all that is withheld in some fashion.
While writing, thinking is kept back or suspended though thinking is the origin of writing.
To be able to see what is withheld or why it is withheld is to see the nature of complement ONE is to all the others.
Such a knowledge spreads out the finite focus into infinite comprehensiveness.
In the most desirable comprehensive vision, one arrives at what He calls comprehensive preciseness.
It is the whole vision that is the vision of the whole.
It is a centreless vision where from one feels the integration of every aspect with every other aspect.
In a company, all these can be made part of routine operation.
It is a monetary force. It is a social force. It is also a Force by itself.
The nature of the Force is that it increases enormously in the measure it is recognised by the human Mind.
In barter, Money is a thing, representing a fixed value as a symbol.
At that level, Money enables man to work more than necessary, save his present energy for the future.
Money used to buy properties gives property a social value.
Credit is a socially cohesive function extending the value of money beyond its intrinsic barter value.
Credit is creative of money value as it relates money to society.
Credit multiplies money.
Banks further multiply money.
Every human monetary transaction is a mini creative moment, as it serves as a bank for the moment.
Bank of America’s credit card.
Its extension to other states.
Visa card.
The ways in which it can be extended till each individual can becomes his own credit card company.
The three or four stages here are already in vogue, but in an elementary way.
Banks that devise ways and means or web companies that do it will witness a phenomenal expansion as the potential is left untapped.
Saturation of these methods will exhaust the role of Money as a force of money – Money-Force or monetary force.
Next, money becomes a social force, as education by creating an intelligentsia unleashed a revolution in 136 years.
Such a social force of Money is known but is not organised.
Next, money is a pure FORCE by virtue of its being Money.
At this level, Money will grow by human attention.
One will be able to CREATE money by virtue of having money.
Seeing it can be done in a small way, it will become evident that multiples of that Money can be created.
Receptive attitude that accomplishes.
This is an eternal attitude whose value is difficult to see even after it accomplishes.
The theoretical truth behind this is Sarvam Brahmam – All is Brahman.
A practical fact is when we want to accept, we believe the statement we hear is true and is in no part untrue. Mostly it is accomplished. When it is not accomplished, we see the ignorant desire that we superstitiously accept reveals its ignorance and is more powerful than the general truth in it that could have accomplished.
Stated differently, when we like we receive a statement in our emotions. Otherwise we receive it in the Mind.
Mind sees both sides of an issue and what it sees becomes true.
Emotional vital receiving a statement fully positively is not so strong as the silent Mind receiving it so. One is lower than the Mind and the other higher.
What operates here is more than Truth, it is a creative Truth.
We can as well say it is a creative Truth of Brahman that creates Brahman out of what we see.
By virtue of our willingness to see something as Brahman, it becomes Brahman is an eternal truth of the everlasting Infinite.
Someone tells me, “You can become the President.”
It can be variously received and understood.
In a democratic country, I can understand that this is a legally valid statement.
In that case, I understand democracy.
If I give credence to this statement, I can understand that I can become the President if I have sufficient support from political parties.
In that case, I become a political realist.
It is possible to describe how a physical, vital, mental, spiritual man can receive such a statement.
The physical man escapes a higher truth and it passes out of his mind at once.
A vital man may receive it with interest or greed and receive its consequences.
Spiritually, “No word ever comes to me without a significance and it grows in me as I receive it. If I receive it positively, realising its spiritual significance, my RECEPTION has the power to make it real in my life.” All men of spirit know this.
It is here human choice acts, acts with ultimate power and precision.
A spiritual man not only sees the significance of the word that comes to him, but he will have the spiritual common sense NOT to allow his mind to dwell on it.
He would not bring that spiritual experience to the lower mental level.
It can be seen from the point of view of one becomes what he aspires for.
Such a word came to him because 1) he has aspired for it and life wants to fulfil it, 2) his subconscious has aspired for it and now it will be fulfilled if his subconscious gives its consent, 3) Mother gives man what he has not asked for or what he does not know is in store for him. Often SHE gives him what he does not deserve. (Spiritual munificence acting through cosmic magnanimity offers Man what he cannot by his best efforts secure and what his horoscope has predicted is not for him).
Looking at it from the point of view of consecration, we see such an ‘event’ can be consecrated.
Consecration completes what is consecrated.
Consecration exists at several levels.
Physically, it is words.
Mentally it is thought.
In the subtle plane, it is a subtlised thought.
A subtle thought when consecrated goes into the silent regions and if not dwelt upon, rises further till it is accomplished in the physical plane.
The aftermath of consecration tells us its status.
A forgetfulness out of disbelief is a negative or neutral consecration.
Silence rising inside indicates that the consecration is right.
Expectation puts a stop to consecration and reverses the process.
Silence becoming rich and weighty shows the consecration is well on the way to completing its work in the physical material plane.
Thoughts enter us. Here the memory of the statement heard will recur in the Mind. It is best to recognise it when it enters in the subtle mind and reject it. That makes the thought go back to its higher region.
All thought that lowers the consciousness is hostility in the mental region.
All movements that raise the consciousness are devotion becoming a reality in the spiritual domain of emotions.
What is true of a statement is equally true for people with the required alteration.
We do not see blemishes in people we like.
In a person whom we dislike, there are points we can like.
To see those points only and NOT to see what we dislike is a self-discipline.
We do this with our boss sometimes and always with those whom we like.
Not to pay negative attention to undesirable points starves them of energy.
Attention to positive points makes them grow.
Both together make the person more desirable for us.
If only we can keenly analyse our subjective inner feelings, it will be self-evident that we have grown equally more desirable generally.
It requires Spiritual Intelligence to see which is the cause and which effect. Theoretically the inner is the cause and outer the effect.
To be able to see the validity of theory in practice, one needs sincerity. Spiritual intelligence is not enough.
To proceed along these lines and make a progress is a slow, time-consuming process.
To be in Mother, to live in Her consciousness, to work while in Her consciousness, etc. are not practices followed by the devotees except paying lip service.
It is a plane eight levels above us.
It is a plane of instantaneous miraculousness.
Our genuine practice will hasten our progress very much.
Once we see some results, we can try to sense the truth in our progress.
Our world is energised by our attention.
That is, we create our world.
Our world can be created egoistically or divinely or in between.
A clear understanding of this theoretical truth vastly helps us realise our goal of converting the disliking into liking.
To convert one enemy or competitor into an intimate friend is a yogic achievement.
It is a psychological exercise at a lower level.
Management practices are organisational exercises and therefore mechanical and lifeless compared with psychological processes.
To move towards Her is to make the world move towards us.
Culture of Peace is integrated with the society at points of mental peace and prosperity.
Our thesis can be given historical validity and psychological validity.
The argument of culture of peace is a universal truth.
Moving from national armies to World Army will establish peace on earth is the thesis.
Historically, each time an army has grown in size, moved from the local centre to a wider centre, the degree of social peace has increased.
Of course, we need a scale of peace and measurement of peace.
In their absence, we can use Symbols and Symptoms as a general measure.
History does provide ample facts to establish this thesis in some outline.
Similarly, the measure of prosperity, the measure of mental peace enjoyed by a society can be shown to be in direct proportion to the centralisation of the army.
If it is not far fetched, the point of decision-making we are trying to present Jonathan – the gap between experience and actual requirement – can also be shown to be in direct relationship with Peace, Prosperity, Mental Peace, etc.
A great invisible dividend to World Army will be the abolition of poverty from the face of the earth.
In support of this argument, we can show that cyberspace is thousands of times more resourceful than space on earth, as the telegraph first showed.
What cyberspace has done to information, it can do to the growth of real money.
Money grew in power when banks came into existence.
Banks created three times their deposits, not capital.
Now Bernard says it is nine times. I feel it is ninety or 900 times already.
Cyberspace is extending in all directions.
Money grew in volume through banks because of trust.
That trust was limited by space, speed and procedure which is mechanical. In cyberspace, space is unlimited, speed is instantaneous, procedure is eliminated by a software.
Any bank now can multiply their deposits several times. This is true of their assets and true of their turnover.
It is of particular importance that Trust in cyberspace is far superior to trust otherwise.
World Army abolishing poverty, cyberspace multiplying the world’s wealth are only two aspects of the Force acting on earth really in infinite directions.
Integrating our personality with the Personality of The Mother.
The fifth rule of Psychic Education is to make the maximum possible progress every moment.
The immense value of integration can be seen and felt if we know the equally immense value of scales and measurements.
We have a well defined idea of our personality and that of The Mother.
At every moment we work, it can be bettered. The very best one can do is to move towards Her. If there is a thought, we must seek silence; if a feeling arises, we must compel ourselves to think. Should we see visions, what is to be sought is intuition.
Obviously one can move only one step at a time. Please note in the last twenty-five years we have not taken even one such step so far.
It is easy to enlist all the duties.
It is worth noting that whatever we do in this direction, it is all ONE.
The ONE can be variously described. One way is to acquire self-awareness, another way is to aspire.
Of course, if we describe it as consecration, the speed of the movement is greatest.
Though the methods are infinite – self-awareness, consecration, thinking, feeling, etc. – each method varies in speed, significance, weight, result, etc.
To know which yields the highest result is important. (This itself is a wide topic).
Shall I think or feel is a question not easily answered.
One may have to think at one time and feel another time.
So, it varies from person to person, issue to issue.
To know which is the best method is important.
To discover that, self-awareness is necessary.
Further, what is the most important method at one time may not be so next time.
It is necessary to know which is the best method for me in this act. §
It is best said as, “It is to discover The Mother at a given moment.”
That varies between moment of Time to moment of Time as well as points of Space.
Hence we say there is only ONE thing to be done.
That one thing is better than knowing, better than doing. It is to be.
It can be bettered as, “It is to be in The Mother”.
That is the goal, we must move towards it.
It can be called integrating ourselves with the personality of The Mother.
For that, one has to be an integrated personality himself.
Integration of Personality
As the different parts of the body rise in readiness from dormancy to act when required, the parts of personality that so rise are integrated.
Mean, shrewd characters remember instantaneously the weak points of anyone’s life to report them falsely. It is one strand of integration.
Experience of exigencies in quick succession does it.
Dedication to a person or ideal does it equally powerfully.
It is so because at the point of devotion, one is subconsciously aware and alert.
People with socially pleasant alert manners are so in affairs social.
The search for a law or logic of a theory keeps the mind subconsciously alert and memory serves him readily in that area.
At the tether end of personality where it is getting shaped or organised, we see this phenomenon.
When we see memory is weak or strong, we really mean his interest in that area is weak or strong. Memory is interest, interest that is organising itself into character.
Eternal Romance requires eternal Freedom which means total absence of security.
HE says even steps and processes most unaccountable are governed by a secret all-wisdom. § It will not suffice for Romance. It should be the evolutionary saltus unsupported by that wisdom.
HE says man is 99% hostile.
This means where the organised civilised appearance is over, hostility begins.
He who reaches the reservoirs of his own hostility has exhausted that surface.
Conscious volition that offers to surrender hostility gives the greatest of openings.
One rule is golden and is worth any number of repetitions.
Any move up is of devotion.
Any step down is hostile.
In that sense to consider an issue mentally, if pursued, will organise one’s hostility.
Trust, implicit trust, loving trust is the opposite of hostility.
Competition and cooperation can be presented as aspiration for the Divine and indulgence in hostility.
Clear conceptions of integration of personality help in this effort.
Aspiration – consecration – surrender are stages.
Aspiration of the Being, once started, begins to grow, never flags.
Aspiration that flags is of the parts.
To move from the part to the whole of the Being is to shed the constitutional ignorance.
The part is of the surface.
The whole is the embodied being. It is in the subliminal.
HE says the Overmind transformation leaves a residue of the subconscious and inconscience.
Till we cross the Overmind into the Supermind, some ignorance will be there.
Prior to aspiration is constant remembrance.
The Remembrance of the Being is constant.
The Tamil saints, and Ramakrishna were of a high order of the parts.
They were on the surface.
Many were egoistic.
To generate aspiration, one should have constant remembrance.
Constant remembrance is from the being.
It is pure in the sense that one relies on the Divine.
There are several indications of constant remembrance. They are:
One is the native joy in remembrance.
No small slip in movement ever arises.
It comes on its own, not by our personal effort.
The outer Silence shifts to the inner centre.
Some mental ideas will now be emotionalised.
The atmosphere will grow in Silence.
The atmosphere loses the negative fringe.
The finite shows signs of multiplying on its own.
Physical felicity rears its head.
A sense of growing young overtakes one.
Signs of transformation of behaviour are seen in others.
Can see Sri Aurobindo in The Mother.
Breath will be sweet, which means aspiration has integrated with life.
What about those who have no aspiration?
Does the higher force exclude them?
No, the higher force does not exclude anyone who does not choose to go away.
Supramental transformation will leave a human residue.
To all others, there is hope.
Aspiration can arise in the parts or the whole.
The thirty items HE writes in The Mother as things to be rejected have their opposites.
In the physical, doubt and disbelief are the opposites of faith and belief; in the vital demand and envy are the opposites of not asking and generosity; in the mind thought is the opposite of silence.
To conceive of thirty opposites to these thirty items will offer sixty items on a scale whose two ends are hostility and devotion.
Aspiration is at the positive end.
One who is willing to begin from wherever he is has a hope.
He has his path laid and work cut out.
He who seeks steady progress must ensure no forward step is allowed to be reversed.
Decide you want the higher life.
Make a concerted beginning.
Prepare yourself before any beginning.
Allow no backsliding.§
Be sure you do need this progress.
Till constant remembrance arises, constantly learn to seek that progress.
The moving tortoise always wins over the sleeping hare.
It does not matter you are the tortoise; it matters you are moving.
Such a decision to be moving always meets with success.
Add Mother to it at any stage.
It is like a pedestrian given a lift in the car.
Once SHE enters, the course takes on the speed of evolution.
If you can, you can add some cheerfulness.
Learn NOT to admit anything negative.
Persist. Persistence will be rewarded with success.
At last, at least at long last, aspiration will be born.§§
Integration of yogic force.
Mind and body are parts with a vengeance.
Heart unites both in itself to a great extent.
It is the most integrated part of the surface being.
Integral yoga is fully integrated in its forces, forms, consciousness and existence at the centre behind the heart.
Synthesis of Yoga is in four parts of which the third part is the Yoga of Devotion. It is only 70 pages. It directly appeals to the yogic centre through the heart.
The last chapter of that part is the “Mystery of Love” where HE explains in emotional language the mysteries of the mystery and the secret of secrets.
It directly reaches its target through the heart and the centre behind it.
The reading of those pages is the heart speaking to the Heart.
Its essence is the Divine comes to us all the time.
He does not wait for your aspiration.
HE aspires to come to you.
The deeper your soul is buried, the stronger is His approach.
He who can accept God’s Touch, irrespective of the Form, is accepted by Him.
There Sri Aurobindo speaks of the eight reversals in the language of emotion.
The eighth reversal is most dramatic as well as poetic.
Once Aspiration awakens, the sadhak is not free to be repelled by an erring colleague.
The erring colleague is an enticing enchantment to the sadhaks.
Language, in its genius, moves away from the facts of the body and the thoughts of the mind, to unite them in a rare appeal where the most revolting is most inviting. It is to be done by the human effort; but at the point of heart, especially the heart behind the heart, GRACE does it on his behalf. One rarely sees that grace; in business to a mature businessman, the market to get at which the entire community is at great pains, COMES to him and pours deposits from dealers and raises him. It is the grace of the market.
The last part of The Life Divine
As the chapters progress, especially in the last four chapters, the maturing thought is self-evident at least in some points.
To follow that thread is to accept the increasing knowledge. Here it is an increasing spiritual experience.
In chapter 27 the theme is “The AIM of Supermind is to be”.
In the previous chapter, the same is to do – to shift from the outer to the inner.
One chapter earlier it is to know, while in the 28th chapter it is to be fully, wholly conscious, universal in delight.
These chapters are laid out in a fashion of graded ideas.
It is clearly seen in the last four or five chapters.
Taking the 14 chapters of the last part, we see the progress as follows.
1) Neither the One nor the Many but that which includes both is the ultimate. To conceive of this is to conceive the inconceivable – the Brahman. It is a spiritual experience that for a flashing split second the centre in us is moved to the inmost Brahman.
2) That Brahman and its experience are of any significance for this yoga only when it is expressed through life – a synthetic life.
Thus the inmost spiritual experience is taken all over the being through the vital and stops short of the physical.
3) The physical is the subconscient. The higher spiritual experience is of the Superconscient. They meet in his conscient mind.
4) So united, it is raised by an ascent to meet the demands of evolution.
5) Now one is qualified not only to shed the seven ignorances but to convert them into seven knowledges.
6) Knowledge of Brahman, its expression in life, the uniting subconscient and superconscient rising in evolution transforming the seven ignorances qualifies the embodied soul to evolve.
7) That evolution is the evolution of MAN who sheds the necessity of shedding the body, overcoming the need for rebirth.
8) That MAN is the spiritual MAN who can help others realise that much.
9) The triple transformation stands on this pedestal of spiritual preparation.
10) That enables him to shift from the outer to the inner.
11) Thus he realises the supreme AIM is to be.
12) Even that is enriched by fullness, delight, force, universality and consciousness.
Whenever sadhaks raised a salient pointing in the evening talks, the Master would say, “For that you must read The Life Divine.” He said it several times.
It is obvious what HE refers to in the Book.
Such a significance reveals the Logic of The Life Divine which is not explicit in the writing.
“The spiritual self-affirmation gives birth to the psychic in the subliminal” (*), is a statement which HE almost casually throws in.
It is of immense significance revealing to us His intellectual – rational – rendering of His unique spiritual experience of the complete Brahman.
It has a direct reference to another equally formidable idea that the unknowable formulates itself to the human consciousness and then disappears.
That is Brahman’s response to human aspiration.
(*) This is the evolutionary pressure of the Brahman in creation.
Also it at once brings to the mind the self-affirmation of Mind, vital, physical earlier.
Such a revelation throws light on history. It is an evolutionary light.
Looking at the Book that opens with Human Aspiration and ends with the momentous discovery of the Spirit moving Matter in this light is a revelation.
He started with Human Aspiration and ended with Spiritual Self-affirmation.
The succession of the 56 chapters, their division into two books and three parts at once reveal to us His intention, making our comprehension more eminently possible.
This is one approach to reading the Book, an approach from the point of view of Integration. It tells us:
— That life at each level is integrated. §
— Not only the parts are integrated into a whole, but
— Each part is an integrated whole in itself.
— As life is integrated, Spirit too is integrated.
— The one basic principle of existence is integration.
Man is as creative as the Divine when integrated with it.
Divine creativity is preceded by human creativity.
Human creativity is individual and social.
The individual precedes and succeeds the social.
Initially Man the individual struggles on his own.
Social creativity follows the pioneer when the entire society accepts the pioneer. Centuries ago, the individual struggled to educate himself.
Today education is a socially accepted goal and therefore powerful.
Social education is succeeded in the Individual education in the genius.
The pioneer and the genius precede and succeed the social effort of universal education.
Such a phenomenon is there in all fields such as agriculture, trade, money, sports, communication, etc.
Compare the pioneering tradesman with Rockefeller, Carnegie, Bill Gates, etc.
Compare the pioneering individual in agriculture with nations ready to produce food for several nations today. It is at the national level. Norman Borlaug can be said to be the agricultural Individual who succeeds the society.
It is all still at the level of productivity; creativity is for the genius, the vibhuti, like Napoleon, Leonardo, etc.
Money has entered the social phase of extreme productivity and the society is now expanded into cyberspace.
Money is productive at the level of cyberspace now in the collective.
Since 1950, money has moved as much as manufacturing has moved from 1800 to 2000 A.D.
Compare the advent of the telegraph, a revolution, with what is happening with the cell phone’s email messaging.
I underline the fact that Money has entered that phase but the present usage is as much as the telephone in 1950.
My idea to the BANKS, if acted upon, will move money through the same distance the phone has moved in India from 1950 to 2000.
Its logical evolutionary goal far exceeds it when the Individual in the post social period arises to create for himself as much money as the genius creates knowledge for himself and to the world through himself.
The Hour of God – its human version
In the Hour of God, what would be accomplished in a thousand years will be accomplished in a trice.
No devotee can say they have not seen it in their life.
It is what is brought by the atmosphere, not by our conscious participation.
The question is we should be conscious and consciously participate with the Force.
One basic truth is life is on the move. If there is no progress, life will be moving in the opposite direction.
Such a move will be organising problems.
Our present problems will reveal where we are.
I am not considering such a one who is grappling with his problems.
The opposite will be one who is grappling with his opportunities.
My question is how can such a person move from a human moment to the Hour of God or at least a human version of the Hour of God in his life.
It can be seen in every possible way. Two of them are,
1. Existing opportunities will yield results more quickly.
2. Greater opportunities will be surfacing in the circumstances.
One who sees such events in his life can sail into action.
The theory of the Hour of God or moving to the human version of it is to convert all the human attitudes into attitudes acceptable to the Divine.
Mentally, one must be willing for that.
Emotionally, he must endorse his mental willingness.
Sensationally, the old sensations may persist.
These are the main points he must be working on.
He will witness the following among other things:
1. Small things moving will move small things.
2. As they move, the inner being will feel a relief.
3. One small thing moving positively, will move another small thing in the opposite direction.
4. One small change will open up a very great opportunity.
(1) means there is no faith, one labours; (2) work is done inwardly not outwardly, (3) The hold on status quo ante is strong, (4) attitudes are wiling to change.
We must move to the response of (4) slowly with determination.
Integration with another person.
Taking the other man’s point of view is the first major step.
The theoretical truth here is the other man’s point of view is a valid for him as our point of view is valid for us.
This means there is a third point of view where both are valid.
One must have the mental humility to look for it.
A man takes your money and feels righteous in NOT returning it to you.
He not only does not return it, but feels he should not return it to you.
For me, it is outrageous.
If you place yourself in his position – emotional position – you will find that he has good important urgent use of the money. And it is right for him.
Forgetting the moral side of it, if you can feel as he feels, it is the other man’s emotions.
Social life does not call for it.
Psychological life DOES call for it.
Having sympathised with an erring friend, look into yourself and you will feel about money similarly. Maybe you do not feel so with borrowed money, but you can see in yourself doing an unimportant work with the money on hand overlooking an important work.
In that, you are like him and therefore he feels likewise towards you.
Your business is not to correct him but to find out where he is your complement.
Suppose you realise the similarity of character between both of you and cease to condemn him in your emotions, you make a progress.
He is a complement to you in the sense he spotlights your character and helps you to change at the point most required.
Theoretically, anyone with you is a complement to your skills, opinions, attitudes, motives, ideals, etc. Discover ALL of them and rise to the occasion.
You will see a sea change in the other man or he will leave you now that you have made all the progress you need to make by his company.
This is first done in opinion, later in emotions, finally in sensations.
At the last level, integration of lives and existences is complete.
It can be extended to integration with the circumstances you are in.
Integration with another starts with life, moves to mind and finally ends in soul. At that point, you are in him and pave the way for him to be in you.
We are now created by the world.
In the higher life we create our world and possibly the world.
At that stage, life is integrated with Life.
Our life is in Time.
It means most of our existence is routine, flat, dull, lifeless.
Only on occasions people or events TOUCH us in our inmost emotions.
Our life is formed or shaped not by our routine existence but by our responses to those Touches.
To render those responses harmonious is yoga or at least yogic life.
It is more easily said than done.
It can be done in several ways.
One can take the attitude to the Divine of being his beloved.§
A serious consecration does achieve it. §§
The triple path offers three methods.
One can use his knowledge of the Mind that harmony is the basis of an integrated life and refer each touch of life to that knowledge and leave things to their course.
“Let Thy Will be done”, is another method of surrender.
A method of common sense for one who has not taken to a serious discipline will be to decide to do one’s very best at all times and forget the rest.
One can fix a goal – psychological or social – and work towards it gradually.
An active goodwill that is expressed as a dynamic attitude to the world – to one’s own world – has the capacity to achieve this.
To move ONE step higher psychologically or socially so that one’s consciousness will rise can be considered as another method.
Perfection, however partial, in any walk of life can serve that purpose.
Yogically, the shift from outside to inside is a formidable process. One can attempt a version of it suitable to him.
Giving up mental occupation, particularly preoccupation, is a method.
To read His and Her writings will have a general positive effect.
To seek the Logic of The Life Divine is a suitable method for mental persons.
An emotional identification with the figure of The Mother or Sri Aurobindo will suit devoted hearts.
To be a GOOD human being can serve that purpose after a fashion.
The Live Moment
For one who pursues integration, all moments are of no use, especially dead moments are totally useless. Only the Live Moment is of any use.
Life is full of MOMENTS as life is in Time, a movement of duration. Life is Brahman, remains Brahman all the time.
Brahman is infinite.
It remains infinite in all forms it assumes.
So, any moment is infinite. Incidentally, any space is infinite.
All the time we live in such moments.
Our unconsciousness prevents us from seeing it. What we are aware of is the initiative we take.
Suppose I want to take a bath. At that precise moment, I KNOW my decision to take bath and mistake that awareness as the only available direction, whereas it is a MOMENT with infinite dimensions where there is ONE decision of mine to take bath.
Just then, all dimensions are LIVE. The only one that is dead is my decision by virtue of its being a repetition. (The very first repetition makes any moment dead).
He who seeks the LIVE moment must first distinguish between the live and dead moments. It is the first step in becoming conscious. Next, he must insist on NOT being dead, which means he should not enter into the dead moment or use the beaten tract.
At that moment, he has the options of 1) going for bath by repeating an old movement, 2) not going for bath, and 3) taking bath in a live fashion.
No. 1 is to be avoided. We usually fail here.
No. 2 keeps you in infinite wilderness and away from the work of taking bath.
While you are in the infinite options, you are alive, fresh. It is a gain for consciousness. It is the critical MOMENT, a moment when one refuses to become unconscious and retains his conscious awareness.
Now, from that perch, whatever he does will be a conscious act.
Choosing to take a bath from that mental station, bathing becomes an act in consciousness. That is to be in the Live Moment.
Sri Aurobindo says Brahman is full, integrated, complete. Only the human mind sees Brahman in its partial poises of passivity, immutability, dynamism, Bliss, etc.
He says Brahman’s infinity, if infinity can be attributed to it, is Self-existent. The real Brahmavidya is to know Brahman in its fullness as a marvel. He further says Brahman is absolute. In some ways its absoluteness is always maintained.
Can we see it around us?
Is society as we see, retaining that absoluteness? If so, how?
Society is alive all the time, in all that it is.
One successful man evokes endless competition instantaneously.
In India, we see in organising corruption, MAN exhibits evolutionary alertness. There is no force that can stop man, young or old, from pursuing his goals, if only he sees there is no barrier – social, psychological or practical. One questions arises – if such an alertness is ever-present, why seek progress, social, psychological, spiritual, etc?
Evolutionary readiness offers maximum possible enjoyment at present. It cannot be raised at that level.
But, evolutionary endeavour raises that level raising the intensity of that enjoyment.
Man is evolving in Time.
The Rishi can evolve in Timelessness and he does so.
The Integral yogi tries to raise that evolution to Simultaneous Time.
Points of transition at lower levels appear as problems, at higher levels show themselves as opportunities.
By raising the level of existence, problems change into opportunities. It is equally true when our perception – attitude – changes.
One man’s integral perception from Simultaneous Time can change the problems in Time into opportunities in Timelessness or even higher.
Such a change in the individual can relieve him of the problems he faces or if his amplitude of personality be wider, raise the plane of the problem to the higher planes, in the measure of his integration. It can be with himself or with his world.
People run after appearances, mistaking them for reality, as they are integrated with the appearance.
A reputed school earns.
Others who seek earning seek such schools.
Many succeed in varying measures and many others fail in varying measures.
Such success or failure too is determined by the reality of the model they are emulating or imitating.
The measure of truth or reality they take after decides the measure of their success or failure.
A mantra is a realisation of a yogi.
His realisation formulates itself as a mantra.
The yogi from whose inner depths the mantra sprang up receives the full force of the mantra when he uses it.
Others using it will receive its power of benefit in the measure of the sincerity to the mantra or the yogi.
It is true of all accomplishments, not only the mantra.
A reputed school, if its reputation is real, when copied cannot fail, as the power of its original accomplishment will make itself felt.
He who follows or imitates may have ONLY a motive of collecting money. The collection of money itself can compel him to follow the original model.
Or, the collection may go astray.
It depends on the competing strengths of the ideal and imitation.
In an utterly degenerate atmosphere, the imitation will be ruined.
The 200 engineering colleges founded by black money have succeeded in some good measure.
Therefore, there is a good chance of the imitation succeeding.
The imitator has a rare option of exceeding the original.
It all depends upon the motive of imitation, strength of the educational atmosphere, the purity of the original model.
Black money is black. It need not necessarily be fully black is a theoretical explanation.
The black money can serve in some measure the right purpose, depending on the population it serves. It has the very rare option of becoming entirely white, depending upon the combination of forces.
How can a thief acquire the looks of a Prince?
This proverb illustrates that the society is integrated with the falsehood of the thief.
The villagers rejected the offer to dig wells only reflecting this state of mind.
He who uses this proverb lives in organised falsehood and reveals his identity with it.
Ramasamy’s social elevation made the village respond.
We saw they refused to respond to money, but responded to prestige.
Prestige is the social power of Money.
Banks multiplying their deposits do need a strategy.
Such a strategy readily presents itself in time.
Money-back guarantee, Ford’s assembly line are such. §
When we ay the villagers responded to prestige, not money, we say money is a thing having no power of change and prestige is the social power of money.
What was prestige for the villager can be anything else in other circumstances.
Presently the power of social evolution expresses in globalisation in trade, evolving international organisations in work, world government in politics.
To narrow it down to the immediate context and evolve the strategy is the acumen of consultation.
In one sense, it is a stupendous task as Iacocca faced.
In another sense, it is as easy as writing the succeeding number to a given number, as the CONTEXT or circumstance is socially creative. It throws it up on the spur of the moment.
No man with long experience can fail to recognise the value of such a suggestion.
Experience is the essence of existence unfolding future life.
Determined opposition is found only in perverse cases who delight in enjoying the intensity of perverse functioning.
(Perversity [mental dyslexia] as anything else — kindness, love, affection – has a life of its own by virtue of its being a life vibration. Hence it insists on growing.)
The fact that election officials exercise their powers to the detriment of corrupt politicians is a silver lining we witness.
As long as we are aware of our own hostility and falsehood and are anxious to wean ourselves from it, there is HOPE.
Integration of values
Values integrate the society.
Presently values are the most powerful social instruments.
The integration of the aristocratic elite was by the value of a gentleman.
The Indian Parliament refusing to impeach Ramasamy, putting the politician above law, society adoring the wealth of corruption and its display is integration of society with depravity.
The higher life will be integrated by harmony, unity, mutuality.
Every nation has risen by ONE major value. America has risen by work and organisation of work, Europe by the Protestant ethic of work, England by the aristocratic value of the gentleman, France by intellectuality, Germany by perfection, Russia by mystical emotion, Dutch by the friendliness required by trade, Japan by loyalty to the Emperor, India by the chastity of the woman.
No nation can afford to err in their basic value, except on pain of dissolution.
Each nation has a natural next step individually and collectively.
England will do well to rediscover her values in becoming modern, giving up the deadwood of conservatism.
France will vastly benefit by aiming to develop strength of character.
Europe as a whole will make an evolutionary progress if she chooses to adopt democracy in her cultural life.
Russia’s future lies in intellectuality.
The American will continue to lead the world if he raises his efficiency from practical organisation of production to vital harmony and human creativity. (This is necessary if they choose to be overwhelmed by floods of wealth which will help them overcome or outgrow money value and enjoy the full intensity of emotional life with other human beings).
Germany that has achieved physical perfection is mature enough to try her hand at perfection in vital human harmony. They once broke it rudely and tyrannically at the physical level.
India has highly developed values of obedience to the guru, loyalty to the husband, submission to the leader. Self-respect, individual industry, power of thought §, truthfulness, collective organisation for work, are areas where Indians have to start from scratch, maybe from minus.
The rules for such a change are:
1. Build on what is already strong.
2. Imitate all other nations without offending basic cultural values.
3. Innovate with respect to modern social values such as human rights, equality of women, etc. and the emerging technology.
4. Rescue education from memorisation and do not fall into the trap of intellectuality. Aim at creating life education as a system and fully draw upon the existing strength.
5. Take all pains to reorient the emerging life to the emerging global culture or at least to the everlasting values of Indian culture.
6. Commercialise fully education. §§
7. The capital stroke is to create spiritually valid organisations of work that are one step away from what obtains now. It will stem the tide of Westernisation.
8. Let the school create a finished social product in the teen age or just before it.
9. The family should foster it culturally.
For the past several millennia, life has changed hundreds of times, but not the values by which it is lived. If anything, the values have risen in importance. As we see deterioration of values, this statement looks untrue. The falling values are only an appearance. The fall is because the society is becoming broader based. At many points it may even sound untrue. When man loses values at one level, it is because at a lower level a primary value is born. If votes are sold, people are better fed. Loss of democratic value is necessitated by the vanishing thickness of poverty.
Chastity, I said, is the core value of India.
India is a country where even professionally unmarried people like devadasis have very often the value of being with one man. It is an eternal value. Its significance cannot be overemphasised.
Even in countries where marriage is dissolving, the human value of reliability in a relationship is highly valued.
In the last hundred years, it has increased, while marital loyalty is thrown away. It is a value to which India cannot err without seriously harming her soul. It may not have the appearance of the chastity of olden times. But it will revive as a higher sacred value of human reliability. Marriage can go, it must go, not human integrity of existence.
Parts and whole – Complementary Nature – Ever-increasing complement completes itself in Integration perfectly.
An office worker has talents in acting. The annual function brings it out vitally.
Family is completed by the school when they take care of education of children.
No one is equipped for all work. Hence, one has to depend on every other.
A shop meets our grocery and stationary needs. It is a complement. We buy, they sell. We are complements to the products that they are selling.
Integration is physical, vital, mental, spiritual. Also integration meets our needs, desires, and enjoyments.
Needs are physical, desires are vital, enjoyments are emotional.
A house meets our physical needs and vital enjoyment of possessiveness.
A child’s complement to a mother is more comprehensive. The physical possessiveness, vital enjoyment go to offer a mental satisfaction to the mother.
Some play a one-dimensional role, others multidimensional roles. None meet all the requirements of one.
Needs, desires, enjoyments are of the hour and are of parts.
There are potential needs that do not surface.
A new opportunity brings that to the surface and meets it.
A need of a part is met at the level of the part; rarely it goes beyond.
Eating, playing, reading a geography book are of this shallow description.
An ideal meets the mental needs of idealism while it goes beyond and is emotionally gratifying. It can go and touch the soul. But none of these parts are fully exercised, as outside the ideal, there lie the un-ideal mundane needs.
Is there an ideal that inspires the Mind, engrosses the vital, thrills the body and makes the un-ideal mundane work a revealing inspiration?
In discussing a related topic, Sri Aurobindo declares that God-seeking is the best one can do.
At times of annual functions, Christmas, weddings, etc. a family lives those few days in a perpetual thrill, finding its deeply buried potentials of enjoyment having a field day on the surface.
Creation is so constructed that as we ascend in the scale of evolution, the measure of integration with people, events, Time, Space increases converting the inner potentials of existence into outer actuals of experience.
As one rises in this scale, we find him rising on every other scale of functioning and existence.
In the evolutionary language, the Form nears perfection.
Force moves towards consciousness.
The dividing mind moves towards the uniting divine mind and finally to the Supermind.
Noise of the mouth becomes silence of the mind. It ends in Silence behind Silence.
Thought becomes Real Idea passing through understanding, vision, intuition, knowledge.
Purusha of the part converts into the psychic of the same part.
Centre of existence moves away from the surface to the subliminal via inner mind.
What really increases is the Freedom of the Soul in all parts.
Mind enjoys beauty, the vital enjoys joy, the soul enjoys love.
In this fashion, Bliss impacts on the mind, vital and the soul.
In this progression, static Bliss changes into active delight.
At the level of being, the essential truths of a static being change into active truths of a changing being.
Existence exists, does not enjoy.
Existence becoming the Existent enjoying its consciousness is bliss or Ananda.
The existent converting itself into Matter enjoying its object of consciousness is delight.
At the final stage, Matter itself becomes the delight of existence making itself the object against the formal basis of mind.
The Supramental yoga starts with the mental psychic which develops on both sides simultaneously. Above, it travels through the range of the spiritual mind.
Below, it moves via the vital psychic and ends up in the psychic of the body which is the Supramental being.
Ideals delight mind; passion saturates the vital; gratitude thrills the body.
Life provides external fields and occasions for these ideals, passions and gratitude.
Each period of history offers occasions for patriotism, honour, entrepreneurship, etc.
The woman is an evolutionary provision for man originally constructed to meet most of the needs of man, if not all.
Theoretically, it is the feminine principle enshrined in a woman that can rise to the occasion of Man’s evolutionary fulfilment. Sri Aurobindo says God becoming the woman to man and man becoming the woman to God is the culmination.
If that is so, its present version is there at present.
To arrive at that is the acme of human life through divine energy.
The importance of NOT taking initiative.
Initiative is properly an act of will.
It is the Divine that acts all the time.
Ishwara is acting through Shakti.
In us, it is the ego that takes the initiative to organise and preserve selfishness.
The ego, He says, is of the Infinite.
The initiative of the ego is in the opposite direction to that of the Divine.
Surrender of the ego can be restated as reversing the direction of the initiative of the ego.
Ego is an organisation originating in the mind, extending to the vital and culminating in the physical.
It is an organisation of limitation.
It starts in the mind as will and thought.
It extends to the subtle mind and beyond.
The root of the ego is in the surface in the plane of Time.
To arrive at the root and offer it to the Divine is surrendering the ego.
A greater step is to persuade the ego to surrender.
Before we arrive at the will to tackle it, we meet with the gross thought.
To deny our endorsement to thought, the sanction of the soul in the mind is the very first step.
Should you succeed here, it has to be extended 1) to the will, 2) to the subtle thought.
It is said yogis acquire this silence of mind in eighteen births.
Thus the thought is successfully surrendered as the will of the thought too is given up.
This is on the surface mind and in its consciousness.
Memory will still be there.
Dissolution of the memory is a sign of having moved to the subliminal.
Mother gives this to all in Darsans. We manage to lose it quickly.
Capacity to activate the thought is mental initiative.
It is taste of mental ignorance.
To move from mind to the heart and its feelings and from there to the vital and sensations is not given to human effort. Still it is in the domain of human effort.
That human effort has any chance of success by the grace that moved in because of the surrender of thought.
Surrender of thought will become complete if the faculty of thinking is surrendered.
Thinking is one of the dozen faculties of mind – observation, memory, imagination, judgement, discrimination, suggestion, thinking, decision are the various faculties.
Surrender of Mind abolishes Mind. No one has done it before the Master and Mother.
The substance of Mind is the brain.
It is here this work of surrender or abolition is to be completed for the mental plane.
Before the surrender of Mind can ever be considered, one has to handle ideas, habits, construction, preferences along with thought.
Doing this is yoga pure and it is for those who have taken to yoga as the one and only goal.
Often we see things instantaneously precipitating as Darcy arrives at Pemberley a day early. It happens when the surrender unconsciously moves to the subliminal.
To repeat this process for the impulses of emotions and the impulses of sensations is the next higher step.
Sensation of vital precedes sensation of the body.
Body has its surface and depth – consciousness and substance.
Now these impulses of sensation, emotions and thoughts arise and play on their own.
It is our unconscious existence.
We do take initiatives in all these phases.
That is made possible by need in the physical, demand in the vital, curiosity in the mind.
These initiatives are acts sanctioned by our mental, vital and physical egos.
To suspend such initiatives, to reverse them is to let Her will be done.
He who successfully does all this is called sarva arambha parithyagi.
Social life is one of outer initiatives.
Psychological life is one of inner initiatives.
NOT to take initiative, one cannot be in outer or inner life.
Nor can he be in subtle life.
In the measure one succeeds in not taking initiative, he acquires the qualification of being integrated with higher and higher consciousness.
Seeking integration is the positive side of not taking initiative, its negative side.
Surrender when active is positive.
Refusing the initiative is negative.
The whole should include the positive as well as negative.
Time and Energy — What is integration for them?
Integration, by the best sense of the concept, is in simultaneous Time.
Time and Energy can be integrated with the Being.
Now Time works in Force; energy is of the Force.
Time and Energy are limited in the plane of force.
They change their character when the plane changes to being.
In the plane of being, energy increases when you spend it and Time increases in its effectivity with an increasing workload.
Work done with interest is not tiring.
Work done in being increases the energy available.
The more you work, the greater is the energy released.
With Time, the phenomenon of increasing efficiency will be somewhat peculiar in the sense that as the workload rises, the time of execution shrinks as the efficiency of execution rises.
It is so because the being is infinite and is in the Timeless plane.
At this point one can choose to understand this phenomenon a little more philosophically for the sake of mental clarity or wish to devise ways and means to better utilise Time as well as energy.
The latter is simple and easy.
It only needs a decision.
It is a decision based on the above knowledge – that Time and Energy are capable of increasing by expenditure.
What makes this impossible feat is the decision to act on the basis of this higher knowledge – being is infinite.
A decision is in our plane of force; whereas this decision takes us to a higher plane of being. Hence the extraordinary effect.
Capacity of decision remaining the same, please note a higher knowledge raises the effectivity of the decision.
He who delights in this new understanding can retain that new-found power forever.
That is the secret power of decision.
Such a power reaches its acme when one comes to recognise the infinite power of NOT deciding.
Between decision and knowledge, it is understood decision is more powerful, rather we know decision carries all the power and knowledge no power.
This is practically true, i.e. in our plane of Time in lower triplicity.
There is a knowledge which includes the will.
In the Supermind knowledge and will are one – united.
In theory, will issues out of knowledge. We call it consciousness.
Trying to put exalted philosophy in terms of the common man’s experience, can we not say the knowledge we get out of experience, not by reading, includes the will to recreate that experience.
All our subconscious activities are of this description.
The moment experience saturates the experiencing consciousness, it tends to become subconscious.
For our purposes, the domain of the subconscious will be of no avail.
Still there is a zone where the subconscious is half-conscious.
At the end of thirty years service, a man knows his work practically as if he is a master and if he is educated he will know the theory of that experience. Only in the next birth this half-conscious knowledge becomes subconscious either in a second generation or a second birth.
To understand the power of knowledge in the Superconscient we can use this experience of this half-conscious phenomenon.
I spoke of experience yielding the essence as knowledge here.
There is another process.
It is to come from above.
The professional acquires theoretical knowledge and then translates it into practical experience.
It takes the initial years of training.
Occasionally we see the phenomenon of a trainee performing on the first day as if he is one of experience.
It happens, when it does happen, in one part of the capacity.
By the very serious concentration of learning, one develops the WILL also as the will is in potential in the knowledge.
It is possible to make this an educational method teaching concentration.
Consecration as a method invariably succeeds here and everywhere.
Historical landmarks of soul’s growth in the world – Maybe they are soulmarks.
Mesopotamia |
Riverbed civilisation, agriculture, urbanisation, linguistic development. Vastness of area, rich water resources. Development of life and mind at the physical plane. |
Greece |
City-states of small size conducive to mental development. Mind stimulated by avenues of trade as well as contact between land and sea. Efflorescence of pure mind unsupported by Spirit. Decay was due to lack of support from the Spirit. |
Rome |
They were inspired by the Greek civilisation, but left the thinking to the Greeks. Vital growth of army and empire. Artistic birth because of the vital. Decay was caused by the absence of thought. |
Russia |
Vast region suited to the development of mysticism and emotion. Absence of narrow principalities prevented mental growth. |
Germany |
There was no state. Territorial integrity was not there till Bismarck came. Narrow principalities developed mind, philosophy and generated Protestantism. The moment Germany was a nation, she tried for world domination. (World leadership first needs territorial integrity). Vitality expressed in music. |
Spain |
Seafaring nation sought to build empires. |
Britain |
Seafaring nation built an empire. Having been a slave for long, she tried to preserve freedom through democracy, broke away from the Pope. |
France |
Gulf between masses and aristocracy generated the French Revolution, gave freedom to Europe, developed intellectuality for herself. |
Europe |
Scientific thinking is from pure mind which flowered in the individual two thousand years after Socrates. |
Thought in USA was to create work organisation. Shuns pure thought still as the basis of culture is not yet created. |
India |
Spirit’s partial growth to freedom created oppression for other castes. Power of thought was lost after slavery.
High mountains, vast plains and long coast were the reasons for Spiritual growth. Mind could develop as Spirit was already developed. Also, there were over 500 princely states which by their smallness fostered mental growth. |
Development of physicality or vitality or even mentality apparently depends upon the climate, geography and perhaps geology. But all of these are circumstances utilised by the determining Spirit.
Knowledge integrated with existence is faith. Faith is knowledge with power.
Higher knowledge unconsciously working in lower planes with sure results is faith.
HE called faith the knowledge of the soul.
HE said faith and grace are not altogether myths.
Faith can be seen as 1) Faith of experience, 2) superstitious faith, 3) Kalyana sraddha, 4) precarious faith, 5) Faith capable of failure, 6) outside faith, 7) perverse faith, 8) purity of Faith, 9) ultimate faith incapable of failure but unformed in its existence, 10) selfish faith.
Above all of them there is one version which is Faith that increases by any exercise as well as any circumstance. While faith of any description has a limit, this one has neither limit nor does it know diminishing.
1) Faith of experience: Out of long practice, one develops faith. It works always as long as the circumstances are not changed. In new circumstances, it fails to work.
2) Superstitious faith gives unfailing results within the domain of superstition. Outside superstition, it fails. If insisted upon, it evokes opposite results.
3) Kalyana sraddha is working faith. A failure producing a higher result or a possibility for higher result is kalyana sraddha.
4) Precarious faith is what most of the time we exhibit. A faith in a higher power of existence or principle worked by ignorant, unorganised, disorganised or perverse forces ultimately giving the results after a series of uncertainties is precarious.
5) Faith capable of failure is the faith of ignorance ignorantly placed in something or anything.
6) Faith of a person producing results in another person unaware of its existence is outside faith.
7) Perverse faith: Even in perversity faith, by virtue of its intensity, can produce results.
8) Purity of Faith is that which depends only on the Divine.
9) Ultimate Faith is Faith in the complete Brahman.
10) Selfish faith will succeed in all selfish acts through capacity.
Faith has a capacity to immediately raise symptoms of work done successfully outside. This often shows as a growth of inner confidence.
This encourages and enables one to keep faith.
It is all right, but will not qualify as enduring faith.
Of course, obviously this is not the ever-increasing faith.
HE says equality is the consciousness of the Infinite.
Maybe we can pronounce that faith is the inner attitude of the perception of the Infinite outside.
Sri Aurobindo has spoken of human faith failing in a case where HE tried to heal someone of a disease.
We prefer to have some symptom of the end now.
The faith that can survive with no such symptoms is the faith of one who has glimpsed something of the Infinity.
There are occasions of long spiritual journey.
The Vedas speak of dark intervals in the journey.
It is possible that one sees no symptoms till the end.
Faith that deserves the definition of faith has no business to shake even here.
He who seeks a result cannot have this kind of faith.
One to whom every result is a means to the end of the ultimate can have it.
It is not situated in the mind.
Nor is it located in the soul.
It is beyond mind and soul.
Mother said when She was working on Her body She did not receive through the soul or inner being. Nor did She receive through the psychic. She said She received in Her body directly from the Supreme.
She called it the faith of the Body that could dispense with all the intermediaries.
Body is the substance of the Being.
Body is subconscious.
The subconscient is the Inconscient evolving.
Below the body lies the inconscient.
To the human embodied being, body and its substance is the ultimate.
HE could not continue His work in the substance of the Body.
She did and found it a horrible hell. She spoke of the faith of the Body.
Converting The Life Divine into a formula of life or an approach to it.
A complete understanding should lead to a complete lifestyle.
If it is ever achieved, it will be a point of integration of Life and Spirit.
One of the ways of life is when such a formula is evolved, it will turn out to be one of commonplace knowledge, never followed.
A great discovery is often a commonplace knowledge, but seriously followed.
We know the ultimate reconciliation is of Matter and Spirit in the transcendental consciousness.
It declares that without giving up Sat, one should enter into Asat.
Chapter 27, The Sevenfold Chord of Being dwells on this theme.
When explained, the formula may appear to be one of necessity. One can follow what is necessary from a higher or lower motive.
In the above reconciliation, we see Asat too gets raised to the Absolute.
When Sat and Asat are in juxtaposition, our normal tendency is to avoid Asat.
Not to avoid Asat is the principle.
The right attitude raises Sat to Absolute. With equal facility it raises Asat too.
What is opposite to us rises to the goal, just as what we approve of.
The way of mind is to exclude everything in preference to one thing.
Supermind excludes nothing.
Black money is a reality.
We cannot approve of it, but we should not exclude it.
The truth is Black money is a service to the emerging India eminently.
It does not mean we should willingly serve it.
Keep it in the background, let white money serve.
You will see the evolutionary phenomenon of black money becoming white as Asat rose.
It is the rule for marriage for a substandard or devilish spouse.
We may ourselves be that devil.
The alternative to divorce is to work with that spouse in the background, NOT for the implementation of your ideal but the ideal of marriage.
Formula: Accept the reality, work for a higher ideal.
For an idealist in the society, the temptation is to detach from the society.
That is the way of the mind.
Accept the society in the background, work for the Ideal.
You will see the society rises as you rise.
That way you will progress fast.
Excluding the society, your energies will be spent on fighting the society.
If you differ from the family, the first impulse is to leave it.
Again it is a mental way of exclusiveness.
Don’t leave the family, but don’t give in to it. Work for the RIGHT with the family in the background. The progress will be for both. It is an integral progress.
Leaving the family arises when the family takes initiative to leave you or crush you.
It is true of one working in an office, organisation, party, government, etc.
For an office employee, a house is a must.
Office is Sat, house is Asat.
Neither can be given up.
As it is, office and home are at loggerheads.
See one is the complement of the other.
In fact, the house must be so organised to facilitate the work of the office.
People working for a party or movement generally neglect the family which trails behind him as a superfluous tail.
Individuality when it is developed has a chance of becoming selfish.
Individuality is valuable. Individuals of Europe developed by the entire nation in USA have abundantly expressed in physical production, i.e. wealth. So, she rules today.
Individuality is NOT selfish. It can settle down as selfishness.
That is a tragedy which will deprive him of the evolutionary lead.
Falsehood is pervasive here. We cannot shun it.
Truth has to work with the falsehood as a foundation, a supporting background.
We cannot work for the truth that is opposite of that falsehood.
We have to work for that truth by which this falsehood exists.
Supermind works through that seed of truth, to convert the falsehood into Truth.
Formation of public opinion that is effective.
No opinion of the public goes unheeded, however long the delay may be
As imagination indicates future possibility, public opinion, right or wrong, tells us the urge of the collective.
It never materialises if the community outgrows its urges, as other greater developments overtake for the better.
In this section it will be proper to consider the formation of public opinion as one aspect of the social existence integrated with social life.
At the moment public opinion integrates with the society, society implements it.
The great truth about public opinion in undeveloped countries is the public has no opinion.
In educated nations, the public who insist on having their own opinion unfortunately are unable to resist voicing the opinion of their betters.
Till this moment, whether the nation is illiterate or highly educated, the truth about public opinion is it is a faithful reflection of what the elite DOES, not what they profess to believe.
The Thiru Kural said two thousand years ago that the elite is the world.
The elite have a range.
At their highest best, they voice their sublime ideals.
In their daily life they are unable to fall below a certain level.
The aspirations of the population are sensitively in touch with what their betters do.
That turns into their opinion – public opinion.
Left to themselves, they may not act on their opinion even as the elite do.
Public opinion can be defined as what each man wants the other man to do.
Obviously, it is a strong urge or a strong wish.
It is not enough for that to effectively move either the social leadership or the governmental forces.
Still, there are occasions that this opinion gets implemented.
When the public very strongly feel something is to be done, it creates a revolutionary atmosphere.
Either a revolution breaks out or their wishes are granted instantaneously, as the anti-Hindi movement performed in Tamilnadu in 1965.
Public opinion, as we are aware, is a potential force, not a kinetic one.
A potential force takes a long time, a very long time, to become effective.
Potential knowledge, even when it is fully formulated has waited eighteen centuries to become effective.
Even accomplished technologies as steam driven ships have taken almost half a century to come into vogue.
Our interest here is not the general topic of effective public opinion, but how public opinion that is favourable to nuclear disarmament can be availed of for its fruition.
Wittner has shown how the waves of public protests have been effervescent, especially when there were signs of the government leadership moving in the right direction.
Wittner rightly dwells on the opinion that is a fear that nuclear disarmament will create military insecurity.
It may not stand a rational scrutiny.
But man is not rational, even when he accomplishes.
To bring about this disarmament, this sense of insecurity is to be addressed.
As there is an elite leading the public, there is another elite leading this first level of elite.
It is the power behind the throne, or the POWER rests there.
A work is accomplished either by a very long process or almost instantaneously, as C. Subramaniam accepted jewel loans.
Capacity to reach the thought of this power behind the throne can accomplish any work instantaneously.
It may be a single weighty individual or a small group of thinkers, but this will never be the experts.
JP Morgan single-handedly took upon himself to act in 1907. He acted successfully.
The elite of the elite can be a vast group of NGOs such as those affiliated with ICC.
Organised NGOs of this number can serve as such an elite better than the vast public.
Social force organises itself nebulously as these NGOs.
Money Force is the reinforcement of such social force.
Abundance of money can activate the social force to act.
Even there, routing our work through such an elite will be beneficial.
Ideas, well formulated as strategies can act as such levers, but by themselves ideas gather no weight.
Integration is an ever-growing concept as it exists at all levels and in all intensities.
Integration of consecration with work, life, existence when considered will bring out infinite facets of ever-growing concepts. Logical extension permits it to end in integration of consecration with Brahman, partial and full.
As integration is endless, consecration too is without an end or term.
Consecration of work completes the work.
It acts in one dimension.
Integration of consecration with work apart from completing the work completes the work personality of the doer.
Result, though comprehensive, can exist in some summary fashion.
Work is aimed at yielding results.
But work is not for the result.
Work has an existence; it has a personality; it enjoys being a perfect work.
Work is the part of life where energy moves to create new forms – results.
Work is in the plane of life, where life moves and is productive.
Work, as everything else, enjoys growing in efficiency.
Work done in a shorter time, in less space is more efficient and more perfect.
Work enjoys being work.
Work done well generates work ideas, thus playing the role of being mentally productive.
Work always creates work organisation.
Work done through an organisation acquires the character of being collective.
In the comprehensive sense of the widest context, work can relate to everything in its plane and in the planes above and below.
Integrated work is that which finds its place it the ultimate integration of existence.
Integration of consecration with work must aim at that result.
Thus its movement is not only forward but in all 360 degrees of space and Time.
Mother frowns on the meditation we practise as it leads to sleep. To Her, work, especially consecrated work, is of value.
To integrate consecration with work, one should have the conception of work, consecration as well as integration.
Even if it is for a short while, these experiments have a lasting value to the striving soul.
Work is part of life.
Life exists, work moves.
Life can be passive and active; work can only be active.
Work is movement that yields results; life can move producing no result.
Consciousness working on will creates a plane of energy which is life.
Knowledge expressing through will aiming at a particular result is work.
It becomes work only when it produces result.
Non-productive work is activity for activity’s sake.
Mind vastly expands when work is extended to life.
Consecration in life has a work and non-work dimension.
Life is a whole of which work is a part.
The concept of work can be widened by conceiving the work that has created life.
To integrate consecration with life, one has to station himself in the centre of life, not in the centre of work.
Man lives in his ego which can be part of life.
To expand one’s existence to life, one has to outgrow ego to some extent.
Life is wider than ego. It is capable of being egoless. There can be no lifeless ego.
Life exists in the universe whereas work, in our sense, exists in human life on earth.
So, even the beginning of integration of consecration with life is as large as life.
We can work in a company to achieve a result.
To raise our work beyond that, our concepts, attitudes, energies, strategies must widen beyond measure.
At once it becomes apparently impersonal and therefore universal.
One can teach a subject.
To teach another without the terms of a subject is stupendous.
A subject can be memorised.
Even thinking is a poor instrument when teaching is not limited to subjects.
Contemplation of Integration of consecration with life gives an elevation to the mental dimension of yoga.
Tito was a Communist outside the Comintern.
The rigour of being disciplined in freedom is not given to the mind.
There one moves from the mind. Whether he moves to the soul or not, he moves away from the mind.
Between life and existence, there are four levels. It can be taken as 8 or even 9 levels. Brahman is beyond existence.
The argument to upgrade consecration from work to life is to be continued to describe integration of consecration with existence.
Developing such arguments expands our conception till consecration matures into surrender.
As we do not base ourselves on spiritual experience, such an attempt will end as an intellectual exercise.
Even as such an exercise, it will be of great value to the mind.
Brahman complete – Brahman partial – Existence – Existent – Consciousness – two levels of Supermind – three levels of Mind (Divine mind, creature Mind, Mind identified with itself) – Life can be taken as one representation of the gradation.
Raising consecration from life to mind is not an exercise unidimensional.
Consecration being comprehensive, its rise too must be comprehensive.
Renting a room or a house is not a simple one-dimensional act. It is an act as comprehensive as social existence.
Brahmachari, drunkards, political agents, anti-social elements, those who produce or sell or even run a school, etc. may not readily get a room in any locality they choose.
A tenant is a social personality.
He must honour the social values.
He may differ from the social values.
But he cannot expect a landlord to rent him a room for his purpose.
Some purposes may be commercial, not social.
It may be cumbersome to let such a tenant occupy the room.
Maybe it involves a higher cost, a sharing of his income with the landlord.
Similarly, an act is a unit of work and further, of life.
To raise the consecration of an act from the plane of work to the plane of life, consecration must rise from this plane to that plane. ¨
To exercise the mind on these lines at each plane is an intellectual work that generates insight and enters or trespasses into the territory of what we call intuition.
World History – Does integration figure in its course?
There is no event or no moment that cannot be found to be integrated in its existence.
It is up to us to find it so or divorce it from the context and discover it as an isolated, dull, dry fact.
The history of the world has been conceived from various perspectives in various centuries.
In His perspective, history is Nature’s evolution into its soul, the Becoming moving into Being or the Becoming evolving the Being of the Becoming.
The rules of such an evolution are legion.
1) Progress of Nature is horizontal. It is quantitative. It is a qualitative progress that lets the inner soul evolve.
2) Our interest in history is qualitative, the evolution of its soul.
3) It is made possible by social aspiration. Social aspiration is the energy released into the society by the pressure of evolution.
4) Quantitative progress is partial of the parts.
Qualitative progress is of the whole.
5) One is on the surface. The other is of the subconscious working in the subliminal.
6) Tapas for moksha is a partial endeavour, not evolutionary.
7) It can take us to the Overmind, not beyond.
8) It is done by concentration. It involves austerity.
9) Evolution of the earth is a part of the evolution of Nature.
10) On earth, man is the spearhead.
11) So, the aim here is human unity.
Unity of the entire population of the earth is essential for man to evolve.
It is preceded by one world or world government.
Prior to that is an activity that embraces all of humanity.
Transport, communication are its instruments.
Trade is its field or plane.
Globalisation of trade appears to be that stage.
H.G. Wells traces along the centuries every thread of such a movement.
Being an Englishman, he is steeped in the falsehood of prejudice against the French which makes him ignore the French Revolution of Napoleon.
British rationality rose to sublime heights of pure falsehood that ignores the two major Revolutions of the 18th and 20th centuries.
Still no one had the breadth of vision of Wells.
Trade, growing globally, founded empires in the 19th century.
It was a period of selfish possessiveness; even technology was fully possessed.
By nature, technology being knowledge, cannot be personally possessed.
The age of selflessness, if not self-giving, has reared its head in the post-war period. Hereafter, the only rule is Grow by Giving.
12) The partial development culminated in moksha.
The Rishis tried to possess that spiritual knowledge for their own posterity.
Hence the caste system which has vitiated it.
Once it is created, it has to run its course and destroy itself.
Class is caste in Europe.
America broke down the class barriers.
Indian independence is breaking down organisationally the caste system.
Its first result is castes are getting politically organised.
Now we see all the evils generated by the caste system are psychologically unfolding at the expense of the higher castes. Hence the corruption at all levels.
13) Partial development, however exalted or laudable, cannot sustain itself as in India or Greece.
14) Cause leads to effect is an apparent truth. The determinant of cause and effect is outside or above both of them.
15) Intense emotions are fertile ground for violent tyranny especially when the thought refuses to form.
16) Widening activities blight thought-formation.
17) The best of education is what comes through enjoyment. The French were given to wine and women and lost character, but developed intellectuality.
18) Awakening of the soul without the foundation of territorial integrity can lead to perfection in work or even efflorescence in arts like music – Germany.
19) Territorial integrity achieved in the absence of mental organisation breaks out in passionate violence.
20) Where intellect and emotion meet, soul can awaken.
21) That nation which takes to trade cannot grow mentally.
22) The benevolence of smallness will be through the medium of corruption. Such benevolence will be blighted prematurely.
23) Corruption too can serve, but not in a lasting fashion nor in a laudable way.
24) Freedom of the physical is fearless; the less developed that physicality, the more determined is its freedom.
25) The physical hardened by fight invites equally hardened destruction.
26) Mind trying to solve physical problems gives birth to insoluble issues for centuries – Kashmir.
27) Intellect reaching its acme unaccompanied by Spirit is the richest source of cruelty, tyranny and torture.
28) Exalted vital seeks honour, destroys itself dishonourably.
29) Honour, however high born, cannot progress without stable physical foundation.
30) He who enjoys freedom enormously, readily refuses it to others.
31) All progress in Nature is due to external compulsion. All progress in the Being is self-chosen and out of self-discipline.
32) Nature tries to solve her problems by creating other similar problems.
33) Nature delights in anything, particularly in folly that is organised ignorance.
34) Nature cannot deliver herself by her own efforts.
35) Nor can the Purusha do so; the being in her alone can do so.
36) Ignorance INSISTS on her own destruction. In its absence, it chooses self-destruction.
37) Endless cheerfulness is the foundation of endless accomplishment.
38) Trade compels politeness.
39) The woman accomplishes in selfishness.
40) Organisation destroys what the ideal created.
41) Positive cheerfulness can never be wrong.
The above is a sample list of rules of history.
Review of history from such rules will create an outline according to the Theory.
History is wider than social evolution; maybe it is of human evolution.
The course of history can be changed by one who has this knowledge in his physical substance.
Maybe history in her future phase will usher in Eternal Romance, as by then she would have completely abolished marriage.
Property, government, money, politics and education are the major reinforcements of society.
Each has a period of integration with the society.
Such periods will throw all the light on the social structure and the other aspects, as it is an integrated view.
Partial integration will reveal the future opportunities.
The 1929 Crash is an event that reveals that society cannot fully be integrated with money as the centre, as it has the other negative side.
The same is revealed by the two world wars about military might.
Here we see the strange alchemy HE speaks of, military prowess making a nation vulnerable.
The 1929 Crash enabled the USA who generated it to lord over the world in 1939.
If money cannot rule positively, it tries to rule negatively.
Now the abundance of money, like the newspapers, is compelled to offer itself free to the population in search of higher social achievement.
What achieves is not money but giving away money.
Credit card is an organisation that enables one to give away money.
Democracy gives away the power of government and begs for his vote.
The age of information gives away valuable information free and waits on the public to return it as positive public opinion.
Knowledge must be given away; but no one can receive it without appropriate payment.
Till the right organisation evolves, knowledge cannot be given away nor can it be received.
Next is the turn of power. It too should be given away.
Men try to steer history along a course while they are in power.
Wise men prophesy.
But history takes another course.
It sets aside the diplomatic niceties, national ambitions, economic intentions and follows a course determined by its own determinants.
Now that five thousand years of history is before us, we can know these determinants.
Such an empirical finding will not be final.
A theoretical understanding can confirm it.
On examination, it will be the process of creation in the material world.
Life exists in many layers.
The topmost layer is the wish of the rulers which will be in abundant conflict.
Below is the necessity of factual situations such as military strength, economic production, public opinion, wider human need and finally the INTENTION of the evolutionary course.
As we proceed down below, the conflicts will be less and less jarring.
We can even see the components of the surface conflict gradually becoming the complements of a deeper intention.
In the events of the past, we can discern the reversals as well as the exact precise way in which the complements fit into each other.
Such a knowledge becomes power when it is comprehensive.
For that power to direct individual events, one has to discover the same pattern in his own life.
That will be real power in the measure of his personality.
Men who have presided over the destinies of nations were great on any showing, but the system permits lesser men to worm their way to the top.
That system is the system of government.
There is another system that is psychological succeeded by one that is spiritual.
Great Souls have occupied it.
Now lesser souls can make it to the top with great manoeuvrability.
The unit of that power is the life of the Individual.
He must find it in the substance of his physical.
It means he has shed his practical ignorance.
The surface formations too have their own short-lived significances.
Our focus is on the long-term movements.
The determinants will be seen in the next higher plane on the scale of body, life, mind, Spirit.
In one sense, discovering such courses will be easier in history as there is a record before us.
In another sense, it will be more precise in our own lives as it will have the sanction of our sensibilities.
History tells us the outer, our own life tells us the inner.
The whole comprises of both.
The power of direction comes from knowing both at once, not alternatively.
Once it is found, we will see it is confirmed by the central ideas of almost each of the 56 chapters of The Life Divine.
What is failure for us is still accomplishment for life.
Still, we are interested in what is successful accomplishment in social life.
We see it issues often.
It is the result of efficient planning sometimes. That will be the least.
Our own past life will show the TRUE line on which it has travelled.
It is possible for us to know how we should have acted in those circumstances.
That knowledge is now available for practice.
That too will be in grades.
It can be understood as determinants, forces, principles, and powers.
They are the external.
Internally, the same will be seen as opinion, attitude, motive, aspiration.
In fresh situations, they can now be tried.
Should it succeed, their scope can be expanded.
They can also be seen inside as remembrance, consecration, initiatives, etc.
These too exist in different levels and depths.
It can be explained as the conscious capacity to evoke a Life Response.
Success in a single event can lead to a chain of events.
It may be extended to a complex course of events in the end.
It is the same for all, but for each its version may be different.
One such is cheerfulness that is infectious, positive and endless.
As accomplishment can be positive or negative, we have to choose the positive one.
Cheerfulness too can be negative in the sense some can be cheerful in destroying.
An infectious cheerfulness embraces more than one.
If the other is from the opposite camp, it serves the purpose.
Endlessness denotes infinity of scope.
So these three characteristics will make the accomplishment ultimate and comprehensive.
The formula can be:
Positive endless cheerfulness.
In the study of historical events, we can see that whenever the events take the right turn, these three characteristics will be there.
Without cheerfulness, nothing can be accomplished.
Positivity, of course, shows the character. It will be obvious.
Its duration will show the duration of the historical events or their weight.
Poised in such an inner situation, one can see that:
No initiative forms inside.
Consecration shows the tendency to integrate with work or life.
The subconscient impulses can be seen on the surface.
Memory will disappear.
Sense of fullness will reach down to the deepest point.
Solid things will seem to lose their solidity.
Mother’s call will rise from inside.
The Personal will turn Impersonal.
Silence will gather momentum.
Mental, vital structures will loosen increasing inner Peace.
Mind will happily endorse the emotions and sensations.
Should an act of destruction appear before us, it will take on the hue of creation.
The other man’s point of view will readily arise in the mind.
Mind will know what is to come next.
Light will appear between the brows.
The validity of the Formula Endless, Positive Cheerfulness
Human accomplishment is at its acme when the infinite breaks out of the finite.
In the plane of Force, aspects can attain immensity, but not infinity.
Only when one moves into the plane of being from the plane of force, the scope of breaking out into infinity arises. Hence the cheerfulness must be one of endless character.
Up to Sat, we meet with the phenomenon of Asat, the duality.
It can be said to be because of the perception of the dualistic mind.
To move away from the partial character of the plane into the fullness of it, one must include Sat as well as Asat, i.e. positive as well as negative.
The plane of Sri Aurobindo’s marvel is Simultaneous Time, neither Time nor Timelessness.
To include positive and negative is desirable; at least we must be positive.
Brahman, even partial Brahman, is of Bliss.
The complete Brahman carries with it delight.
Our aim is delight.
The version of delight in our life is self-existent JOY.
As an attitude, it expresses itself as cheerfulness.
Will, Mother says, is ill will.
Good will is rare.
We espouse good will to another in the mind.
It is good, but it is not native good will.
Native good will is of swabhava.
Such a good will generates cheerfulness.
One who is cheerful for no reason is on the threshold of the Supreme.
Such a cheerfulness has no purpose.
Purposelessness is of freedom of the being.
A freedom that submits to no determinism enjoys native cheerfulness.
To have this knowledge is capable of issuing cheerfulness to an extent.
In human affairs, one who is determined not to complain, not to see the wrong side of others, becomes cheerful by this spiritual knowledge.
Hence the formula = Endless Positive Cheerfulness
Formula justified.
Education is now the yoga of the society.
It is received through the mind.
It is more fully received from experience.
Lived experience educates more fully and thoroughly.
It is done through entertainment.
Education through entertainment is through live experience.
Existence that is live experience is delight of self-existence.
In human life, that is the role education takes on.
Sat exists.
Chit is conscious of its being Sat.
Ananda is the object of consciousness.
That is why matter is called delight of existence.
Life that entertains and offers enjoyment is one that constantly educates.
Our life is either dull or depressive.
To move away from dullness to cheerfulness is a work in the vital.
It happens when the vital is overflowing with positive, entertaining energy.
Such an energy is the result of evolutionary aspiration.
One is aware of it when he knows he is evolving.
In that case, he is conscious of his soul evolving.
His soul evolving in Nature through work makes the evolution complete.
From there, one moves to become consciously evolving.
Conscious evolution is spiritual evolution.
The sensation of conscious spiritual evolution is delight.
Its intensity begins in the mind.
At the vital, that intensity is greater.
It is greatest in the plane of matter.
Therefore HE says that matter gives the fleeting bliss permanency as delight.
To be positively cheerful always is to evolve where we are.
It can be psychological evolution.
Human accomplishment is social evolution.
There is one further step.
Yoga consummates at the plane of physical substance.
When the yogic vibration reaches the substance, the sensation the body feels is gratitude.
We are grateful to the touch of the Divine Vibration.
The body thrills when that substance is saturated with the consciousness of yoga.
Receiving material gifts is pleasing.
Touch of affection touches the vital substance.
What touches the physical consciousness is the Divine Touch.
Its staying there permanently like the lightning steadied in the sky is unflinching rapture or intolerable ecstasy.
In human consciousness, they can be reached only momentarily.
It has a repercussion of intolerable agony for the rest of the day.
Mother and Sri Aurobindo paid the price and paved the way for us.
Endless cheerfulness is a distant echo of that in our condition.
The one further step we can take is to feel the vibration of gratitude each time we act.
It is possible if initiative is suspended.
When the initiative loses its structure and dissolves, the thrill lasts longer.
Slowly the vibration of thrill becomes an entity.
Ultimately it can become a being.
It is a being of gratitude.
It is recently born on earth.
To become a being of gratitude or a prayer for that is welcome.
Gratitude is the response of the embodied being to the reminder of Grace from above of its fallen condition.
Mind can understand gratitude; it is thankfulness.
Vital can feel it.
Body can live it.
The substance of the body can live it forever.
It is there the being of gratitude is born.
It is the psychic of the physical substance.
It is one thing to arrive at the formula and it is another thing to work it.
Even in the working there are grades, really endless grades.
Sri Aurobindo when he finished writing in Arya in 1920, said in reply to some query about writing for seven years, “I can go on for 70 years like this.”
There is no end to these quests whether one wants to move horizontally or vertically or spherically.
The three aspects of the formula are 1) cheerfulness, 2) positivity, 3) endlessness.
Understanding the theory behind cheerfulness generates it as a concept in the mind.
Mind has besides conception, emotion and organisation.
This is in the plane of mind.
At first we convert the concept into an emotion.
Again the question is how to do it?
As we took a mental effort to understand the concept, now we must try to understand the concept emotionally.
A concept has no existence as a concept. It exists in emotion and in substance.
The aspiration of the being to understand the emotion opens the mental emotion.
This gives a short durability to the cheerfulness, i.e. it lasts as long as the concept is alive.
Again it will be a one time affair. To gain lasting durability, the emotion has to be organised in the mind (No. 3) i.e., the will must open to it.
Of course, the journey must continue till we reach No. 9.
At any stage, the level of progress accomplished can be subjected to a test.
At a time we feel we have sufficiently established cheerfulness, recollection of past events of the opposite character will reveal the real strength of it.
Events are to our liking or disliking; some cheer us up, others make us shrink. There are others that offend and wound. Still others are there which have taken up an event and fed an ancient grudge and live upon it in hot revenge.
They can be brought to the surface to test the validity of achievement.
Their strength increases vertically from No. 1 to No. 9.
They have a subtle dimension, a social one and a universal extension.
It is an endless work in an ever-expanding territory.
Apart from the various directions, each event has its own intensity.
The character of the event too counts – social or psychological.
Thought in the mental substance instantaneously gives result because its power arises out of its integration with the substance.
Thought is an energy wave in the mental consciousness.
Thought is an act of coordination of two facts in the mind.
A fact is a sense impression in the consciousness of the mind.
When two sense impressions meet to create a mental sensation, thought is born.
Mind understands a thought more fully than the sensations.
Sensations touch the vital in the mind.
Sensations can be agreeable or the opposite.
Mind can like it or dislike it, not comprehend it.
Mind is an organ for creation of forms.
Senses creating forms of mind is thought.
In the measure the senses are discredited, thought is pure.
Removal of sense impressions creates a mental fact.
Mental fact is not mental thought.
For the generation of thought, more than one fact is needed.
Fact is stored in the memory.
Thought is material for thinking and gives birth to understanding.
It takes out of the fact what it stands on.
All this occurs in mental sensation.
Sensation becomes consciousness when thought becomes knowledge.
Thought becomes knowledge through the medium of idea.
Several individual, independent thoughts merge to create an idea.
The domain for the idea is consciousness, neither sensation nor substance.
The idea turns into Real-Idea partially when the idea moves from the consciousness to the mental substance.
Substance is of matter.
Idea is a fast held structure in the consciousness.
The Real-Idea is an idea which includes the will and its power.
The structure in matter is more enduring and integrated.
Integration of idea at the substance is realisation of it in the outer world as the substance is all-pervasive.
So, a thought in mental substance realises itself at once.
“Don’t make your life intolerable by uttering, ‘She is tolerable’,” the voice would have told him, had he at that moment looked inside and listened.
Darcy pursues his passion or allows his passion to rule him and carry him along as it would. The story has unfolded accordingly.
We can assume another course for Darcy.
Suppose he was one who takes the other man’s point of view and was anxious to please those he loved.
Then he would have looked at Jane with Bingley’s eyes for his sake and also looked at Jane with Elizabeth’s eyes for her sake.
That would expand his consciousness in self-giving.
He then would not have seen Jane’s low circumstances from his higher attitude as Bingley does not see them, blinded by affection.
In the story, Wickam was fully exposed socially when he migrated towards Miss King for her inheritance. It did not disillusion Elizabeth or the other Meryton womenfolk.
Next, it violently exposed him to Elizabeth through the first proposal and tragically brought a cruel exposure through elopement.
This was in response to Darcy’s stiffness, selfish conceit and arrogance.
Had he, for Eliza’s sake, softened at Netherfield which he did after her abuse, life would have fully exposed Wickam’s falsehood, character and past life.
What reconciliation took place in Pemberley, would have taken place in Netherfield.
The arena of transformation would have been his consciousness instead of his life.
That has the power to make life expose Wickam fully beyond any shred of doubt and sting Elizabeth into shame.
The voice, if it had been there in him, could have asked him to desist from saying ‘She is tolerable’, showing that it would make his life intolerable.
The truth for him was not only that she was not merely tolerable, but that she was the most desirable object he had to pursue later.
“Not tolerable, BUT desirable” would have been the voice.
To devise a joke about ‘not tolerable’ as ‘the most desirable’ is a linguistic or even literary work in the forces of life.
It should emanate from one’s own inner experience.
Save yourself, not Bingley.
Darcy’s knowledge
This is evolutionary knowledge received in the subliminal wordlessly. (As long as words form in the mind, the knowledge they give is not this knowledge).
Darcy received it from the Force of French Revolution and was unconscious of it.
Even unconscious reception and possession will give the result.
To do yoga, the knowledge must be consciously born and so possessed.
It is worthy of note that the Gardiners, traders, were the instruments to bring Elizabeth to Pemberly.
He was the evolutionary spearhead, not she. She only received the result as benefit.
In that view, NOTHING is evil, not even Wickam.
What is evil in the social view is a small knowledge in the higher view.
It is significant that there is no substantial opposition.
Opposition, in this view, is holding on to the old view.
To Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, to Jane and Bingley, to Lydia and Wickam, the course of events brings welcome results. No one was touched in their depths as Darcy was stirred. Even to Elizabeth it was almost so. The only pain she felt was not so much the infamy the family faced, but the unmasking of Wickam’s true character.
Deep down she was willing to marry him and feel romantic joy of triumph even after his elopement, if only it was permissible somehow.
Surely Darcy’s knowledge was not on the surface, nor was it of the mind or ego. It was not a knowledge of the finite in time even if he had not felt the presence of the Infinite in himself.
Having been liberally abused, he went home in agony of not getting his object of love with his mind set on the one goal of getting her. He was incapable of seeing the abominable exhibition of Lydia and her mother, his own better social scruples but was able to realise his own mean ruse in hiding the fact of Jane’s visit to Bingley.
Had he been a yogi, he should have delighted in all those things he felt disgusted about earlier. He travelled halfway to become neutral and disregard them.
His apology to Bingley was a painful reversal and that too he sought in his own mind’s rational justification.
From HIS point of view, the change has several features, all of which are conscious.
They are all worth enumerating in full in theory and again in fact.
1. It must be wordless – Darcy was speechless when Eliza abused him.
2. But the word must be alive expressive of the conscious reversal. In the second proposal, he speaks out with feeling against her wishes.
3. Memory must be absent or at least in the far background.
He lost all that he saw in Meryton.
The presence of partial mind must give way to the divine mind that is capable of seeing the other side – Darcy does see the other side in himself, if not in Mrs. Bennet.
4. It cannot occur in the plane of Time. The few months in which the change occurs are extraordinarily swift.
5. Nor can it retain the appearance of the finite – ₤10,000 is not the finite for ₤50.
6. The events cannot happen in the gross physical plane. Their domain is the subtle, causal planes — invitations of Charlotte and Gardiners.
7. Every person, event in life, is capable of playing the revolutionary agent, positively or negatively – Wickam, Lydia, Caroline, the Steward, the housekeeper, the maid at the inn play those roles.
8. There is no question of not passing through the complete process of the reversal.
9. Life is NOT without the common sense that carries this wisdom as a buried expression in ignorance – Charlotte’s advice.
10. Agents of evolution act actively under the ardent faith that their vigorous moves would serve them fully but are dismayed to see they act exactly in the opposite direction – Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine, Collins.
11. All rules of life are fully honoured, each in its rightful place. Mrs. Bennet sent her husband to Bingley in vain. Her ruse with Bingley refuses to work.
12. At the very outset, there are symptoms of the final issue. Lydia said, “…if he chose me”. Mr. Bennet throws in a word for his Lizzy.
13. The drama of life is not without the sub-plots.
14. The unconscious member receives from life an unconscious insistent initiative – Charlotte’s invitation.
15. Where the crust of the old customs refuses to be rent, a vigorous force enters to rend it ostensibly for its own purpose – Lady Catherine’s abuse, Lydia’s elopement.
16. Even in the very first scene, the pressure of the social aspiration can be seen. The aspiration for marriage in the five girls brings Bingley to Netherfield.
17. The presence of the new element can be seen in the old fortress announcing the change of times – Mrs. Bennet gives total freedom to his wife.
18. Every ‘right’ move will meet with a wrong rebuttal – Mrs. Bennet’s sending Jane to Netherfield.
19. Life instantaneously rises to the occasion of the changes in the inner fabric.
20. The necessary explosion finds its own form and occasion.
21. The resistance of the old is full, determined, organised and vigorous.
22. The spearhead of the change is often the leader of the old establishment.
23. Change of plane of the evolutionary action is to the planes higher than the planes of revolutionary action – change moves from life to consciousness.
24. The chain begins negatively – Netherfield is vacated.
25. HE speaks of surrender of being, consciousness, delight and power.
A conscious mind is capable of shedding all its possessions in the subtle, gross planes is His assumption.
Such a surrender must be unconditional, total, comprehensive and voluntary. Darcy offers one such.
The yogi must feel the privilege of the surrender and look forward to nothing beyond the acceptance of that surrender. Darcy looks for nothing beyond pleasing Elizabeth.
It is a piece of good fortune to know of Mother.
Darcy certainly feels so in knowing Eliza.
Yoga is meant only for those to whom it is the only ideal.
He had only one goal.
To the yogi, the Spirit and Matter are the same in his consciousness.
To Darcy, Mrs. Bennet and Lady Catherine were the same.
It is his role to convert the revolution into evolution by enabling all the members of his being to accept the revolutionary goal.
He sees all problems are problems of harmony – restores Lydia.
He has a tryst with the profoundest method of Nature.
(If Elizabeth is gold, all those with her are gold too) – Even Lydia and Collins.
The absolute remains Absolute all the time.
He goes on to reconcile one without a second with All is Brahman.
He proceeds to know the God in the ascent as he knew the God in the descent.
He tries to discover his DISCOVERY as fully as the Rishi knew his Self.
It is his aim to restore the unity at the physical level at the Supramental level – he does restore the full unity with Mrs. Bennet and Meryton.
Surrender is not only a method, but the greatest privilege of life.
He was pleased by her final acceptance.
Reconciliation must be extended to the subconscient, superconscient, universality and individuality.
Man is capable of rejecting the impact of death on him.
He refuses to accept her refusal that was vehement.
Reason can be restored to Intuition by detaching itself from sensations.
He overlooked ALL his earlier sensations.
The Quest is for Sat Purusha, His wholeness in Existence.
Quantity and Quality – status and rank – are illusions.
One has to discover the relationship between Kali and Shiva.
He sets out to know the Force as an expression of the Being.
The Force is consciously labouring to create perfect forms in ignorance.
Sachchidananda is trying to express Ananda in Matter.
Such an expression gives permanence to Delight.
The beneficiary can be mercenary.
The beautiful grounds of Pemberly made Elizabeth change.
The surface truth of charm and stiffness prevails in her till Pemberly overcame it. Charm is as much a reality as the distaste of stiffness.
The Existent creates only itself. The separative ego says “This is ‘I’”. Darcy made a supreme effort to see that Elizabeth and he were the same.
What is created tries to return to its origin.
If there is any goal, it is the finite restoring its infinity.
Darcy’s finite loneliness seeks the infinity of Elizabeth’s domestic felicity.
Involution, self-absorption, evolution are the three stages.
Darcy involves in Mr. Bennet’s family, loses his aristocratic status and evolves as a free individual free of inhibitions.
Thus he got the key and went about looking for the lock into which it should be turned.
As long as he submitted himself to his class culture, he was under the rule of karma.
He came out of it and therefore found himself creative of his own happiness.
He saw that he had the power to create whatever he wanted and by his own selective faculty he could order it.
By a decision to create a joy unknown to him till then, he created out of all is in all, the conditions of play of all in each and each in all.
His own lonely joy of possessing status thus becomes one of play between him and Elizabeth, Elizabeth and Georgianna and Georgianna and him.
He was able to accept the lower Maya of class exclusiveness and overcome it to embrace social joy of equality to all.
Refusing to reason, he came face to face with knowledge on the throne.
His idea that his status and wealth created joy is untenable. What creates such a joy lay outside his status, in humanity at large.
He did see the Upanishadic truth that Elizabeth is in all aspects of his life, all aspects are in Elizabeth and all of them are Elizabeth.
It is a Supramental knowledge on which he stumbled compelled by his passion for her.
Darcy discovered that his love for Elizabeth must be expressed in her life and in social life. It is thus life is upheld by Time and Space.
Instead of all being in one – in himself – he extends himself as three, himself the knower, Elizabeth as the known and the knowledge of the society in between them.
He sees the three poises of the transcendental truth, universal truth and the individual truth and discovers they are in harmony.
Love sits transcendent above, it is there in him as a passion and it goes to her as his affection for him.
The division set up by the society is not there in his psychological horizon.
He did see the point of view of Bingley as well as Elizabeth.
The determinant was none of them, but lay outside their plane.
That determinant could work because Darcy eliminated himself fully.
As she accused him of not being gentlemanly, he aimed at becoming a full gentleman in the true sense.
To be a gentleman is a social version of the Supramental Being.
The descent of silent knowledge is massive from above.
Darcy did experience it as a speechless, thoughtless silence massive in quality, monumental in weight. He, perhaps, went into ‘Nirvana’.
His getting her, in this context, was not eminently possible but inevitable, as she was from the lower levels of aristocracy and her eyes carried the fire.
He did overcome the obstacles of ignorance, inertia and division for the purposes of integrating with Elizabeth.
He was divided from her by her status.
If it is true that death makes life immortal, it was true in his case. His death was the death of status which gave him immortal love.
In his case, we see the sensations took the body’s needs to the mind and turning them into thought, brought his life as well as action under it.
Darcy is the social matter that is its subconscious will.
The very first realisation is that of Pranamaya Purusha. He realised that vitally what he needed was not the pampering attention of Caroline but the defiant freedom of a mind that freely thinks and taunts his fixities. In her decision to become the mistress of Pemberly, we see the instantaneous miraculousness of events when the outer changes into the inner.
He, surely, realised that this was not knowledge that could be acquired retaining the ego or intellectually by a process of thought.
Instinctively he chose the process of reversal, of transformation.
Intellectuality generates perversity, aristocracy produces fixities of behaviour.. Even his goodness comes not necessarily from a good nature but from the tradition of being good.
It will be interesting to trace the fashion in which he shed the seven ignorances before he achieved his goal. Obviously his proposal reveals the practical ignorance.
His struggle to make his vital accept his mind, finally broke the crux, the constitutional ignorance.
It is obvious how the circumconscient brought Elizabeth to Hunsford and Pemberly while the intraconscient moved Lady Catherine.
His inner change was so powerful that both times it is she who was brought to him at Hunsford and at Pemberly.
Intraconscient is more powerful than the circumconscient is seen in the very behaviour and character of Lady Catherine.
All happened within a year positively shows his overcoming the temporal ignorance. In fiction, such changes show themselves at the end of life, often on the deathbed.
Egoistic ignorance shed itself by itself even at the beginning.
Elizabeth revealing not as a mere object of passionate love but a figure of light of cosmic significance to him is obvious.
The book on p. 740 says the dissolution of ego directly makes the other two readily possible whose truth we see in Darcy.
After uniting the subconscient and the superconscient, one has to raise it and integrate it with the transcendence.
This was a struggle and labour to him, the lover.
That he was reborn and his soul initiated itself on the path of its further evolution is a thing of certainty.
What Darcy did was to go to the very depth of his personality and see ONLY the truth Elizabeth pointed out and rise to her expectation.
Seeing only the positive side has the capacity to convert the negative into positive also. This is the practical efficacy of EM.
Of the million rules of accomplishment, this is one.
The essence of these rules is to bring the infinity out of the Infinite.
Tamil culture is an ethical culture.
Ethics here is accompanied by the highest intellectuality India knows.
Kerala, one part of Tamilnadu, excels Tamilnadu, as Shankara was born there.
Verghees Kurien’s autobiography is one that is reeking with boorish, assertive, offensive statements. His accomplishments are very high by world standards.
It is a perfect example of high accomplishments through pronounced negative traits. It is not in spite of them but through them or by them.
His life reveals that negative characteristics too can accomplish high.
It will be a great exercise in building personality if one discovers how the same accomplishment could have been reached through the very opposite characteristics.
Anyone can accomplish at the highest level if he knows the negative national character and seeks the accomplishment through reversing it.
Darcy’s transformation can be written here through every principle of The Life Divine.
It may be the 56 or 770.
That way the principles of The Life Divine get applied to life.
Going through the same exercise in one’s own life will help one realise the knowledge of The Life Divine.
One’s own accomplishments can be so evaluated.
One’s own problems can be so viewed to arrive at solutions.
The Key is Self-awareness and aspiration.
The best of men will fall very much short of what is called self-awareness. It is customary for us, when standing face to face with a problem created by what we really are, to declare with consummate vehemence, “I would rather be what I really am. I am not ashamed of it. I am rather proud of it.” Passionate love for the fiery Elizabeth led Darcy to transformation.
Romantic ideal is eminently capable of that.
To seek Mother on Her terms is the eternal Romance for the Eternal in us.
Neither chance nor necessity creates life.
Darcy believed neither, but decided to rise to her expectation.
The infinite being is not a self-contained completeness. It must be capable of powers and truths.
Darcy, by his action, believed he must be able to accomplish what she needed.
Mind is unable to see the imperatives; it can only see the possibilities and actualities.
He felt it was imperative for him to become a gentleman.
Overmind has no solution, as it, at the end, resolves into two opposites.
He would not let her remain his opposite. On his own initiative he sought unity.
Our position is, HE says, everything on earth must be there.
If there is a knowledge in the universe, there must be a faculty in us to attain it.
Darcy united these two themes and set about reaching his goal, adopting an inner, pitiless discipline.
Knowing THAT, we can know every thing.
THAT one thing for Darcy was Elizabeth.
Love stands on a triad of Lover, the Beloved, Love.
To attain Elizabeth, Darcy the Lover became the Beloved and Love. He was so identified with her that in unity and division, it was she he saw.
What is done by Supermind is really done by the Absolute.
To him She was the Absolute. What was done by him was, in his eyes, really done by her.
This knowledge cannot be expressed in human language. It needs a language as fashioned by the Vedas, massive in itself, penetrating in its tonality.
To him she was the Vedas, the Brahma vidya. He felt for her with all his being. It cannot find expression in ordinary conversation. To her question why he had not spoken in his earlier visit, he answered that one who felt less could have spoken.
It the Touch of Mother makes you speechless, motionless, thoughtless for days, it means SHE has really touched you. In an unconscious condition one goes into a kind of inner coma. In a conscious person, the same Touch can awaken him in his substance, give him a pregnant feeling that loses the speech as well as thought but would enable him to act with an efficiency of that inner substance. It would exude celestial joy around.
The divine life can be either austere or abundant.
Darcy translated it into “My married life can be either wealthy or poor”.
Surrender is indispensable for transformation.
Darcy took it literally in his inner change.
Mind is not the Reality of Man, it is Supermind. We are here to realise it.
Status is not the Reality of life, it is inner joy. Darcy aimed at realising it.
Divine life must be conscious, full, powerful, universal.
Darcy acted as if he was conscious of his evolutionary role.
He accepted the concept of universality – He and she are equal.
Seeking a full life, he developed the power for transformation.
The aim is to be, more than to know and to do.
Darcy arrived at being the MAN he should be.
The integral knowledge must be expressed in synthetic life.
The new knowledge he acquired from her abuse, he not merely accepted, but decided to put it into full practice in life to acquire a bride.
Sri Aurobindo differs from the tradition that denies eternity to the Individual and attributes to it universality as well as transcendentality.
Darcy, in practising it, gave Elizabeth not only the status of a charming lady, but the status of the presiding deity of his life in the shape of his object of love.
Mind that divides starts aggregating when no further division is possible.
He took an initiative to unite Jane with Bingley after vainly trying to separate them.
The first realisation is that of the Pranamaya Purusha.
His discovery of Elizabeth was in his vital.
Matter is the delight of existence offering itself as the object of the hidden consciousness.
He discovered in the detestable, low family of Mr. Bennet the delight of his existence.
As all the seven planes of being are of the same substance, evolution is possible.
He could penetrate his crust of class prejudice and see she is of the same substance as he.
Matter is delight of existence offering itself to the hidden consciousness as object of sensation.
There is no greater joy than in a consecrated living, said Mother.
A consecrated living is to express the received higher consciousness through the work.
Calling should be a joy, not a discipline.
A discipline is an imposition.
Joy is the sensation of self-discipline changing into delight of existence.
Calling in the mind is verbal.
Even at this stage one can try to issue the calling from inside the faculty of Calling. It is the word, the verb moving to call from inside it.
One is lucky if it is possible.
Whether it is possible or not, one can go deeper still and call from there.
Whatever the depth one reaches, as long as he calls, calling is an imposition.
Still, it is powerful. It can move nations to action.
To make the word call, to persuade the feeling or the sensation to call Mother from inside is a great step forward.
Next, the Mother can call Herself from inside the mind, vital or the body.
Thought is a part of the mind, as the sensation is a power of the body.
To have the entire mind calling is great and one sees the mental consciousness expanding. It feels as if the skull itself expands.
Moving the calling away from the Mind to the vital results in loss of speech and thought.
Cessation of bodily sensation is the previous stage to the entire body calling.
Aspiration of the body is almost equal to the calling of the entire Being.
At that stage words, feelings, sensations stop, but the rising movement of aspiration remains. It generates a rare joy, a joy of existence.
At a further stage, a stage of fullness, the joy of existence changes into delight of Self-existence.
Body, the physical matter of the embodied being, at this stage of calling that is aspiration, offers itself to the hidden consciousness as delight of self-existence.
Thus we reach the truth of Matter in the body.
Mind responds to stimulus from its past.
Giving up the past, it can concentrate on the present.
To dwell on the past or from the past is no work.
Concentration on the present is an effort.
Ceasing to respond from the past or concentrating on the present, it has its own faculties unoccupied.
To give up those faculties, one qualifies for consecration.
It is a negative qualification.
When no faculties are present, greater faculties surface.
Withdrawing from the faculties given by Nature, one acquires the faculties of the Being.
Such a being exists at all levels.
The physical being possesses.
The vital being desires relations.
The mental being lives by an understanding.
Its ideal is to be generous.
Darcy lived by the vital ideal aristocratic status gave.
It sat on him heavily expressing itself stiffly.
Bingley is physical and pliable at that.
He submits to the vital domination of Darcy.
Elizabeth is certainly more mental than Darcy.
Her energy is from her mother.
Her knowledge is from her father.
She claims to be rational and considers herself as one who studies character.
The fire in her fine eyes is the spiritual aspiration of her mind.
The spirit in the saturated vital of Darcy aspires for a higher goal.
It is that which is attracted by Elizabeth.
To him it is a romantic passion.
His mind happily surrenders to the ideals of her mind.
Such a surrender is unconditional and total.
The purity of his surrender is his soul’s initiative.
That is why both times life brings her to him.
Hers was to receive passively; it is he who undergoes an active transformation.
Romance in Pride and Prejudice.
Romance is adventure expanding consciousness in utter freedom.
The joy of existence is in the experiencing of it.
It can be an expanding experience permitted by the circumstances or built in inherently.
Externally it is the infinity of Space and eternity of Time in which one expands.
Inwardly it is the indwelling Infinity that chooses to experience expansion.
Sri Aurobindo calls it adventure of consciousness.
To Him the joy lies in discovery; its acme in Self-discovery.
Creation, according to him, hides Him in Himself when the fact of hiding itself is forgotten.
To recall the forgotten event is to be conscious.
That which reminds from outside is grace.
That which receives grace is aspiration.
Gratitude that receives grace issues super grace.
Darcy was buried in his social consciousness.
He was not the Individual he ought to be.
It is the atmosphere of the French Revolution that shakes up his unconscious situation.
Self-discovery is the highest joy attainable by the Brahman.
Romance is the highest joy attainable by the aspiring human soul.
Romance fulfills in the partial human to become the full human being.
In the scheme of infinity, infinitesimal is a unique formation seeking its evolutionary fulfilment in its feminine complement.
Man and woman complete each other at all levels.
Physically their complementary nature brings both a child to extend their bodies.
Vitally it opens up an infinity of relationships wherein one is constantly reborn. Rebirth of the spirit in vital life is a spiritual experience which is inexhaustible in terms of joy changing into human delight.
Man never fails to exhaust this infinite scope in the direction he is set.
Infinite scope for vital relationship is how the Infinite retains its original nature in finite conditions.
Word of mouth is one form of it. It is powerful because of its infinity.
Each infinitesimal, being unique, seeks its counterpart in the opposite principle – sex — to complete itself.
Romance is born when such individuals meet.
One in quest of it has partial experiences of romance each time he examines a case.
Darcy’s attraction is passionate, intense longing for total intimacy.
Hers was a fit field, even if she is not the exact complement for him in every respect.
To her comes charm of handsome social grace, the outer appearance of organised inner falsehood.
The mother in her attracts the falsehood.
Handsome social grace devoid of values is her true social situation being the child of such parents.
Human nature, particularly in women, demands from those who appreciate it appreciation of all that she is and loves.
It is this aspect in her which retains Wickam in her family and compels Darcy to serve him.
She fulfils this aspiration of hers by sending Darcy’s money to Wickam all her life.
The heart that once loved, never forgets, even if what was loved was falsehood.
Love, in that sense, is a total emotion felt integrally once. It has no power to die or disappear.
Placed low in the scale, the heart cries out, ‘you cannot ravish me, I am so willing’.
Love of low consciousness longs to be violated, ravished.
What is social outrage is an inverse, intense, psychological consummation.
That sensation is not confined to sex, but pervades all other aspects of human existence – power, money, relationship, form, formulation, etc.
Maybe we can say it is thus the snob rises to the revelation of his own divinity.
Men immolate themselves for the sake of their leader expressing this intensity.
One unmistakable vibration that expresses itself here is men at all levels seek intensity of the highest reach. To them it is intimacy with the Supreme.
Shamelessness is an essential condition for the divine Touch.
This is how the small qualifies for that fulfilment.
Lydia was oblivious. Her mother was unaware of the shame of her elopement.
As soon as Lydia was married, the family LOST all traces of the earlier sense of shame.
To enable them to forget the shame, life brings in the two great weddings.
Thus life responds with an approval greater than necessary.
Losing the virtue of one level is gaining a higher virtue.
A violated woman in social parlance loses her chastity.
That self-same violation when she seeks it consciously makes her CHASTE at the higher level.
The social sin is divine virtue.
Sin when transformed becomes a higher virtue or reaches a status higher than virtue.
Black money when transformed becomes a more powerful instrument of wider change that is social transformation.
When HE said that the Ashram was started for another purpose, he meant that this yoga could be begun ONLY at the other end of social, psychological existence.
To Elizabeth’s rationality, Darcy’s behaviour was insufferable as he was at the other end.
To Darcy she was the other end expansively making towards the abyss of Wickam.
Her charm for Wickam outrages his mental sensitivity.
Life, the evolutionary wave in it, brings them together. Hence the explosion.
At the mental-vital stage the explosion will change into uncontainable suffocation.
Lydia chooses to delight in creating that outrage and that suffocation in them.
To her — Lydia – it is unmitigated joy, married or not.
It is more so to her mother.
The society around was dismayed that their intense, romantic moment of cherished gossip was robbed of them by Lydia’s wedding.
Its conversion into congratulation was an insipid substitute.
Georgiana’s ready endorsement of Elizabeth was the crowning emotional culmination of Darcy’s struggle.
In some slight sense, Elizabeth’s character offers him endless opportunities to win her each time he tries to relate to her, offering a facet of character unknown to him. Romance thus grows more romantic everyday.
[1] References in the text to Charlotte, Elizabeth, Darcy, the Bennets, Collins, Lucas, etc. are from Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. For a full discussion see
§ His body weighed heavy.
§ Social evolution will meet its goal and serve its purpose before such a superfluous or imaginary situation is reached. Also, it is easier to complete social evolution than to make democracy fulfil itself in the ego-plane of womanhood.
§ See this heading in my NOTES for the Theory
§ Though with the top of their minds people don’t wish to be destroyed, in the deeper levels they learn to be determined not to give up the modes of though and feeling that make war which now means destruction inevitable.
§ This is a far wider topic.
§ page 932 The Life Divine
§ Should it occur and you still want to progress, SET it right before you proceed.
§§ To know what HE means by aspiration, read Hymns to the Mother of Radiances.
§ The work at the bank — Unicredito – is to integrate money with cyberspace in modern life that is technologically evolved.
§ ‘Mystery of Love’ explains it.
§§ Chapter on Self-consecration is full of this.
§ A full research project can be initiated to collect ALL such strategies since agriculture succeeded.
§ She possessed it in a high measure and has lost it now.
§§ Nothing benefits the society if it is not commercially viable.
¨ Here we branch off into a whole new topic.