For the past thirty years, MSS has been working on a new model and theory of business management. The projects have included studies and consulting assignments involving major corporations in USA, Europe and India as well as numerous international conferences and training programs. Six management books have been published in the USA based on MSS’s model.
For an overview of MSS projects in this field, please see Management Projects
Books | Articles | Papers
BooksThe Vital Difference – Unleashing the Powers of Sustained Corporate Success
by Fred Harmon and Garry Jacobs, Amacom Publications, NY, 1985
There is an inexhaustible potential within the organization. It is inexhaustible because the more it is drawn from, the greater it grows. The more enthusiastically it is tapped, the more it increases at its source. The more it is enjoyed, the more it expands. Those who have used this potential to unleash the powers of sustained corporate success have learned how to make a vital difference, in their lives and in the lives of their e organizations. The first qualification is to want it. The more you want it, the more you grow. The more conscious you become of it, the more it beckons you to further growth. That is the essential message of this book. For those who seek the ultimate boon of endless corporate expansion, we invite you to that great adventure and to share our glimpse of a vision of the process. For those who seek a more limited boon like doubling your profits or sales, the book presents specific strategies for achieving your goal.
The Vital Corporation – How American Businesses Large and Small Double Profits in Two Years or Less
by Garry Jacobs and Robert Macfarlane, Prentice Hall, NY, 1987
This is a book about the process of corporate growth–what makes it happen, what makes it stop, and how it can be accelerated in any company to dramatically increase revenues and profits within a very short period of time. The Vital Corporation illustrates this process with inspiring examples of companies of all sizes drawn from a wide range of industries, which have utilized the process to double or even triple their profits. The Vital Corporation also contains specific strategies for applying these principles-plus a series of detailed exercises to assist you in making the ideas in this book as real and as relevant as possible.
The Executive Odyssey: Secrets for a Career without Limits
by Frederick G. Harmon, Wiley Books, USA, 1989
In 1989, MSS Research conducted discussions with Frederick G. Harmon that led to publication of The Executive Odyssey: Secrets for a Career without Limits by Wiley Books in USA. The book examines the careers of highly successful CEOs and identifies the common factors responsible for their success.
Playing for Keeps: How the World’s Most Aggressive and Admired Companies use Core Values to Manage, Energize and Organize their People, and Promote, Advance and Achieve their Corporate Missions
by Frederick G. Harmon, Wiley Books, USA, 1996
In 1996 MSS Research conducted discussions with Frederick G. Harmon that led to publication of Playing for Keeps: How the World’s Most Aggressive and Admired Companies use Core Values to Manage, Energise and Organize their People, and Promote, Advance and Achieve their Corporate Missions by Wiley Books in USA. The book presents a step-by-step analysis of the process of value implementation by leading American corporations.
ArticlesRejuvenating Corporate Success – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘Profile’, 1986
Enduring Corporate Success – The Profile & The Process – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘A Management Centre Europe Executive Report’, 1986
Looking Beyond Profitability: Where U.S & European Cultures Meet – PDF File
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘International Management’, July 1986
Unleashing the Powers of The Living Organization – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘The International Management Development Review’, 1986
Pathway to the Top – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘Supervisory Management’, Nov 1985
Company Personality – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘Management Review’, October 1985
For the CEO whose Company isn’t Perfect Yet – PDF file
By Frederick G.Harmon & Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘The President’, Sept 1985
Chrysler’s Relevance to Indian Management – PDF file
By Garry Jacobs,
Published in ‘Indian Management’, Dec 1981
- Double Your Profits in Two Years or Less, This article was originally published in Library of Professional Coaching, December 2, 2015
- National Conference on Entrepreneurship in India, Audio, University of Madras, March 20, 2013
- Authority, May 4, 2007
- Organization Attracts the Market, April 15, 2007
- Efficiency, April 2, 2007
- Energy Conversion, March 27, 2007
- Saving Energy, Time, Money, Material, Effort, March 27, 2007
- Strategy, March 27, 2007
- Introduction to Organization, March 27, 2007
- Principles of a Living Organization, October 13, 2006
- Commentary on Good to Great by Jim Collins, April 8, 2006
- Theory and Practice of Integration in Business Management, notes for a book, April 2006
- Mind Conceives, Will Achieves, This article was originally published in | Consecration Magazine, Vol.2, Issue 3, July-Aug 2005, pg.9
- God is in the Details, This article was originally published in | Consecration Magazine, Vol.1, Issue 6, Jan-Feb 2005, pg.9
- Energizing the Organization Attracts the Market, This article was originally published in | Consecration Magazine, Vol.1, Issue 5, Nov-Dec 2004, pg.8
- Power of Values in Business, This article contains excerpts from The Vital Corporation: How American Companies Double Profits in Two Years or Less by Garry Jacobs and Robert Macfarlane, Prentice Hall, 1990
- Significant Individual, This article is based on a chapter in The Vital Difference, 1985
- Every Corporate Value can be Converted into Profit-Value